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 Crazy Bernie praises Communist Cuba (7)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Crazy Bernie praises Communist Cuba

In the 80's and 90's Crazy Bernie was much freer about what he said and he was praising the hard line Communist regime in Cuba.
In describing Fidel Castro Bernie said “he educated their kids, gave them health care, totally transformed the society.
Then Bernie praised Castro's literacy program.

Do any of you Commie / Leftist know the monthly wage of the Cuban people ?
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As far as Venezuela and Cuba, Bernie is a Hugo-huggin', Fidel-following fool. God help us if he gets elected.

1 point

Step up you Commies and tell me what you know about Communist Cuba.

Give up all the qualities of the Communist regime that you can think of.

BrontosDaddy(12) Disputed Banned
1 point

Quality of life and literacy ratings objectively went up you retarded little piece of toenail residue. Just because Cuba improved under a quasi-socialist system doesn't mean it was a perfect or even good (in general) attempt at socialism, it just means it was better than what came before. To pretend that Bernie Sanders was endorsing the Cuban government just because he acknowledged those facts is dishonest and Jewish and Nazi-like

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Literacy ratings went up. Is that what you said Brit ?

Cuba Raises Minimum Wage to $16 USD a Month

That must be from the high literacy ratings that Cubans have.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Brit you need to call up your other alt accounts but those alt accounts just further your stupidity.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Can the Cuban people afford a new car on 17 dollars a month.

BurritoLunch(6566) Disputed Banned
1 point

tell me what you know about Communist Cuba.

I know that your evil tyrant of a nation made more than two hundred attempts to murder its leader. Why don't you tell us more about that, you boring fascist twit?

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Commie types stupid and proves it's ignorance. Go get you a Baby Bottle from Mum.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Baby Bottle Socialist get to a post because your Little Gurl Leftist feelings are hurt.

1 point

Where are the Bernie Bro's are they scared to address that Bernie is a Communist.

1 point

Crazy Bernie praises Communist Cuba

Hello poochy boy:

Yeah.... Reading has NEVER been a strong suit of yours.. Look.. I'm a capitalist.. I'm an American.. I'm a patriot. And, I'm a veteran who BLOCKADED Cuba. I HATE communism.

Does that mean I should LIE about it. No, it doesn't.. Simply saying the TRUTH that Castro initiated a reading program is NOT praise.. It's not close. It's an undeniable FACT..

Now, fetch this stick.


Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Bernie Bro do like that the Cuban people earn 16 dollars a month. Dummy in your world is that a living wage. Speak up you Ignorant Socialist.