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Debate Score:190
Total Votes:305
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JakeJ(3255) pic

Did Obama Lie?

When he said that he didn't know about the NYC Air Force One photo shoot that caused panic? When he said that he found out when we did?



Side Score: 85


Side Score: 105
10 points

Is he a politician? If you answered, "Yes" then you have to expect him to lie ;)

Side: yes

It's easy to tell if Obama is lying. Just look at his mouth. If it's open, he's probably lying ;)

Side: yes
3 points

I dont know where you get your info from, but the FFA even said Obama approved it. I didnt hear Obama deny or approve it, but everyone around him says he approved it. So if he didnt know, yeah hes lieing, he approved it!

Side: yes
2 points

I saw it on Fox News. He said it was a mistake and he found out about it the same time we did. I will try to find a video of it.

Side: yes
simsoy(10) Disputed
1 point

Fox news? If you wanted people to take that seriously watch CNN or read it online from a non-biases source. Not to be mean or anything, but any biases new is not good, even if the bias is totally right or totally wrong.

Side: No
2 points

UGh. The White House approved it. That doesn't mean Obama himself did. Do you even know how our government works?

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
3 points

If something great came out of this stupid idea It would be all Obama's doing, wouldn't it? THEN it wouldn't be such a stupid idea.

Makes you wonder about all of the great things he's been getting credit for doesn't it?

Side: yes
vijay(2) Disputed
1 point

where you get your info from, but the FFA even said Obama approved it. I didnt hear Obama deny or approve it, but everyone around him says he approved it. So if he didnt know, yeah hes lieing, he approved it!

Side: No
Cerin(206) Disputed
0 points

Care to backup that assertion with some hard evidence? I dare you.

Here, I'll start first.

Supporting Evidence: Louis Caldera Says I Approved the Mission (
Side: No
0 points

Down voted instead of providing supporting evidence? I guess we know where the actual evidence points...

Side: No
2 points

i dont know what obama lied about :(

someone tell me:)

i only picked yes for wanting to know because it is postive

Side: yes
4 points

One of the two aircraft commonly known as "Air Force One," even though Air Force One is really any air force vehicle that the President is currently in, flew over New York City, without the President on it, accompanied by an Air Force fighter jet(s) in order to take a picture of the aircraft with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

Because this was not widely known about at the time (the Mayor of New York didn't even know about it), it frightened many of the civilians of New York, as they were worried about another terrorist strike that had occurred or a hijacking of this aircraft. Because of this disturbance, people got mad, and needed someone to blame for all of the people getting worked up. As Obama is the figurehead of government, he was who everyone looked to. And he says that he didn't know about it, and many people disagree.

That is what they say he is lying about.

Side: Just an explanation
2 points

Obama's a politician. Politicians lie. Thus, Obama lied.

Side: yes
1 point


This is Air Force One. There is no way he didn't know about it.

You know, this is a perfect example because if it was something good Obama would be the one person to get credit, but this happens and blame is shifting all over the place.

Even for those of you who think that it's necessary for the president to lie in certain situations, you have to realize how ridiculous this is!

Imagine how little blame confusion there would be if this was under Bush. (Not that this would happen under Bush.)

Side: yes
5 points

"Imagine how little blame confusion there would be if this was under Bush. (Not that this would happen under Bush.)"

What??? I'll let you by easy on this one since you were around 9 years old when the Bush administration started and you probably don't remember all the bullshit like oh.. 9/11 ... Iraq War... Torture... Katrina...

Yeah there was little "blame confusion" because they just avoided the blame all together. What a patently absurd thing to say. You wanna compare this to what Bush and Co. got away with? Are you mentally handicapped? Or just a very young and naive republican shill who doesn't know any better?

PS- The president has many planes like this. They are only called Air Force One when he is inside them. The google is your friend.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
4 points

You just made so many false assumptions about me that it's not even funny.

What can I expect from you though?

Let me assume some things about you tell me which ones are true and false. This will be fun.

1. You watch NBC a lot.

2. You are a fan of Kieth Olberman.

3. You hate Rush Limbaugh and know nothing about him other than what the mainstreemers tell you.

4. You hate "faux" News.

5. You like Dragon Ball Z -cheap shot I know

6. You're a nerd

7. You have watched Fahrenheit 9/11, ......-and LIKED IT! burn.

See how silly this is?! no assumptions please.

Side: yes
1 point

Obama has fulfilled many of his manifesto promises. However, the way in which has has fulfilled them has been misleading, though not untruthful.

Guantanamo is a fantastic example - Obama claimed that Guantanamo would be steadily removed and the prisoners would either be released or face a fair trial and 'normal' imprisonment. This is being fulfilled at a speed faster than previously expected. However, what was not expected, is that prisoners who were released from Guantanamo were immediately re-arrested and taken to Bagram: a lawless, trial-less prison system with lower standards and less observation of basic human rights than Guantanamo. A liar, no. Deceitful, yes.

A half-truth is as good as a lie, I'm sure.

RE: Air Force One: Obama is not a 'figure-head'. He is a president: a man appointed by the citizens of the United States of America to control the way in which their state (country) is governed. It is Obama's personal responsibility to ensure that his government behave in a respectable and informed manner: if he is ill-informed, he is doing his job in an incorrect manner.

Side: yes
1 point

It is a daily thing with the White House and the all his sidekicks

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, just like all politicians in the history of history, Mr. Obama has lied. What ever happened to bringing back the troops? When he was signing the Death-To-America Plan (Stimulus Plan) he was sending more troops over to the Middle East.

Side: yes
1 point

He's a politician. He's paid to lie for the rest of his life.

Side: yes
0 points

I find that the majority of the information or promises that come out of Obamas mouth is a bold face lie!

Side: yes
7 points

Louis Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, already accepted responsibility for the mistake.

Obama's commander-in-chief, not God-in-chief. He's not expected to be omniscient, or know exactly everything that the thousands of people working under him are doing. He was as pissed off by this as everyone else.

Side: No

Obama's statement:

"It was something we found out about along with all of you. And it will not happen again," he said.

ABC news:

"When President Obama was told about the incident, he was 'furious,' a White House official says.

Official Reason:

"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," White House Military Office director Louis Caldera said. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, its clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

The president is not responsible for his extra planes. We know who made this mistake and it wasn't even a question as to whether Obama made this happen because the president doesn't do thing like setting up photo ops for one of his planes.

Side: No
sparsely(498) Disputed
2 points

They informed emergency operators how to answer concerns.

IOW, they KNEW EXACTLY what reaction this "mission" would create. Not only that, but they cited federal law as an excuse to refuse to inform the public. They are, as a result, responsible for intentionally terrorizing the American people.

The convenience of using Caldera as a scapegoat is just that.

Side: yes
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
0 points

"The president is not responsible for his extra planes."

Yes he is. Extra? There are two identical planes that are both used. No extra.

You know how many people have to give permission to get one of those planes in the air? A lot. Including Obama. You wanna challenge that fact?

"the president doesn't do thing like setting up photo ops for one of his planes."

Yeah, just for himself.

Get over yourself, get over the hype of Barack Obama, and accept the truth.

Side: yes
p6667(66) Disputed
4 points

So, what, every airborne commercial photo-op has to go directly to the president? Get real, Jake. He has delegates to handle these responsibilities, an administration, he's human, he can't know everything at once. There have been millions of photo ops in the past.

Not only that, but this is the jurisdiction of New York, not the federal level and the only reason it is now being reprimanded at this level is because of extensive media coverage.

And hype over Barack Obama has nothing to do with this issue. That's a charged statement and you know it. Way to be unbiased.

Side: No
3 points

"You know how many people have to give permission to get one of those planes in the air? A lot. Including Obama. You wanna challenge that fact?"

You seem to have no understanding over how our government beurocracy works. No, Obama doesn't give permission for those planes to do anything when he isn't using them. The president doesn't handle small things like that. He has a staff of hundreds to delegate things like that.

"Get over yourself, get over the hype of Barack Obama, and accept the truth."

I am actually extremely critical, but in an actual sane way. The person directly responsible for the orders for this mission has apologized and further action most likely will be taken after the review that is being forced on him. This wasn't Obama's fault, get over it.

"Yeah, just for himself." (regarding photo-ops)

Yeah like Bush and Cheney's photo-ops here in the south while people I knew were still fighting for their lives in the flood waters of Katrina. You seriously wanna compare notes on bad photo-ops after the last 8 years?

Side: No
3 points

I think only faux is trying to make this into "he lied!"

Obama said that he knew about it, and said it was a mistake, and to my knowledge, never said he did not know about it.

What he did not know was that the public was not informed. And he never commented on that aspect except again to say it was a mistake,

so in conclusion.

1. Who cares, no one was hurt, it's not like he lied about WMDs.

2. Faux is just looking for something to spin.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

Fox is just reporting the facts... at least someone is. they present the issue, and the analysis provide both point of views (if it even becomes a debate).

don't see anything wrong with that. that's what News Organizations are supposed to do.

Side: iDK
Cerin(206) Disputed
5 points

Yeah, I love Fox. No where else can you get both sides of a story; the conservative view point, and the evangelical conservative view point.

Side: No
p6667(66) Disputed
2 points

Not when they present selective facts and then bring on conservative "analysts" to interpret it for their viewers just in case.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Barack said that he found out about it when we found out about it. That was after everything had happened.

Fox, not "faux".

1. "who cares" -everyone that isn't to in love with Obama to think for themselves. You people will never stop going back to bush will you? Even when precious Barack screws up. "well, well -Bush did this and that".

2. Fox News doesn't have to look very hard when the Obama administration is doing such stupid things.

Side: yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

This is a reply to both replies, I put it under yours because that's what's on the botom as of now:

1. You're right, Obama did say he found out about it when we did.

I was mistaken. Where's the proof he did not though? I haven't seen any. It seems to be generally accepted by every major media outlet outside of faux. But maybe he did... and it was all an evil plot to further his socialistic agenda.

2. It is faux, until they fire Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, and quit giving credence to the likes of Coulter (though O'Reilly did bring her to task once, and should get some credit for that) they will remain faux in my mind. Feel free to come up with some clever nickname for MSNBC if it makes you feel better about it.

case in point: they've been reporting the last two days swine flew is the fault of illegal immigrants, and insinuating it's some terrorist plot in hopes of recapturing some glimmer of the fear the far right controlled America with - when in fact it is very well documented that the virus was brought over by Catholic school girls who took a trip to Mexico... but maybe they're terrorists.

So Faux most certainly does not "simply report the news," they endlessly spin anything and everything.

3. Okay, let's pretend for a second Obama knew about this the whole time. Never mind that it makes 0 sense, is completely out of character, and there would be absolutely no point to it if he did know. Pretend you're right. You said stupid things, name one more.

4. I'll never stop saying "Bush did so and so" because as tempting as it is to just forget the whole thing, it's important to remember mistakes in order to not repeat them.

Side: No
3 points

Who gives a shit? This is a stupid thing to be arguing about.

A mistake was made. Obama has taken responsibility and assured us it will not happen again.

Stop pointing fingers. We have more important things to worry about.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

Wow,'s just so weird to hear a liberal say that. Good for you. I'm so proud. (=

Side: yes
3 points

I love it how when Bush leads us into war on faulty pretences, and thousands of troops die, you don't even hear a peep from the right. But when someone in Obama's administration approves a senseless photo op, then all of a sudden they're out for blood.

Side: No
1 point

As a president of US, it is unlikely that he lie.

I could see some progress in the us since obama took over.

Side: iDK
1 point

Why would obama lie? As a leader, he want to see progress in his own country.

If he lie, many would hate him and US will be going down..

Side: No
1 point

Is there proof that obama lie??? If yes, in what aspect would he want to lie? Would he lie to grab a high position.. It cannot be as he was already the president.

Side: No
1 point

no, so far, look at what he said and what hes done. He's doing healthcare. He hasn't made nazist camps and hes being a good president. All thoses protesters, they have no right to be saying those things, even under bush or nixion nothing like that was said but now a good president comes along for a change and people are like, "hes the anti-chist!" personly, the people who dont want health care are the health care companys and they are doing this whole thing to stay rich.

Side: No

President Barack Obama was telling the truth about this incident.

Side: No