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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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atypican(4873) pic

Do certain races have more right to certain regions of earth?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 1
1 point

No race has any right to anything. Individuals have more right to the region of earth composing their real estate than other individuals.

Side: No
1 point

Obviously not, however, those already living there do have more of a right to the land than those coming from other areas.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think so, I don't see why anyone should have the right to certain regions of earth, we're all just visitors aren't we? What does it really mean to have a right to something anyway, other than in a legal sense? Do you have to own something, can you really own something outside of yourself, not in a legal sense? Do you even own yourself?

Side: No
2 points

I don't think so, I don't see why anyone should have the right to certain regions of earth, we're all just visitors aren't we? What does it really mean to have a right to something anyway, other than in a legal sense?

I think you raised a really interesting point here. Property rights form the fundamental basis for our legal system. Claiming you own something which will outlive you has always seemed a touch silly to me, but the notion of intellectual property rights in particular is just completely alien to my thinking. You can't restrain an idea. Once it is out there then it is going to spread whether you like it or not. The only sense that it is possible to "own" information is by being the only person who knows about it.

Side: No
1 point

nope. the land is earth's not ours. we're just temporary visitors, and we're disrespectful visitors at that. what with polluting the air and killing everything ya know

Side: No

We got blacks, Asians, Whites, Arabs, Natives and midgets from some kind of mutant frog fish back during the Cambrian...

Side: No
0 points

Hello a:

If you look at the earth, part of it is white.. God made that for white people..


Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

For the most part, the Earth is blue.


Side: No
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello again, A:

Ok. Then that's where the blue people go. But, the WHITE people belong in the WHITE places..


Side: No
1 point

Looks like the non white people are convinced God made no place for white people. But they'll gladly reap the financial bounty from the White man's progression.

Side: No
WinstonC(1225) Disputed
1 point

"If you look at the earth, part of it is white.. God made that for white people."

I'm not sure you realize how racist this statement comes across as.

Side: No