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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:16
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 No (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Do you support or reject cell phone jamming in prisons?

"An individual who was a murderer while he’s in the state penitently used smuggled cell phones to direct other to distribute methamphetamine for him across all of northeastern Oklahoma. He’s running a meth ring with his cell phone inside the prison,” said Senator Lankford.

Technology exists to jam cellphone signals in prisons, but Federal law doesn’t allow it. Instead, Lankford says, the FCC just conducts study after study."


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 4
1 point

I support open rape of inmates by wardens.

Side: Yes
1 point

Such devices in the hands of criminals could, and probably would be used to organise and/or assist in numerous acts of criminality such as drug smuggling, jail breaks, rioting and acts of violence against wardens or other inmates.

The law breaking filth should lose all their rights while serving time for their offenses against society.

Side: Yes
0 points

It's probably those $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bats.


Side: Yes
2 points

Jamming would be expensive and potentially hazardous to inmates’ health. They should line the walls with non-transmitting frequency disrupting materials. High initial investment, but essentially no additional costs.

Side: No
0 points

I have nothing but support for you

I have nothing but support for you

I have nothing but support for you

Please leave and never come back

Go buy the IKEA

Please buy the IKEA

Side: No
1 point

I have nothing but support for you

I have nothing but support for you

I have nothing but support for you

Please leave and never come back

Go buy the IKEA

Please buy the IKEA

If you can't beat em join em, eh Nom? 😉

Side: Yes
0 points

Do you support or reject cell phone jamming in prisons?

Hello :

I dunno. Maybe they should try searching better.. Cell phones are small, but not THAT small.


Side: No
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

They have problems with people smuggling them through the fence and over the wall. Outsiders help insiders.

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

An individual who was a murderer while he’s in the state penitently used smuggled cell phones to direct other to distribute methamphetamine for him across all of northeastern Oklahoma.........

...They have problems with people smuggling them through the fence and over the wall. Outsiders help insiders.

Hello again, A:

That AN inmate can KEEP a contraband cell phone for ANY length of time is, all by itself, EVIDENCE of a FAILED security system.. Unarguably, better security would prevent it.

Rather than dealing with the problem AFTER the fact, I'm for preventing it from ever becoming a problem in the first place.. If I ran the joint, I'd NEVER give in to the population.. Once you do, you've LOST the prison..

OR, they could just provide pre-programed cell phones that'll only call approved numbers and is monitored by staff..

Will that stop the bullshit? Nahh.. Convicts have NOTHING better to do than to figure out a way to beat the system.


Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID i will say you are not that SMART but you can BLAME the PARTY !!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes