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 Do you want Government telling African American private businesses to cater KKK meetings? (112)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Do you want Government telling African American private businesses to cater KKK meetings?

If you do, you are as mind blowing radical as those who want Government forcing Christians to cater Gay weddings. How is it any different? KKK racism is something any decent parent(Black or White) would want to keep away from their kids who help with the family business. For Christian families, the Scriptures tells parents to keep their children from the sins of the world. Homosexuality would be one of those sins as described in the Bible, and is why a Christian owned business would not want it exposed to their children. This is not rocket science but as always, the double standards in the hypocritical world of Liberals is amazing.

No person should be banned from a restaurant unless they were pushing their KKK beliefs, or Homosexual beliefs, or religious beliefs, or any other belief onto that private business. There is no way to know a KKK member or Gay person when they walk into a store. This entire issue has been blown out of proportion by radical Left wing Gay activists and Liberals trying as always to force all Americans to bow to the Left's political correctness and ideology. Mind control!

Just once I woud love to see a Liberal with the common sense to support the freedoms of Americans to disagree and the freedom to run their family business as they see fit. LIBERALS.... GET OUT OF OUR LIVES! Let the free market work and if a business is truly racists, or bigots, or whatever, DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCT!

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2 points

No person should be banned from a restaurant unless they were pushing their KKK beliefs, or Homosexual beliefs, or religious beliefs, or any other belief onto that private business.

Finally, you have said something smart. Although, it goes against everything else you have said. The homosexuals in all of these examples were nor pushing their beliefs on anyone. You are defending Christians you think are wrong.

Liberals would be fine with your statement. In fact, I don't think they would side with a gay man who was disrupting a business and got thrown out. Why are you defending a law that makes it ok to refuse service to someone before they are a nuisance?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are misrepresenting that law. It's not about people coming into a restaurant to sit down and eat, it's about groups of people such as the KKK or Gay wedding receptions, or a pornography convention etc. that represents something that goes against that business owner's or Pizza maker's faith. He did not want to cater some function that his scripture tells him to stay away from.

Can you grasp the difference?

Gee according to you I've finally said something smart. I guess I can move on to the next debate site now.

1 point

it's about groups of people such as the KKK or Gay wedding receptions, or a pornography convention etc.

If the law is protecting people from having to travel to certain places that's fine. Somehow, I don't think that is what the law is though.

He did not want to cater some function that his scripture tells him to stay away from.

Catering involves going outside of your place of business. If you don't want to you don't have to. I don't see any problem if the law says that.

Can you grasp the difference?

Yes, unfortunately with your track record I can't take your word for it.

Gee according to you I've finally said something smart. I guess I can move on to the next debate site now.

Can you believe how long it took you?

2 points

I believe most people place discrimination of persons based on attributes they are born with in a different category than discrimination of persons for being assholes. You choose to be a KKK member, you are born gay.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It matters NOT why the private business does not want to cater an event. IT IS HIS RIGHT TO CATER WHO HE CHOOSES!

The KKK chooses to be bigots and hate Blacks.

Christians believe Gay's choose to have sex with the same sex.

It matters not if a person chooses what they do or believe, or if a person tells us he was born that way.

This issue is all about freedom of a people to run their lives, their family and their businesses as they choose. It makes no difference why they choose to not cater certain events, it is their right to disagree.

What if they are tired and taking a break for awhile and do not want to cater events. WHO CARES THE REASON, IT'S THEIR RIGHT!

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
1 point

The Supreme Court seemed to rule against your arguments in Newman v Piggie Park Enterprises, so where in the Constitution do you believe this right comes from?

It matters not if a person chooses what they do or believe, or if a person tells us he was born that way.

Even if you want to refuse to recognize the permanency of one's sexual orientation, it is still an inherent characteristic, which differentiates it from political and religious beliefs.

This debate is 1 part strawman and 1 part slippery slope, both ultimately fallacious.

A legal precedent establishing sexual orientation as a protected class would require businesses to lend further consideration to the LBTQ crowd, but would not require anything of businesses insofar as membership within a secular organization is concerned.

Treating membership within an arbitrary secular organization as a protected class is another thing entirely, and it's ridiculous to suggest the two are one and the same.

1 point

You just made my awesome list. .

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Do you EVER see the ludicrous hoops you run through to try and somehow twist obvious common sense freedoms to not apply to groups that you dislike? HYPOCRITE! A Gay business has the same right as others to not cater a Christian event if they so choose. It's called FREEDOM to disagree in this nation and it's called religious freedoms! The Left ALWAYS distorts common sense truth to create their prejudiced twisted political correct control fanaticism.

First of all, the KKK would never be consumers of a business run by African Americans. Second of all, being a KKK member is a choice, whereas being gay or being black is not, so prejudice against one does not equal prejudice against the other. But beyond that, honestly, yeah I would want the business to cater. A business is designed to make money. A business does not have religious beliefs. A business needs to serve its clients. And as far as exposing children to something, they are going to be exposed. I'd much rather have a genuine opportunity to sit down with them and discuss the situation. "Billy, our restaurant was hired to serve this KKK convention. We're going to do it because they are paying customers who have asked us to feed them, and have not caused any problem at this point. We don't agree with their beliefs, because being black is how someone is born, and in no way an indication of their intelligence or worth. However, if they do insult us directly or cause a problem, then we are going to have to cancel our contract with them for safety reasons. Now, you normally help serve these events, but I understand if you personally would prefer for someone to take your place." Boom, done. You've shown compassion to people who disagree with you, you've taken the opportunity to have some intelligent discourse on the topic, and you've moved on with your life. In doing so, you may very well show a KKK member that black people aren't as bad as he thought. Where the hell is the problem - just serve the clients!

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You said "A business does not have religious beliefs"

WHAT PLANET do you live on?

Our businesses are created by human flesh, by people with their own beliefs, religious or otherwise. That private family owned business is indeed part of their faith and is run as they see fit.

Any person that deny's them their freedom to disagree or their freedom to follow their faith IS A DANGEROUS MORON!

A business is an organization designed to engage in the purchasing and selling of goods or services in order to make a profit. A business is not a living thing. The purpose of a business is to make a profit. While it may be created by people, it is not a person. And frankly, if you are more determined to judge others under the guise of a business, you shouldn't be running one. I'm not denying anyone the freedom to follow their faith - I'm saying a business does not have a faith. You want to run something with religious beliefs, found a damn church. I have plenty of beliefs of my own, however my business does not and when I'm working, I don't deny clients with a different belief system because I disagree. Welcome to the real world.

2 points

Ummm I think the KKK would burn down an African American business...Its the KKK hating Blacks not Blacks hating KKK.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

THAT'S THE POINT....sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

It's amazing how many people seem to be missing the entire point.

Yes, the KKK hates Black people and is why it would be pathetic to force an African American family business to cater a KKK event.

These laws that would force Christian family businesses to cater things that go against their faith would also force Blacks to cater KKK events if the KKK wanted them to.

If that analogy is too hard to grasp, then how about a pro life family forced to cater a Pro abortion rally or dinner to raise money for Pro Abortion agendas.

What are you missing here? We are talking about our family's freedoms and right's to disagree and cater whoever they want. There will always be the vast majority of businesses who have no convictions against different groups and will gladly take the money. These groups will never have a hard time finding a caterer.

If your argument is that the KKK would not want a Black business to cater their event, the same could be said for a Gay wedding reception where they might not want a Christian family business to cater their reception if the family believed Homosexuality is a perversion, as the New Testament says.

I as a white Christian parent would never want my children helping at a KKK event because the Scriptures teaches parents to keep their children from the sins of the world. Hate and bigotry is a sin as is Homosexuality according to our faith. If I owned a family business I have the right to decide for myself what I deem bad for my children and no corrupt arrogant controlling Liberal Government should ever have the power to tell me otherwise. Liberals are truly at war with our religious freedoms. It is very scary!

They have decided in all their arrogance that Christians have no right to stand by their faith when running a private business. You are truly scary people and so totally stupid not to see it could come back on you someday when the powers of Government turn against you.

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
1 point

" If I owned a family business I have the right to decide for myself what I deem bad for my children and no corrupt arrogant controlling Liberal Government should ever have the power to tell me otherwise. Liberals are truly at war with our religious freedoms. It is very scary!"

You have not indicated how this issue has anything to do with either religious freedom, or your children.

"They have decided in all their arrogance that Christians have no right to stand by their faith when running a private business. You are truly scary people and so totally stupid not to see it could come back on you someday when the powers of Government turn against you."

Except it has nothing to do with Christians. These laws apply to people of all religions.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

This entire issue has EVERYTHING To do with religious freedom and exposing our children in a family owned business to things we might object to. I realize Liberals are arrogant enough to judge Christians and tell them how they should raise their family. People on the left absolutely hate the fact that Christianity calls homosexuality a sin. This is the main reason in my humble opinion why the media, Hollywood, sitcoms, etc. constantly judge Christians as homophobes and will constantly ridicule them. If someone else dares to express his opinions on Homosexuality, they are ostracized from society as hatemongers and fools and run out of business.

Do you see the total knee jerk hatred from people against a business that dares take a stand for his personal religious beliefs? There is no tolerance for opposing views. No open mindedness for diverse opinion. But when it comes to fringe groups such as Gays, their opinions and diversity are the only thing that matters in this politically correct dictatorship.

1 point

The key to this debate is the word cater. Should a catering business be allowed to make judgement calls on the jobs they take? If the caterer doesn't feel comfortable in the environment they would do their job in can they decline? With catering you have to go outside your business. Is it ok for a caterer to draw a line in the sand and say there are places they wouldn't go? Can they use any reason?

flewk(1193) Banned
1 point

All businesses have the right to refuse services.

That is what is great about limited capitalism. If a company decides to refuse services and hurts its public image, the market will crush it. Crafty competitors could focus their marketing towards the opposite view in order to boost their image. If the refusal of service generates positive publicity or more sales, then that should be allowed in a capitalistic society.

Of course, this is all dictated by that society's general moral standards.

Cartman(18192) Disputed Banned
2 points

All businesses have the right to refuse services.

So, if a black guy walks in to my establishment can I tell him I don't serve his people? This right you speak of doesn't actually exist.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Can you read? I said no one should be refused from a restaurant unless pushing things offensive to others. Skin color is not pushing anything. I totally agree with laws protecting all people's right's to eat in a restaurant unless they are doing things such as making out(straight or Gay), disorderly, pushing an agenda or lifestyle that offends the business owner. Skin color is not an agenda or lifestyle and is not considered a sin by any religion I know of. We are not talking people walking into restaurants, we re talking about conventions and receptions that are all about that group's agenda or a particular event based on things which are considered sins in many religions. No business should ever be forced to cater these events.

flewk(1193) Disputed Banned
1 point

You are talking about a protected group under the Federal Civil Rights Act. It would be illegal to deny them service. The KKK is not a protected group and therefore does not fall under its protection. Of course, the private business could come up with some "business" reason for refusal of service. Previous rulings vary greatly on what is considered business.

Example: A bar refused service to some bikers for refusing to remove clothing that exhibited their club sign claiming the signs would incite fights between different clubs. This was ruled as non-discriminatory.

The African American business could claim the KKK patrons would cause a fight and therefore refuse service. The ultimate decision would be up to the courts. The same logic applies to any non-specified group under the Civil Rights Act or any state legislation.

So yes. Every business has the right to refuse service as defined by the Federal Civil Rights Act.

A person with some common sense. So rare on this site.........................................

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

No they don't. Discrimination is not a right. .

flewk(1193) Disputed Banned
1 point

Discrimination is not a right. Refusal of service is a right. You cannot refuse service based on discriminatory reasons. As long as a judge agrees with your reason for refusal, it is fine.

At least until they change the laws.

daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

Well not really according to the supreme court

flewk(1193) Clarified Banned
1 point

What are you talking about?

Need to include more information. Not sure what your point is.

1 point

Christian bakers should have the right not to make a cake for a Jewish wedding. If you have no problem with that argument then there is nothing that will help you.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Christians are the biggest supporters of the Jewish state and their freedoms. Being Jewish is not a sin in the Christian faith. If it were, I would support the right of a Christian business to not cater that event.

We are talking about religious freedoms and our rights to practice our faith as the scriptures tell us to, unless of course it psychically harms others.

Cartman(18192) Disputed Banned
1 point

Being Jewish is not a sin in the Christian faith.

Dude, you can no longer talk about Christianity. You have fully discredited yourself. Not believing Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior is the number 1 sin in Christianity. It wipes out all other sins.

1 point

You're not comparing like with like. As I understand it, the KKK is an illegal organisation, whereas the colour of someone's skin or ethnic background does not constitute a crime. Maybe I'm wrong about the legal status of the KKK.

1 point

The KKK is actually a legal organization. They perform illegal acts, but the overall organization is allowed to exist. The individual criminals are prosecuted.

1 point

Okay, thanks for the information. I'm surprised that any such an outfit with a history of violent criminality has not been declared a proscribed organization. But at least I've learnt something tonight. That then changes the thrust of my counter argument and vindicates the the point of the debate's creator. We're having similar litigation here in Northern Ireland where the ''Equality Commission'' have just finished suing a Christian owned bakery for refusing to decorate a wedding cake with a message celebrating the union of the two gays. If the court finds in favour of the ''Equality Commission''/ the gays then we can expect a torrent of requests for Muslim printing firms to complete orders for cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. Watch this space.

1 point

I'm surprised that any such outfit with a history of violent criminality has not been declared a proscribed organization.

We don't do that here.

We're having similar litigation here in Northern Ireland where the ''Equality Commission'' have just finished suing a Christian owned bakery for refusing to decorate a wedding cake with a message celebrating the union of the two gays.

I don't think that will be protected here with these laws. I think they would be forced to make that cake here as well.

If the court finds in favour of the ''Equality Commission''/ the gays then we can expect a torrent of requests for Muslim printing firms to complete orders for cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. Watch this space.

That is a weird situation. It may be hard to do though, finding a Muslim printer that is.

1 point

The KKK is a terrorist group. Congratulations on defending them. .

1 point

False, he was arguing for the rights of blacks to discriminate against a terrorist organization. You on the other hand are on the side of a black family having to sell to the KKK because you don't believe discrimination is a right.

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

You are wrong. He said that all businesses have the right to refuse service. I know what I read. You are using tyhe dispute button to troll people.

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
1 point

Congratulations on defending them. .

Can you explain how he has defended them here?

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

You need to debate the facts. This whole post is about defending the KKK and the alleged right of conservative business owners to discriminate.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Congratulations for being a fool and TOTALLY ignoring the point AS USUAL!

Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Ad homenim fallacy. Can you debate the facts or is that too difficult? .

Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
0 points

He wasnt saying that. You cant even understand a basic text. God damn your mind is fucked. No wonder you advocate rape and nude images of children.

These Left wing people who deny the truth of this argument only prove over and over what control fanatics the Left has become. Only those who fit in the Left wing clique are deserving of rights. People of faith or others who do not fit into their little clique or sorority are demonized. They get no inclusion, they get no acceptance for their diversity. Their opinions re not allowed.

EITHER YOU CONFORM to the new age Liberal collective, or you are taken to court. Liberals in all their arrogance are the new politically correct thought police.

IAmSparticus(1516) Disputed Banned
2 points

Only those who fit in the Left wing clique are deserving of rights.

How so? These laws apply to everyone. If someone wanted to refuse service to Conservatives, they would be legally prevented from doing so.

People of faith or others who do not fit into their little clique or sorority are demonized.

The only people who are being demonized are those who are trying to refuse service. Christians who are not trying to refuse service, which would be the overwhelming majority, are not being demonized.

They get no inclusion, they get no acceptance for their diversity. Their opinions re not allowed.

Nobody has excluded them, or denied them their opinions. They have simply said that their opinions are not sufficient grounds to refuse service to individuals of the public when you run a publicly accommodating business.

EITHER YOU CONFORM to the new age Liberal collective, or you are taken to court.

No, you either conform to the law, or are taken to court. Nothing new there, really.

Liberals in all their arrogance are the new politically correct thought police.

Political correctness really does have two forms in this country: Liberal and Conservative. Liberal thought police makes everything seem racist, or sexist, and Conservative thought police makes everything seem anti-christian or anti-American.

You are sounding the fool! Tell us what rights are being denied? Are you going to tell me that because some person wants to throw a reception or event or meeting, he has the RIGHT to force others to cater his event? GET REAL!

If i want to throw a party to celebrate some event, do you actually think I have a right to force some business to cater it? You act like I have a right to throw a party and force others to help me do it. We are not talking about the right of life. Oh wait a minute, Liberals don't believe in the right of life but they are so outraged if some people can't force others to cater their event. Talk about insanity!

Why not just admit the simple facts of why Liberals are so outraged over these types of things. YOU ARE FIXATED ON PUSHING THE GAY AGENDAS!

Then you must ask yourself why you are so fixated. The only possible answer to why Gays get your special treatment is because it's an issue that goes against the Christian faith. You are truly bigots who want to separate any mention of our Christian heritage in public, because you want no competition when it comes to what is taught to our children. You want Government to play God and indoctrinate a nation to your political correctness. Just be honest once in your life.

Cartman(18192) Disputed Banned
1 point

You are sounding the fool! Tell us what rights are being denied? Are you going to tell me that because some person wants to throw a reception or event or meeting, he has the RIGHT to force others to cater his event? GET REAL!

When a Republican says "I don't want to do my job" it is religious freedom. When a Democrat says that they are a freeloader. Make up your mind.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

How about addressing the statement rather than spin some irrelevant thing about Republicans.

See related debate here

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I'm fine with this debate....................................................................................

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

Awww, your astute contributions will be sooo. missed...

It amazes me the people who can't get a simple point. I am saying that when arrogant control fanatic Liberals and Gay activists want Government to force a Christian family owned business to cater things that go against their faith, you must force all private businesses to cater things they oppose. I am using the analogy that African American owned businesses would be forced to cater KKK meetings under these radical extremist controlling laws.

Is that the world you want to live in where a corrupt Government forces it's people to do things that go against their faith, or their humanity ,etc.

Imagine if a pro life family business was forced to cater a pro abortion get together. Can you grasp this point that is so obvious.

This is how brainwashed Americans have become by the Liberal media. They listen to these liars misquote and mislead the facts of the story to make you think it is so terrible.

After reading what I have said, do you see what is actually going on here? Our freedoms to disagree or stand up for our beliefs are at stake. This includes all Americans! Not just Christian freedoms.

1 point

I want to live in a world where you can man up and do your job. "I need the right to not work" sounds anti capitalist.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You need the right to be banned for even suggesting that families should be forced to cater anything they disagree with or going against their faith.

The type of person that would dare suggest such a thing is a waste of my time.

It's amazing how many people seem to be missing the entire point.

Yes, the KKK hates Black people and is why it would be pathetic to force an African American family business to cater a KKK event.

These laws that would force Christian family businesses to cater things that go against their faith would also force Blacks to cater KKK events if the KKK wanted them to.

If that analogy is too hard to grasp, then how about a pro life family forced to cater a Pro abortion rally or dinner to raise money for Pro Abortion agendas.

What are you missing here? We are talking about our family's freedoms and right's to disagree and cater whoever they want. There will always be the vast majority of businesses who have no convictions against different groups and will gladly take the money. These groups will never have a hard time finding a caterer.

If your argument is that the KKK would not want a Black business to cater their event, the same could be said for a Gay wedding reception where they might not want a Christian family business to cater their reception if the family believed Homosexuality is a perversion, as the New Testament says.