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 Does Fiora like it rough, or is she into a more sensual experience? Perhaps a bit of both? (3)

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LordofFacts(163) pic

Does Fiora like it rough, or is she into a more sensual experience? Perhaps a bit of both?

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Jerking off to video game characters, eh nom? That's about as sad and sick as it gets.

Hey look. And an article.

"If you’ve ever found an animated character attractive, you might have something seriously wrong with you"

And looky here. It even has a name in psychology.


A paraphilia is a sexual problems where the sexual arousal is in response to objects or stimuli not associated with normal sexual behavior patterns and that may interfere with the establishment of normal sexual relationships.

The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the prevailing resource for diagnostic criteria of paraphilias, describes the essential feature of paraphilias as recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving nonhuman objects, the suffering or humiliation of oneself or partner, or children or other non consenting persons. problemspyschologist/psychologistparaphiliaslist.htm

2 points

Jerking off to video game characters, eh nom?

He's FactMachine. I'm Nom.

Might I politely suggest you shut your astonishingly stupid mouth in order to subdue the ejaculation of the steady stream of shit which regularly flows through it? Thanks buddy.

BrontoLite(759) Disputed
1 point

Factmachine is Nom. You are Nom. You have two puppets. It's like magic...