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Own career Your employee (organization)
Debate Score:18
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 Own career (17)
 Your employee (organization) (1)

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margretmoree(27) pic

Does branding yourself add value to your own career or to the organization you work for?



Personal Branding is an up an coming item on the list of HR managers, employees and graduate students. It is a marketing strategy for an individual, anything can be a brand so can they. With the help of Personal Branding you can create a clear (online) image of yourself and market this to get known.

When people create a personal brand it adds value to them. But when an individual creates a personal brand when working for a company it creates value for the company (e.g. trustworthiness). The problem is that an individual can lose that added value when it decides to leave for another company. So is it necessary to make a personal brand then?

Own career

Side Score: 17

Your employee (organization)

Side Score: 1
1 point

Of course who you work for matters, but branding yourself can be done while excluding the company you work for. I don't think, even if you use the company you work as part of your branding, it will bring negativity in case of changing work place. There is a way to handle it and turn it into a plus, in case the company you leave is a big part of your personal branding strategy.

Side: Own career
1 point

I agree with this. You can brand yourself with the company you work for as a part of it, but I think it's more important to emphasise the skills you learned there and the kind of projects you did for this company, without involving the company too much. If it's a well-known company it can even be good for your reputation since it means your work experience must be quite good, and it doesn't matter if you leave the company then because you take the skills with you.

Side: Own career
1 point

I also agree with this, since it also says "personal". Its about yourself mainly. It feels like it is like collecting "values". if you change a job, you not gonna loose values but rather get more in your new job opportunity.

Side: Own career
1 point

I strongly believe in personal branding as it really does create trustworthiness between the candidate and the possible "future" employer. It is also a great tool to sell your good points and share how you want to improve on the less advanced points.

Side: Own career
1 point

I agree with this point, personal branding can greatly benefit you when used correctly. It's always good to sell your best points or otherwise why would they hire you and one of the other 10 waiting applicators. Therefore knowing your own strong assets can benifit your own carreer but also the organization, as a company with strong employees becomes a strong company itself.

Side: Own career
1 point

I think the added value is mainly to the person's own career. When branding yourself you first of all get the advantage of knowing and advertising your own strengths and this knowledge and confidence makes you, in my opinion, likely to have a good career. However, companies can too benefit from this, professional and successful employees who are able to brand themselves bring new "flavors" to the company mix.

Side: Own career
1 point

I strongly believe that you, yourself, is at the core of everything and thus should not sacrifice your own personal value for a company. I really think that when we are branding ourselves we do it for ourselves simply because we should know what it's good for us and what we want from life.

It is difficult however to differentiate this personal branding and therefore some people may add value to the organisation without even knowing it. But one should be careful with that because organisations may take advantage of it.

Side: Own career
1 point

I personally believe that branding yourself is something you indeed do for you own career rather than the organization you work for. The values you promote are not lost upon changing jobs, and are very personal. If you want to do branding for the organization then you might have to use different approaches and / or values compared to your own.

Side: Own career

This is such an interesting topic. I really had to think about it for a few minutes and I'm still not a 100% convinced on the value of self-branding in an "official" sense. Everything we do online becomes a part of our brand- be it your professional comment on your company's profile or a really bad joke on your friend's photo. So no matter what, you are branding yourself on a daily basis, it just won't show up on your professional portfolio (or, so you think).

If we're strictly talking about self-branding for yourself vs self-branding for an organization, I 100% believe it should add value to yourself. Even IF you self-brand in the eyes of the organization you work for, it will follow you to every job you decide to do. So just being aware of how wide your scope can go, is enough to make a choice on which self-branding you choose to do.

Side: Own career
1 point

I think you are branding yourself during your whole career, every experiences that is mentioned on your C.V. is part of personal branding. It sets you apart from others. Companies look for potential employees who fit within the company (its team, its vision and mission etc.) In my opinion, personal branding adds value to the organisaiton you work for, but that only remains in the time that you are working there, but personal branding adds value to your own career for your whole (working) life, which I think is much more important, since nowadays most individuals are 'jobhopping'

Side: Own career
1 point

Yeah, I think it's a good way too sell yourself. Will help the employer make a choice.

Side: Own career
1 point

Personal branding is important for your future employer and career but why can't it add value to both? An employer could hire you also based on references from your old company, besides your qualities (gained through education or innate)

Side: Own career
1 point

I think branding yourself adds more value to your own career. You can use online and offline resources to form the desired image you want to communicate to your business. Of course it also adds value to the organization but i think this is more situational cause if you leave the company there is another company that would be more interested in you cause you already had your personal branding strategy, which will help yourself develop yourself on a professional level.

Side: Own career
1 point

I agree with this one! I strongly believe that the added value is mainly to the individual his/her career. They get the advantages and the right and useful knowledge. I think that companies can have/receive the benefits from this, because this employees can give added values to the organization.

Side: Own career

I personally think that branding yourself will help the most during the hiring process when applying for a position at a company. After that the idea is that you represent the company. But I think the real problem could be if you do brilliant work in branding yourself to get a job, but you cannot "exceed expectations" later on. In the end self-branding is the way to make yourself stand out from the crowd of other job applicants.

Side: Own career

There is nothing wrong with tooting' your own horn, so, I am an advocate of personal branding.

Side: Own career
1 point

Indeed, and this gives you confidence on letting the people of your great professions of your fields of interest. When you shown them the best of you, your skills, your purpose and expertise, then your professions could be tagged as your identity and brand of you are which this is more great and earns popularity and be advance to whatever career that you may have.


Lucas of

Side: Own career
1 point

In my work experience I've seen that the representatives of the organisation, such as sales managers (for contact with prospects), account managers (for contact with customers) and HR managers (for contact with employees) really influence the image people of an organisation. Losing one of those people could break the organisation. Therefore personal branding would contribute to the organisations profits. But, it would definitely also be an advantage for yourself, so in my opinion it is not an either or situation.

Side: Your employee (organization)