
Debate Info

True, excon, TRUE Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:60
Total Votes:75
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 True, excon, TRUE (18)
 Trump can do no wrong (25)

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excon(18261) pic

Everybody who likes Trump isn't a Nazi, but everybody who's a Nazi sure does.

True, excon, TRUE

Side Score: 21

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 39
0 points

Ever since the civil rights movement the white supremacists have been appropriately marginalized. The Trump mistake is the first time they had any chance to break out. But both they and Trump misplayed it. They have awakened the silent majority who think Nazis are fvcking Nazis. Society is realigning and correcting. It will take some time but here we go.

Side: True, excon, TRUE
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
3 points

You are a fool to blame a Party for what certain groups do. MINDLESS FOOL!

I wonder when your PC society will realign and correct the barbarism of killing viable late term special needs babies.

Do people like you who support it ever correct yourself and refuse to vote for those who support it? NAH! PHONEY!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Wait, wait! Look at this quote. "You are a fool to blame a party for what certain groups do." OK. Then you're a fool. Because you have freakin screamed almost every debate on this site that anyone who votes Democrat ever for any reason anywhere is all in supporting unlimited late term abortions based on, wait for it, what a small number of states (who have their own state rights to decide their laws) have decided. Less than a third of states lack a law you think they must have so you smear every single Democrat (or non conservative non Republican) with that bullsh!t accusation.

Hang your head in shame, hypocrite. You just said the ONLY debate card you ever play is the play a fool makes.

Side: True, excon, TRUE
1 point

1)You're selling us a made up leftist fairytale.

2)If what you said had any shred of truth, the Germans thought Nazis were Nazis, and guess what. If there is a giant Nazi conspiracy and millions of Nazis in the U.S., the left couldn't stop it with baseball bats and communist flags, BLM, or ANTIFA...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Boy from Boston where were all the Nazis at when Obama was POTUS ? Where were all the White Supremacist and Nazis rallies ????????

Side: True, excon, TRUE
-3 points
1 point

The Quran says that anyone that isn't Muslim is to be killed. Want to do a debate about the commands in the Quran?

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

And the Bible says that non believers deserve to suffer enternally. Thankfully most Christians and most Muslims don't follow those parts

Side: True, excon, TRUE

Is that right Con? And could you show us exactly how many Nazis there are? I can tell you how many ANTIFA's there are, 6 million, and they openly profess to be Communists.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
3 points

The most damage done to America was by the extreme leftist President Barack Obama.

His Marxist policies divided the nation and sidelined those hard working taxpayers who generate the tax revenue with which to pay for the free handouts to America's parasitic workshy low-lives.

The Marxist communists have still not accepted that they have lost their puppet Democrat government and are spitefully wreaking havoc throughout the nation by every means possible.

Communist suppression of the principles contained in the 1st amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America is becoming widespread and must be stamped out within the parameters of the law.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

The most damage done to America was by the extreme leftist President Barack Obama.

Extreme leftist? Obama is a liberal capitalist you buffoon. Liberal capitalism is not on the extreme left.

I smell yet another bronto sock account.

Side: True, excon, TRUE
Cocopops(347) Disputed
1 point

The only thing you smell is the shit in your unwashed knickers.

Obama's declared political stance didn't fit with his leftist policies nor his thinly veiled pro communist agenda.

It's dirt balls like you who cannot offer a reasoned debate due to their irrational obsession with the number of alter egos of other members.

You are a pitiful loser with a head full of mad dog's shit which undoubtedly helps to mask the stench of the shit festering in your little frilly pink knickers.

I can't speak for Bronto, but your crazed suggestion that Bronto and I are one of the same is truly hilarious.

I suppose even a scumbag like you can be amusing on occasions.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
3 points

Everybody who likes Trump isn't a Nazi, but everybody who's a Nazi sure does.

Except that the leader of the unite the rite rally voted for Obama, and Robert Byrd was a rabid Democrat.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
2 points

You can use that same argument with the inhuman No Restriction abortion supporters who vote for the Democrat party. The sad part of this is that most people who vote for Democrats knowingly support No Restriction abortions.

There are always evil groups who will vote for one Party or the other based on other issues they agree on.

The mindless comparison to white supremace groups, nazi's, facists who might vote for Republicans, and claim that Republicans think the same, IS LUDICROUS!

There are anti gun groups, who want to ban all guns, who vote for Democrats. Do you want to ban all guns?

Please educate yourself before calling Trump supporters as deplorable and irredeemable as Hillary did.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Hmmm... last i checked, the Germans weren't too delighted by Trump. Angela Merkel's Hitler Stache is showing...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

LMMFAO Super Stupid has been at the Trough Of Propaganda for way to long. Super Stupid can you quote the number of Nazis that are in America ??????????

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

ROTFFLMMFAO it's no longer the Russians or the North Koreans it is now the Nazis and the White Supremacist that are a threat to the Leftist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SUPER STUPID what ghost are you Leftist going to chase next ? CNN or MSLSD will let you know LMAO

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

"Everybody who's a Nazi sure does"

This is false. Among all the Nazis in existence there is bound to be one, simply by chance, who doesn't like Trump. This is especially true after his recent condemnations. Though, the same case could be made for Clinton and black supremacists, if we really want to go down this road of guilt by degrees of association.

Guilt by association is a fallacy and doesn't constitute an argument.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

This is false. Among all the Nazis in existence there is bound to be one, simply by chance, who doesn't like Trump.

No it isn't. He provided a general statement, not an immutable law of physics. If I say bees can fly then that isn't a false statement simply because occasionally some are born with defects which stop them from flying. It is often the exception which proves the rule, as the saying goes.

Side: True, excon, TRUE
WinstonC(1225) Disputed
1 point

The fact is that it clearly says "everybody who's a Nazi" and therefore is a false statement. I then went on to prove the irrelevance of the statement in regards to any political debate.

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Everybody who likes Trump isn't a Nazi, but everybody who's a Nazi sure does.

Name some.

Side: Trump can do no wrong