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 Gender equality makes no sense (23)

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socratic4(147) pic

Gender equality makes no sense

"Gender equality" defines all men as a collective and all women as a separate collective and than tries to negate differences between these collectives, this is absolutely meaningless as you can define any arbitrary group of people as a collective and any two variables you compare will be different as nothing can be exactly the same. For example, instead of defining men and women as distinct collectives we can define brown-eyed people as a collective and green-eyed people as a separate one, compare them, and we'll obviously find that one of our collectives is doing better as they can't be exactly the same, so should we have eye-color equality? 

Fighting the unfair disadvantaging of women (which there is no evidence of in the west, at least in the systemic level) is legitimate in my opinion, but you can't fight inequality as nothing can ever be equal.
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2 points

From what I understand, men have a penis and women have a vagina.

socratic4(147) Disputed
1 point

Green-eyed people have green eyes and brown-eyed people have brown eyes

1 point

I understand where you're coming from and where you're going but I think you do unintentional harm getting there. Analogies would be:

Saying racial equality makes no sense because physical and mental abilities do vary between the groups.

Saying freedom of religion makes no sense because some religions contain more good to society and the world than others (Christian vs Muslim, Hindu vs Santeria, any Arabic based religion vs Satanism)

Aspiring for things to be equal has its own value even if results vary. Saying they simply cannot be equal just allows excuses for those who want to be jerks about it.

socratic4(147) Disputed
1 point

inequality isn't synonymous with unfair treatment, which I specified that I'm against.

socratic4(147) Disputed
1 point

I think your conflating inequality with unfair treatment as there can't be racial equality as there are physical and mental differences between races. And why would I say freedom of religion makes no sense?

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Oh I don't know. I just feel so uncomfortable saying equality makes no sense.

1 point

What you seem to be saying is that "expecting equality of outcome makes no sense", not that "equality in terms of rights and opportunity doesn't make sense". A more apt way of putting this is "gender equity makes no sense".

socratic4(147) Disputed
1 point

Equality and equity are synonymous and what I meant is that gender equality makes no sense, not that equality in terms of rights makes no sense.

1 point

"Equality and equity are synonymous"

Yeah you're right I didn't phrase it very well. I mean that to expect or enforce equality of outcome doesn't make sense.

"what I meant is that gender equality makes no sense"

You've made the same mistake I did, we both mean expecting or enforcing equality of outcome makes no sense.

0 points

but you can't fight inequality as nothing can ever be equal.

Hello s:

It's true... But, that's NOT what liberals strive for.. Oh, it's what right wingers THINK liberals strive for - hence your post, but it's not.. If I thought that libs were trying to make everybody equal, I'd make fun of them too..

What liberals want is equality of OPPORTUNITY. That's not hard to understand, is it?? Ok, maybe it is..


3 points

What liberals want is equality of OPPORTUNITY

And yet we have throngs of rich minorities and women.

And notice, women looking for middle class jobs never apply for the laborous jobs. I don't know if I've ever met a female who tried to be a plumber, electrician, or machinist. Hell, what are we supposed to do, force them to do jobs they don't want to do in order to be equal? Of course I'll say that, and the left will rotate its head back into zombie formation and demand equality while I'm looking at them with a blank stare.

The average woman wants to be "equal"? Go get dirty for a living. Go fight for your country. Go to a technical school. Fix a car. Until then, guess what...

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

And yet we have throngs of rich minorities and women

Hello bront:

"Throngs" in comparison to white men?? Nahhh... But, we've been working on it for 50 or so years, so there's bound to be some success.. Thanks for pointing it out.


socratic4(147) Disputed
2 points

There's nothing that indicates the absence of equality of opportunity

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

What liberals want is equality of OPPORTUNITY

Not across the board though, only for favored groups. Liberals want more opportunity for women in STEM sector jobs because they are significantly underrepresented there. This unequal outcome is presumed to be due to unequal opportunity. So we have grants and programs to give women more STEM opportunities.

We do not, however, encourage to acquire more labor intensive tades which build middle class wealth, even though they are under represented there as well. Are there less women welders due to less opportunity?

Furthermore, no one at all cares that coastal residents are significantly privileged when it come to sea fairing jobs. There are no government programs to move landlocked masses to the coast, even though there is essentially 0 opportunity for them to get ocean going jobs. I have to wonder, do you really want equality of opportunity?

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

Equality of opportunity is not there in the NFL is your head in a sandbox.

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello poochy:

That's nice..................

Now, fetch this stick.
