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Debate Score:355
Total Votes:439
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 Creation (144)

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Vedanti(12) pic

God created us or evolution

It's all about an imperative question that most of us never try to come across.............It is only put up in front so that we can create interest on this topic to explore its theory .


Side Score: 157


Side Score: 198
3 points

I was created by the union of man and woman. I just didn't evolve as Leftist might like to think. But the question would be is how did America get those LWNJ just by them evolving from an ape ?

Side: Creation
2 points

The idea that humans once started out as a little piece of dust is idiotic. For every creation there must be a creator... For a house you have carpenters. For a car you have mechanics. So how is it that humans evolved from some animal if before that, the animal hadn't existed if however the animal did exist... How? It was created . It is impossible for something to just come from absolutely nothing.

Side: Creation
3 points

The idea that humans once started out as a little piece of dust is idiotic.

Starting off by saying "Ideas that I don't believe in are stupid" is a great way to keep people from taking you seriously. Be respectful, or people will be just as disrespectful to you.

For every creation there must be a creator..

That is begging the question. If the Universe is not a creation, then it doesn't require a creator.

For a house you have carpenters.

So within this metaphor, who or what created the carpenter? If your answer is the carpenter was always there, then why couldn't the house have always been there?

So how is it that humans evolved from some animal if before that, the animal hadn't existed if however the animal did exist...

Can you clarify what you mean?

It is impossible for something to just come from absolutely nothing.

Nobody believes otherwise. Mischaracterizing views while attempting to dispute them does you and your arguments a disservice.

Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

If you have the right to exist outside of Hell, why are you not burning in it now?

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
2 points

Very good. The basic point of evolution is believing that life emerged from non-life. They believe it just happened, so it's really meaningless. You have to be a fool to believe that kind of stuff.

Side: Creation
Kingly342(26) Disputed
0 points

Every creation needs a creator

Then who made 'God'? Creationists SAY that something CAN'T come from nothing yet 'God' does. Boom.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

If you have the right to exist outside of Hell, why are you not burning in it now?

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
0 points

That's a stupid question. The Creator was not created. You know that. You simply hate God and are trying to make Him go away so He can't rule against you. God loves you and you hate Him because you are a hater. Stop being a hater, fool. Believe God loves you so much that He gave His Son to pay for your sins, and offers you forgiveness in His resurrection. Receive the Creator, God, as your Savior, Jesus Christ, and live with Him forever. Reject your Creator and die without Him forever. You are being a fool. I think you always will be a fool. I hope you prove me wrong and get saved before it's too late, but I'm fairly confident that you will keep on being stubborn right into Hell.....a proud, brave fool with a big foul mouth like dipstick.

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

The idea that humans once started out as a little piece of dust is idiotic. 

I know, right? Blame the Bible for saying that.

1 point

People who believe in evolution stopped thinking. They decided to believe a lie, and all they do is strengthen that belief to reinforce their short circuited thinking which they enjoy because they feel like their lives are justified by their own existence so as long as they forgive themselves, they think...hope...everything is ok. It's a religious belief system which is very much akin to Hinduism........evolution, atheism, Hinduism, all are existential religious belief systems and practices.

TheSocLibKid(74) Disputed
0 points

I know that this account hasn't been used for 41 days, and that this is an older post but this is a message to the people who upvoted it.

The idea that humans once started out as a little piece of dust is idiotic.

Two issues with this.

1. In your bible, man was made from the dust of the earth. What verse it was in I forget. But I know it was in Genesis 1-3. Which is a rather short read.

2. In the theory of evolution, humans further root was not dust, it was an organism. An organism that began all life.

For every creation there must be a creator...

Then what created God?

For a house you have carpenters. For a car you have mechanics.

For a house you have builders, carpenters only cut the wood that is made for the house.

For a car you have engineers, mechanics (which isn't what we call them anymore due to us using more computers in cars, we now call them Technicians.) are the people who fix certain parts of cars.

So how is it that humans evolved from some animal if before that, the animal hadn't existed if however the animal did exist...

The animal evolved aswell, from the organism as previously discussed.

How? It was created . It is impossible for something to just come from absolutely nothing.

Same would go for your God. But if you say that God is an infinite being that knows no time. Then why can't the universe be that way?

I believe that the universe goes infinitely into the past and into the future. Here is how it works.

~Big Bang

~Rapid Expansion Of Our Universe For The Next Couple Billion Years

~Universe Begins To Do 1 Of A Few Things

1. Dissolve due to the Rapid Expansion (I personally do not believe that this will happen. I believe that something else will occur to end the universe.).

2. The universe will begin to shrink back and destroy the universe in that way (This is what I believe will happen. Because the energy created from that will create another Big Bang.).

3. There are many other theories of how the world will end. But I don't know them well enough to explain them.

~Energy from end creates another Big Bang

~Recycle Of The Universe

1 point

Why not compromise and say that God created evolution. That way everyone is a winner.

Side: Creation
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

Except for anyone who values logic and reason...

1 point

why do u all believe in evolution just because everyone do or just because they don't believe in god .....have any one of u tried to explore the behind it.

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

have any one of u tried to explore the behind it.

Yes. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting evolution. The fossil record, DNA, and vestigial appendages demonstrate that evolution is real. Plus, experiments on lizards have had a single lizard species change so much that 2 groups of lizards couldn't mate any more.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Except for anyone who values logic and reason...and those who are not going to Hell.

Side: Creation
Rockychico(7) Disputed
0 points

Okay but God created those fossils. I bet you did not know humans were around during the dinosaur times. Oh wow it is so cool how they can not mate. GOD did that he chooses what animals mate and when to stop them. If you do not believe in God How were you made? Where you made by Santa? God created everyone in his image.

Side: Creation
1 point

I agree you have to believe in God. one day he is coming back and what a day it will be. I am excited. I pray a lot for him to end the world because this world is pulling apart from God. We need to go back to him. One day everyone will stand before God in judgement.

Side: Creation
1 point

Keep on saying it, over and over and over and tell them about the Savior and the good news of His resurrection.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

They believe in evolution because they are sinners and do not want to concede to God's right to rule over them and against their sin. For some reason, they think it's better to die proud than to die believing God is merciful and we need His mercy.

1 point

It is absolutely logical to recognize, and wholly reasonable to assume that everything, including evolution must have a starting point. To explain the birth of evolution scientists have presented the totally incredible concept of the big bang ''theory''. The foundation of this fanciful notion is based on the underlying assumption that ''something can be created from nothing'', i.e., the minute speck from which the ever expanding universe and the unfolding process of evolution started. Scientists have never been able to offer a rational nor satisfactory explanation regarding the origin of the ''minute speck''. How did this particle just happen to appear. The explanation for it's sudden and inexplicable presence seems more akin to the hocus pocus of the conjurer rather than logical scientific fact. How was the infinite enormity of space sitting ready to be filled with a mind boggling array of complex chemicals and gases? Nothing from nothing = Nothing. Nothing by nothing=nothing. Nothing + nothing= nothing. All scientific research does appear to indisputably confirm the process of evolution but until a more logical explanation for it's beginning can be established the existence of a ''creator'' cannot be ruled out, thus vindicating the assertion that evolution and a creator are intrinsically linked.

Side: Creation
GoneFishing(126) Clarified
3 points

And God said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!!". And so it was done.

not to mention some of the fallacies of evolution:

Fallacy #1: Affirming the consequent

Fallacy #2: Confirmation bias

Fallacy #3: Evidence denial

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Can you elaborate on any of those fallacies?

I have never heard any arguments for affirming the consequent. And, any evidence that has been denied has been thoroughly proven to be false. What evidence is being denied?

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Evolution has nothing to do with any other theory. We dont have to assume the big bang or any other theory that concerns the period of time before evolution. We have proven for a fact that shit evolves. End of story. The big bang could be totally false and that doesnt change that very simple fact. Also dont act like you understand the most sophisticated physics of modern science because you dont. You're just summarizing it in laymans terms and using your own incredulity as evidence that it isnt true. And we also dont have to know what the beginning of the universe was to rule out a creator. Theres no evidence for a creator at all. Period. Thats all we need to know to not even entertain that question.

1 point

see friends evolution have always been successful in telling from where we came,who we are ,and where we go in terms of animals but it had never been able to find out the uniqueness in humans.....

Side: Creation
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Evolution points to many ways in which humans are unique. It points to many ways in which every species is unique.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Yes, you are a very unique monkey and you will make an excellent meal for a fitter monkey....that is if sodomites don't turn you into a hotdog first.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

evolution has been successful in telling you that you emerged out of a mud puddle? How is that successful? It tells you that you are nothing but chemical reactions, and you are going nowhere, and that's successful? It's good that you believe life is meaningless, so you feel you are not punished in death? Is that how it works? Is that how it's successful? It makes you believe things that make you feel good or ok with dying?

0 points

If a person say that he/she have no faith in god it can be that he/she failed to understand GOD ....Religion is not rival of science nor science is ,as science s advice us to be rational ,questioning in the same way all religious scriptures encourage us to use our power of reason....our faith should not merely be based on influence of others ,emotion or pressure..

Side: Creation
Jace(5211) Disputed
3 points

If a person arrives at the conclusion that there is no god through the application of science and reason then it is considerably more likely that the case for god is not particularly compelling, rather than that the person did not understand god.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Do you understand that you are dying and that if you don't get saved you will be dead? Do you hope to go unpunished in death? Are you crazy?

Side: Creation
1 point

Religion and science are at odds because religion does not accept science. You are correct about how we should use religion, but religious people disagree with you, not scientists.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Your powers of reason can't keep you from dying and can't keep you from ending up in the Lake of Fire. You have to get saved or you are lost, you need to have eternal life or you have eternal death, and you will end up in Hell.

0 points

if any scientist believe in god can any one of us say say he/she is not knowledgeable ...can we????

Side: Creation
0 points

I feel belief in GOD is entirely confirms to the proven fact that life cannot come to existence by itself.No evidence exists to support the idea that life could spontaneously come from non living matter.

Side: Creation
GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

Except that isn't a proven fact, and you've taken the strange stance of declaring not that a type of evidence doesn't exist, but that it can't exist, which is an indefensible claim.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Liar, liar, your pants are on fire and in your pic it looks like a big fire.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

it confirms to the proven fact that life cannot come to existence by itself.

The Miller Urey experiment shows that life can come into existence by itself.

No evidence exists to support

Yet. Just because it doesn't exist now doesn't mean that it can't possibly exist.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You might want to look at the Miller-Urey experiment...which I doubt you really know anything about...but here's some help for you.

Dr. Timothy Standish of the Geoscience Institute wrote to tell us:

By the way, I noticed what I think may be an error in one of your Swap Sheet Ads entitled, "EVERYONE KNOWS LIFE HAPPENS" It says, "experiments have produced just 2 of the 4 necessary proteins necessary for life." This is news to me. As far as I can tell, nothing like what we would call a real protein has been produced using a prebiotic soup type situation. In any case, life requires many more than 4 proteins. Current estimates, based on the Mycoplasma genitalium genome put the minimum genome necessary for life at about 300-400 genes each of which codes for a protein. Life, even at its most simple, is still mighty complex!

What was I thinking? Unfortunately, five years ago, I wasn’t as careful to document sources as I am today. I found a note in which an undocumented evolutionary source had claimed that in 1974, Stanley Miller was able to produce the “proteins” adenine and guanine, but failed to produce cytosine and thymine. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine aren’t proteins. They are the four bases in the DNA molecule. But I was so focused on the “half-empty or half-full” perspective that I didn’t even stop to think that the bases aren’t proteins. I was more interested in the idea that two of the four required building blocks could not even be produced in the laboratory under ideal (possibly impossible) “natural” conditions.

Apparently some more recent experiments may have produced all four bases.

Juan Orowin, in 1961, took some of the materials that were produced in the Miller experiments and he took hydrogen cyanide, one of these compounds produced, along with ammonia and left out the aldehyde. So he kind of organized the experiment in a certain way. He produced some amino acids but he also got some adenine, one of the nitrogen containing bases. Later experiments by him and others were actually able to produce the other nucleic acid bases.

I wrote to apologize to Dr. Standish, explaining my error, and he wrote back,

I think of the four bases, cytosine is the sticking point when it comes to generating it using Miller-Urey type conditions. The problem is that not all reports are clear on this. Any way you slice and dice the chemical evolution thing, "experiments" that have been done generating this or that chemical are generally irrelevant to the real problem, which is generation of novel genetic information. Making the bases is merely making the letters to spell out the genetic information. Jonathan Wells wrote about this very well in Icons of Evolution.

We agree that evolutionists face an insurmountable problem when it comes to the origin of genetic information, and that Jonathan Wells’ book is excellent. But there is yet another problem that Wells doesn’t address.

Automobiles are made by natural processes. By that we mean that they are made by people like Henry Ford, not wizards like Harry Potter. No magic power is employed in their construction. No laws of physics are violated. Every step of the manufacturing process is governed by natural law. But the fact that many people have built automobiles using methods available to anyone who isn’t even an apprentice wizard does not prove that automobiles can occur spontaneously in nature without any conscious intent.

When you think about it, you will realize that it is impossible for any laboratory experiment that involves active participation of goal-seeking scientists to prove that a predetermined output can occur apart from conscious effort. It is clearly illogical to say that if an intelligent scientist designs a situation that produces an object, it proves that object can be produced in the absence of an intelligent designer. Yet evolutionists seem to be saying that the reason why nobody has designed an experiment that shows how life can begin without an intelligent designer is that the designers haven’t been intelligent enough.

The only way one could prove that automobiles are naturally-occurring phenomena would be to observe them forming in nature all by themselves.

Let’s take a simpler example. One could grow icicles in a laboratory by allowing water to drip onto a piece of wood suspended above the floor in a very cold room. That would prove that icicles can form under those conditions, but it doesn’t prove that they do form naturally that way (even though they really do form naturally). The only way you can prove icicles occur naturally is to observe them appear on the twigs of trees (or in some other natural environment) without any manipulation by any conscious, living thing.

The fact that one can manufacture a few of the molecules required for life in a laboratory does not prove that those molecules naturally assemble themselves in nature. It only shows you a set of conditions under which organic molecules might naturally assemble themselves. That, in turn, tells you what natural environment would be a good place to look to see if they actually do assemble themselves.

Going back to the icicle example, the laboratory experiment tells you that icicles can form when cold water slowly accumulates on something cold that has some open space below it. So, to see if icicles form naturally, you need to look in cold places where water is present. The laboratory experiment saves you the futility of looking for icicles in the desert on a hot, dry afternoon.

The real value of Stanley Miller’s classic experiment is that it tells us where to look (and where not to look) for the spontaneous formation of living creatures. It tells us that life cannot form anywhere there is free oxygen. That would be as futile as looking for icicles in the desert on an August afternoon. It tells us that some organic molecules might form where there is a high concentration of methane and ammonia. So, scientists should be going to the county dump, examining the thousands of disposable diapers there, to see if life naturally occurs in that environment.

Louis Pasteur is justifiably famous for disproving the spontaneous generation of life. But Stanley Miller deserves even more credit for extending Pasteur’s work by showing exactly why life cannot form spontaneously. Once the theory of evolution is finally discarded by the entire scientific community, perhaps the real meaning and importance of Stanley Miller’s work will be truly appreciated.

The Miller-Urey experiment fell far short of showing life can emerge from non-life, better showing why it is impossible.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

To believe life emerged from non-life is just wishful thinking on the part of people who wish to escape God's judgement against their evildoings

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The Miller experiment not only shows that life cannot arise spontaneously, it shows that the reason why it can’t arise is because of the second law of thermodynamics. Miller had to build a machine, including a trap, that would organize low-energy molecules into higher-energy molecules and then isolate them before they would naturally break down. Sugars, proteins, and amino acids naturally break down. They don’t naturally form because it would violate the second law.

Even if you can get the molecules to form, you still have the problem of getting them to operate as a functional organic system. If this could be done, then doctors could get the organic molecules in any dead body to function again, bringing the patient back to life. If doctors could do that, no doubt we would have heard about it on the news.

In other words, the “prebiotic soup” theory isn’t a reasonable explanation for the origin of life because the Earth’s atmosphere never resembled the one simulated in the Miller experiment. The only way to make the experiment relevant is to postulate that such an atmosphere existed on some other planet. Life evolved there, and then hitch-hiked to Earth on a meteorite. Or, maybe there was a small area around a volcano that was similar to Miller’s conditions. Obviously, they are grasping at straws to make the experiment support the theory of evolution.

They are overlooking the obvious importance of Miller's work. Miller’s experiment helped explain why life could not have originated naturally on Earth. Evolutionists don’t want to want to admit that!

Alchemists eventually did enough experiments to convince themselves that one can’t turn lead into gold. For the past 50 years, evolutionists have been doing experiments, trying to turn chemicals into living cells. Sooner or later, the evolutionists will come to the same conclusion the alchemists did.

"In addition to the several radioactive isotopes of gold, the particle collisions presumably produced some amount of the stable isotope gold 197—the stuff of wedding bands and gold bullion—but because it does not decay the researchers were unable to confirm its presence" gold/

Side: Creation
0 points

It is only a theory that people EVOLVE, same as religion. Both beliefs may be correct, and that is what I side for. EVOLUTION could not be performed without some mystical force to pop humans and animals around the world. I'm sure we've all heard "WHICH CAME FIRST: the chicken or the egg?" One must question before solving such an answer. Who created us to go through an evolution to gradually become who we are- adept, intelligent beings? Darwin's theory of evolution is only a theory, and although all over my school textbooks scribbles his name and theories across my brain, I believe that evolution must have had a force that would enable such a world to gradually evolve over time. That belief is laid upon God.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I believe that evolution must have had a force that would enable such a world to gradually evolve over time. That belief is laid upon God.

Notice the "I BELIEVE"...that's what evolution is,'s all make believe for fools.

Dyphs(55) Disputed
0 points

Did you not read what I argued on my behalf? The main force is God, not evolution. Evolution is, in my view, just a way for humans to pop around the earth in a more rational way, just as technology develops over time instead of suddenly popping out of nowhere. As a Christian myself, and God forgive me, is God not a belief? To us Christians, what we believe is powerful. To others, they are labeled as beliefs. And YES, evolution is a belief, but it has been theorized to be true. But that does not stop me from believing in God. I find it that you misinterpret my colloquial form of the word "belief." My beliefs are what I place my trust on, just as you believe (or had believed) that your mom will shelter you, that God will protect you, etc. So please, instead of relying on such rote Google definitions to explain what a "belief" is, think outside of the box for others that TRULY BELIEVE.

Side: Creation
-1 points

Life is a very complex. Personally, I find it astounding that people think life could've evolved from one simple common ancestor. Don't get me wrong though, evolution is supported by some substantial evidence and in retrospect it is logical to believe that all the organisms on the planet evolved. It is a fact that microevolution occurs today but the same cannot be said about macroevolution. The process of one organism changing into a completely different kind has never been observed and the fossil record provides no evidence whatsoever because the fossils showing intermediate steps between two organisms have never been found. Some may say that the reason for this is because not every organism that dies gets fossilized but billions of organisms have died on Earth. Surely there would be a few fossils that show macroevolution happening. Besides, if evolution is true then why do we have homosexuals?

Side: Creation
2 points

It is a fact that microevolution occurs today but the same cannot be said about macroevolution. The process of one organism changing into a completely different kind has never been observed and the fossil record provides no evidence whatsoever because the fossils showing intermediate steps between two organisms have never been found.

That is a confusing statement. Macroevolution is an accumulation of microevolutionary steps.

Hackarz(3) Clarified
1 point

Microevolution has empirical evidence backing it, the transformation of wolves into modern domestic dogs is one example. If you have evidence that shows macroevolution, i.e. one organism turning into a completely different one, please link the website or article.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

macro evolution is a belief with no evidence. Micro evolution is nothing but adaptation in which the animal remains whatever animal it is. This is all you can observe in nature, it's all that is ever observed. A fossil of a dinosaur which lived in the water near the shore is only that. Only in fairy land can you believe it turned into a bird.

Side: Creation
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
-1 points

We have homosexuals because too many people are homophobic

4 points

Clearly species have evolved. As to if God is behind the process or not is an open question

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Yes, clearly your great, great, grandpa was some kind of an Ape because your intelligence and appearance both resemble that Ape.

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

Wow, what a highly intelligent well thought out argument against evolution.

GoneFishing(126) Disputed
0 points

"Clearly species have evolved. As to if God is behind the process or not is an open question."

Which still leaves to debate question unanswered.

Side: Creation
daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Well ---- of course it's left unanswered.

Might you be able to guess why?

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

The debate presents a false dichotomy. How would you answer the question "are you smart or is your user name GoneFishing?"

0 points

Yeah, I'll go along with that. Let's say that God created the process of evolution and peeps in to see what'a happening from time to time. Wonder if he's disappointed with his experiment.

2 points

Am imperative question that no one comes across? It is like the number 1 debate topic here.

Evolution is real. You can choose to believe your God created us through evolution or you can choose to believe evolution occurs without God. If you choose to believe God acts without evolution, you are an idiot.

1 point

If you have the right to exist outside of Hell, why are you not burning in it now?

GoneFishing(126) Disputed
-1 points

"There are only two possibilities as to how life arose; one is spontaneous generation arising to evolution, the other is a supernatural creative act of God, there is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion, that life arose as a creative act of God. I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God, therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."

(Dr. George Wald, evolutionist, Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University at Harvard, Nobel Prize winner in Biology.)

"One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet here we are-as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation."

(Dr. George Wald Evolutionist, Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University at Harvard, Nobel Prize winner in Biology.)

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

That is not evolution. That is abiogenisis. They are independent of each other. Your source is incorrect also. Abiogenesis has been proven to be possible.

Spontaneous generation has been performed in a lab. It is possible.

J-Roc77(70) Clarified
1 point

See below where I show this quote to be a complete fabrication.

If your sources are perpetuating this false quote how good are your sources really?

Side: Creation
1 point

The Science and Theory of Evolution as passed every single test and experiment EVER thrown at it. And with flying colors. We see signs of evolution in every day life. IN every single species. The human body, contrary to what Creationists will tell you, is FAR from perfect. We have several of what Biologists and physicians call "vestigial" traits that signify the fact we evolved. Our tailbones are one. The eye--far from perfect! The freakin' optic nerve is backwards. Look it up! All of this point to a process where the species (us) began with an imperfect and fledgling genetic mutation and then had it improved upon through selective inheritance. Over eons of time.

But for Creation? Or God? LOL. Not ONE bit of proof. Not ONE single hint, even.

There is quite simply no comparison in the amount of proof available when science counters religion with the process of Evolution. It is documented through tens of thousands of fossils. Despite what some Creationists will tell you, the fossil record is abundant. And yes--we have many many transitional fossils that show the stages of Evolution. Google this, and prepare to be astounded.

Again, there is not ONE argument that evolution cannot answer. The religious zealots on the other hand, cannot provide one but of proof for their Creation idea.

LOl--All they can do is parrot their age-worn and lame response, "Prove god doesn't exist."

See Carl Sagan's "Dragon in my Garage" fable on how this is an absurd response.


1 point

I can type in CAPITAL letters. LOL.

Do I sound smart? Not ONE bit, even.


SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

I just challenged you to a private debate, smart guy.

I am waiting........

Side: Creation
GoneFishing(126) Disputed
1 point

Yet, science has not disproved that God created everything that you have ever sensed or opinionated.

Side: Creation
J-Roc77(70) Disputed
1 point

If someone makes the claim that a god created something the onus is on them to prove so. Ideas are not correct because they haven't been proven wrong, that would be akin to Russell's Teapot. It would be better to instead base our ideas off of things we can prove. Sciences' aim is not to disprove any god but to instead explain the things around us through repeatable and falsifiable experimentation. Science has no business disproving something that hasn't been proven.

GoneFishing(126) Disputed
1 point

"We should reject, as a matter of principle the substitution of intelligent design for the dialogue of chance and necessity; but we must concede that there are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the evolution of any biochemical system, only a variety of wishful speculations."

(Biochemist, Franklin M. Harold "The Way of the Cell," page 205)

Side: Creation
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

He is saying that we don't know the answer yet, not that there is no answer. Throughout human existence we have not had all of the answers. Throughout human existence people like you have decided that the things without answers were done by God. Throughout human history the aspects of life attributed to God have dwindled. This is called the God of the gaps.

1 point

We are products of Evolution. The evidence for this is so mountainous and comprehensive, as well as being bereft of any serious alternative explanation, as to be all but irrefutable.

The evidence for any sort of a god, however, is scant. So miniscule and spurious as to be basically negligible.

Thus, I am choosing the former explanation. This is a no-brainer for me.

When somebody furnishes me with ANY sort of evidence, or even a tiny HINT for a god, then I will listen. But as of yet that day has yet to come.

0 points

Evolution has got so much evidence behind it. To deny it is to revel in close-minded belief bias. In fact, the evidence for evolution is so vast it can be divided into several distinct fields of evidence (DNA evidence, fossil record evidence, homologous structual evidence, etc.)

DNA evidence: ALL species share common genetic material. You even share portions of your DNA with your dog, your cat, heck, even your pet goldfish! The genetic code is universal. This is why scientists can genetically modify organisms; we all share common genetic backgrounds, which is why genes can easily be transmitted via a vector across two very different organisms and still code for the same proteins, leading to an eventual change in phenotype (the physical manifestation of the protein the gene codes for). More closely related organisms (organisms with more recent common ancestor) have even more DNA in common. For example, our DNA is 99% identical to that of chimpanzees because we share a common ancestor with them who lived about 6 million years ago (quite a short time relative to the huge evolutionary time scale.) This points to the conclusion that all species evolve from common ancestors, and that all species share a common ancestor.

Fossil record evidence: If you've ever taken a Biology class, heck even a Social Studies class (I kid you not, we actually discussed this in Social Studies!) you may be familiar with a few of the waves of hominids such as Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, Neanderthals etc. Scientists have discovered many fossils of these hominids. Careful observation of these fossils shows that each of these species were distinct from the others, the more recent ones being more similar to modern day humans, Homo Sapiens. This is physical evidence that human evolution took place. I strictly discussed human evolution, but this can actually be applied to pretty much every other species whose earlier fossils have

been discovered.

Homologous structural evidence: This field is actually quite difficult to explain lucidly, so I will link to a website which can explain it a lot better than I can:\

This is just a very small portion of the myriad of evidence in support of evolution. To explain them all would take hours and a lot of patience!

How about the "evidence" for creationism?

Erroneous, fallacious holy books without a shred of evidence to back up their claims, rife with scientific errors and blatant contradictions.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Evolution is a belief, a hypothesis, and nothing more. You take data and make conclusions based on your beliefs. You cling to your belief because you want to escape God's judgement against your evils. The only answer for you is the fire of Hell, and you will probably defy God and say there is no Hell until you find yourself frying there unable to escape.

Because your belief is nothing but a hypothesis, your main argument becomes insults against God and those who say He is good. I've seen this from some of the most highly educated people in science....they resort to insults, hypothetical absurdities, deviations of topic to evade reasonable objection to conclusions based on hypothesis. Every time I read the arguments put up by atheists, I end up saying...."what a waste of time". I suppose God gives some credit for those who try to honor Him by reaching out to lost people trying to get them to listen to the truth. We all deserve to die and burn in Hell as unholy sinners not worthy to be in God's presence. God Himself became a man to pay our price in death, and rose from the dead to justify all who believe on Him. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Receive Him today as your Savior and be saved from your sins forever, and thank God that heaven is your home. If you have received the gift of God, you have eternal life. If you refuse His gift, you have eternal death and God will leave you cast away like stinking garbage in the fire pit of Hell. That's the way it is, like it or not. I like it myself. Praise the Lord!!!

Side: Creation
ahmedabuh(2) Disputed
0 points

"Nothing but a hypothesis". That's quite ironically exactly what creationism is... evolution is a scientific theory with heaps of evidence behind it. The great thing about science is that it's true whether you believe in it or not, while religious beliefs are only true to those who claim them. Evolution is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of fact.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Show me one monkey turning into a man. If you show me a bunch of different skeletons, I will concede that you showed me a bunch of different skeletons but failed to show me a monkey turning into a man.

Your belief depends on millions of years between skeletons, millions of years in which you observed nothing but you still believe during that time a monkey turned into a man. If you want to believe that garbage, go ahead. You do not need it for science.

Side: Creation
ahmedabuh(2) Disputed
0 points

This is one of, if not the, most common misconceptions people have about evolution. Apes didn't magically become humans; we share a common ancestor with apes, from which we both branched off and evolved separately. No evolutionary biologist in the world will tell you that apes just became humans.

0 points

We created ourselves through evolution.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You just want to pretend you have an excuse for being a pervert.

Side: Creation
1 point

Your mother seemed to like it.

Side: Creation