
Debate Info

Lies Deny Everything
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:10
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 Lies (3)
 Deny Everything (4)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Here's Why Capitalism Is An Antiquated System

It works by incentivising the idea of personal wealth and power.

Let's forget about how that might nurture the very worst aspects of ourselves. Not important right now.

Instead, just consider how primitive and regressive such a species would have to be that personal wealth is the best incentive we can give them. How about the pursuit of knowledge? Wisdom? Adventure? Working to conquer the stars themselves?

Frankly, it's pathetic. It's just such an outdated and broken system, and the only reason we are still using it is because we've already handed all the power over to the only people it is actually benefitting.


Side Score: 3

Deny Everything

Side Score: 4
BigTrain(106) Banned
0 points

It works by incentivising the idea of personal wealth and power.

So do the world leaders promoting Communism and Socialism.

Fidel Castro

Net Worth: $900 Million

Xi Jinping

Net worth: $1.51 billion

How Bernie Sanders, The Socialist Senator, Amassed A Multi-Million Fortune

Side: Lies
1 point

So do the world leaders promoting Communism and Socialism.

No they don't, you boring little liar. You can't make a dramatic claim about "the world leaders promoting Communism and socialism" and then offer us nothing in support of that claim except the net worth of one single person, because then obviously everybody can see you are not being truthful. How come you didn't mention Communist leaders like Ho Chi Minh or even Karl Marx himself, who both lived in absolute poverty their entire lives?

I don't think you need to tell us why Bronto, because everybody here knows already that you're a dishonest little crook who selectively distorts facts all day long without a care in the world about who he hurts doing it.

In fact, you are so much of a thoroughly dishonest little crook that you have frequently in the past used poverty as a justification for telling us that Karl Marx was a failure. That's how much of a repulsive little hypocrite you are.

Side: Deny Everything
Hamburger(181) Disputed Banned
0 points

No they don't, you boring little liar. You can't make a dramatic claim about "the world leaders promoting Communism and socialism" and then offer us nothing in support of that claim except the net worth of one single person

That looks like it was her point. Only one person has wealth in Communism. Gullable nitwits like yourself are just tools to make themselves the .001%. I'm sorry that you fell for it and got tricked.

Side: Lies
1 point

Oh, I tell a lie. You gave us three people. One of whom (Jinping) is a state capitalist, not a socialist or a communist, and one (Sanders) who has lived his entire life in a super-capitalist state which has consistently rejected socialism.

Side: Deny Everything
Amarel(5669) Banned
0 points

You're complaining about people's values more than the system that freely allows value realization (capitalism). Just like every other socialist in history, you want people to be different so that they fit your system that doesn't work for people as they are.

Side: Deny Everything
1 point

You're complaining about people's values

Is the issue that you can't read English, Amarel? I'm not complaining about people's values. I'm complaining about a system which nurtures, nourishes and rewards negative values. A system which keeps us locked into a primitive way of life.

If you want to choose to read what I write properly and then respond to what I have actually written rather than simply invent your own version, you are more than welcome to come back in here and have a discussion. Until then, have a nice day.

Side: Lies