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 ISIS Beheads 4-Year-Old Girl Then Forces Mother To Soak Hands In Her Blood (52)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

ISIS Beheads 4-Year-Old Girl Then Forces Mother To Soak Hands In Her Blood

It was decided that as she 'swore to god' she should carry out the act. The mother however refused to kill her child so the jihadists decapitated the defenseless little girl as 'punishment' for her mother's behavior. Not content with taking the child's life they then forced the mother to soak her hands in the girl's blood after she died. "The brutal treatment of civilians by ISIS has contributed to a record number of refugees - over 60 million according to the United Nations !"

Where is the outrage from the Progressive Left on "THE RELIGION OF PEACE ?" 

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3 points

I'm not really surprised that ISIS would do such a thing. After all that's what they believe.

1 point

And I'm not surprised that liberals defend this kind of behavior.

Unfortunately most people have become numbed to the shock value of these I.S.I.S, atrocities and read such headlines with a certain calm resignation. In this advanced stage of mankind's development and knowledge the words of Alphonse Karr, the French philosopher, seem very apt;- 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'. We think we have become more civilized and sophisticated, but our anialistic origins are graphically illustrated in the inhuman actions of these Muslim terrorists. Any religion, and I do mean any religion, which can spawn such vile creatures and be used to justify acts such brutality should be spurned by all right thinking decent people.

The left will claim ISIS doesn't represent Islam so they can conveniently avoid criticizing their favorite religion.

2 points

Excellent point which needs to be addressed and i will do that.

2 points

You can't have it both ways. Either start criticizing violent Christians or stop asking why others don't condemn non violent Muslims.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Muslims practicing Islam beheaded a 4 year old girl so where is your outrage of "The Religion Of Peace ?"

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

ISIS is bad, and no one has said different. We bomb them every day. What you are asking is equivalent to asking "Where is the outrage over Nazis?" during WWII when we were already fighting them. We are in a war with the people who beheaded that girl. What other kind of outrage is there?

We need to move away from all religion. Arabs used to be the forefront of knowledge. Then, they adopted Islam and have been backwards ever since. Islam has not helped people. Neither has Christianity. We need to be good to each other without abandoning science, which religion is known to do. We need to get rid of the breeding ground for the us versus them mentality, and that is being taught by religious people.

2 points

That is truly horrible. ISIS needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. Period.

I would say the same thing if a Christian nation were systematically doing things like that.

But just the same as I wouldn't then say all Christianity is evil due to what one group of Christians were doing I'm not going to say all Muslims are evil.

I will indeed happily say the terrorists acting under radical Islamism are evil.

Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

You are wrong. All Muslims are evil. You cannot be a true Muslim without acknowledging moohammed as the perfect man and acting just as he did. Moohammed was a murder and a pedophile. Historical fact. Anyone who follows him is also a murderer and a pedophile, if only in their hearts. Look at what the Quran teaches. This is exactly what ISIS is doing. They are not radical Muslims. They are doing exactly what their prophet told them to do.

There is nothing to further criticize isis with anymore. We are already at war with them and are trying to kill them.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Where is the outrage of "The Religion Of Peace" from you Progressives ? Your POTUS and his Regime continue to maintain Islam is "The Religion Of Peace" so show how that is factual with the Truth and Reality i just presented to you !

1 point

That's delicious.

Another "anonymous woman" and "the woman's story could not be confirmed by IBTimes UK", etc. etc. - demand at least a little bit from your "news" stories.

See also:

There are enough actual atrocities to use without resorting to the illusory ones.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What is Anonymous about the story ? I got from where you Progressives get your news Yahoo !

1 point

Did you bother to actually READ it??

"The woman, who wished to remain anonymous through fear of reprisals"

(From your link...)

1 point

Nothing our Catholic haven't done before. Regardless, they are cunts, and should be killed. Just like the Catholic and Presbyterian cunts. Do you remember that Elizabeth Báthory, used to take a bath in virgins blood? Some Muslims cut off girl's clits because of their religious beliefs. Cruel ... sorta like circumcision.