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Debate Score:84
Total Votes:94
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 true (32)
 false (35)

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atypican(4873) pic

If Islam means "submission to the will of god".....

...then anyone whose religion teaches that people ought to submit to the will of god is part of an Islamic sect.


Side Score: 38


Side Score: 46
1 point

If not in word, in belief. But what makes them different from Christianity, at least in THAT category? A true Christian doesn't "submit to the will of God"??

Problem is, the "Will of God" was conceived of, and written by, MAN! (And a huge % of it [if not all] stolen from even more ancient religions with DIFFERENT "gods". RELIGION actually means "submission to the will of men who would control the masses" for their own control and enrichment.

Side: true
1 point

According to the meaning of the word "islam" you could say this is correct, except that words don't have sects, religions do. According to the traditions of the religion "Islam" this is a wildly inaccurate position.

Side: true
0 points

If indeed that is the definition then anything falling within that definition would be part of it.

But like I've said on the past on this site, argument by definition is the weakest form of argument. Most people won't agree on the correct definition, and even if they do there are endless spins people can put on it based on context, scenario, and ramifications of being strict with it

Side: true
3 points

So, because the term "Islam" refers to a particular concept, any application of a remotely similar concept in any religion makes said religion a sect of Islam, regardless of the fact that Islam encompasses more concepts and ideals than simply that conferred by its name?

This reasoning follows along the lines of the fallacy of composition/division: just because two religions hold a particular parallel doesn't mean they're equivalent.

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
0 points

I am only claiming that they are identical in this fundamental sense...They all agree that there is a God, and people should submit to his will. In this respect All theisms are Islamic

Side: true
LichPotato(362) Disputed
1 point

Monotheistic religions do share the belief in a single God, but to call all non-Islamic theistic religions Islamic in a particular regard implies Islam to be the basis of that belief, when it is most certainly not.

One could, with equal rationality, claim that all monotheistic religions are a subset of Judaism or Christianity, when each of the three hold radically different beliefs.

Side: false

False. It means submission to their god who is actually Satan. Islam is the beast system of the Biblical book of Revelation, not only because of what they do, which fits and matches perfectly, but because they claim that they are. They literally are looking to joint the antichrist (Mahdi) and oppose the King of Kings, destroying and killing every Christian on the planet that will not submit to Islam.

I've done many debates with Muslims. They literally are looking for the Antichrist, and will follow him as "god" all the way to the death in the end. And they believe the end is now.

An Islamic Imom tells us about the Beast of the Earth that they are looking for-;=792s

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

You are arguing that those who accept Mohammed as a profit are not truly Islamic and that your Christian sect consititutes "True Islam"

Side: true
2 points

Oh, I can tell you all about Islam. I sum it up in this one site unless you want a 4 hour debate. I started debating Muslims on the internet before 9/11.

Side: false
2 points

Islam is the mixture of pieces of many different religions all rolled up into one under the bs guise of monotheism. Islam stems from Hinduism at its foundation, stole Heaven and Hell, Adam and Eve, Moses, Abraham, etc from Judaism, and stole the Antichrist story from Christianity and flipped it backwards, making the antichrist the hero. They also stole the Isaac Ishmael story from the Jews, and reversed Ishmael to being the anointed one over Isaac, because Isaac was the father of the Jews and Ishmael was the father of the Arabs.

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Did you read the debate Title and description?

The point is that all theistic religions claim to submit to gods will and if Islam literally means "submission to the will of god", then what we have are various ostensibly Islamic sects that make up all the theistic religious sects.

Side: true
Negligentt(397) Disputed
1 point

Demonstrably false. Shiva worshippers tend to reject the will of Kali Maa. Are you retarded?

Side: false

In the hadith (Sahih-Al-Bukhari Bk 73; Num 224) Mohammed said, “The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings).”

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

So you think Mohammed has corrupted Islam. However since you agree that submission to the will of god is the best way to live, I think I am correct to think of your religion as Islamic.

Side: true
2 points

That's the equivalent of saying all Atheists believe the same thing. It's nonsensical and illogical.

Side: false
2 points

Muhammed took a Hindu Shiv temple that he conquered as his own in Mecca, turned it into the Kaaba, took parts of Christianity and Judaism, twisted the religions, added tints of Hinduism, and created the most monstrous religion in the history of modern man. They didn't get the Dajal, the Mahdi, and Shiva's Crescent from out of nowhere. He was a psychopath, a child molester, and a war monger. In the Quran he openly claimed that he got his "revelation" from a demon. His words. His wet nurse claimed he was demon possessed. Those aren't guesses. That's what it says in the Quran.

Side: false
1 point

Obviously, like most homosexual arguments, the deceptive statement of this debate seeks to slander Christianity. The religion of Islam, like all religions, is about what a person is supposed to do in order to have the best chance of not ending up in eternal condemnation of fire. All religions are the same. Atheism is another religion in which the non-believer in his mind is exonerated in death so their religion excuses anything and everything they ever do whether good or evil, making their own mind to be the god of their imaginations, imagining that they get out of reality in death and are not held accountable for their time. This debate is just typical nonsense of homosexual minds which want to deny the truth of God thinking they get themselves out of condemnation by saying God is not there.

Christianity is not a religion. Catholicism is a religion like Islam which teaches what a person can or should do in order to avoid damnation in fire.

True Christianity is all about what God, Jesus Christ, did for us to save us from the fire of Hell. The Bible is the word of God, and submission to God in the Bible is never forced.

Side: false
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Homosexuality seems to be on your mind alot. Constant reference to homosexuality..especially during conversations wholly unrelated to sexuality..isnt going to convince anyone that you are straight.

just sayin

Now according to you all other faiths besides Christianity ARE religions because their focus is how member behavior can help attain desireable future (heaven) and avoid undesireable future (hell), where Christianity's focus is on how Jesus' behavior gaurantees members (true christians) a desireable future (heaven)? And this makes the Christian Faith NOT a religion?

I Want to scrutinize your position

You say..."submission to god in the bible is never forced"

Are you willing to defend that claim?

Side: true
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Trashing God seems to be on your mind, trashing the Bible and trashing Christians seems to be on your mind. Why is that? Is it because you are a pervert and love your sin?

Tell us the truth now, what kind of pervert are you?

Comeon, don't be a coward, tell us the truth.

Side: true
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Jesus Christ is a person, God who came down from Heaven in human form as the Son of God. Believing in Him is not a religion, it is believing in reality, believing in facts, knowing the truth of History and accepting reality as it is.

We all are dying for one reason, it is because we are imperfect, we are flawed, and that flaw is our sins and death is in our genes because of it. That is reality. Dying people need to be saved. That is reality. Only God has the power to give life. That is reality. Only God has the power to save your life and keep you safe forever. That is reality.

Jesus proved He is God by the miracles He performed and by His bodily resurrection. It is because of the eyewitnesses of these events and their records preserved for future generations.......because they believed and obeyed the One they knew died for them and lives now with power to forgive and to save is because there is no other explanation for life, death, pain, suffering, is because you can know the truth. The truth is not a religion, it is reality and if you believe it you will know it is true, when you know it is true you know you can always stand on it..........

And don't go off into your mindless modern college brainwashed philosophy of "that's circular reasoning". The reasoning is linear, a progression of deductive logic with a clear beginning and a clear conclusion. Those facts are

1) We are dying

2) Dying people need to be saved

3) Dying people cannot save themselves

4) You cannot be saved if God does not save you, science and philosophy of man cannot save you....even if you think science can enable people to indefinitely postpone death, the universe still will completely disintegrate one day and nothing can stop that event.

5) God cannot justify allowing you to live except that He died for you. You cannot live except by your living being justified by God. You cannot justify yourself or you would not have to die.

Submission to the will of God is never forced. Muslims try to force you to submit to Allah, Allah is not God no matter what Muslims say. God is Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is God, God is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. God gives you the choice of defying Him, you defy God and you die, that's the way it is, that is reality.

In Hell, if you will not repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will remain in defiance of God by your own choice. God will not force you to submit to His will. Even in Hell's fire, when sinners against their will bow their knees and say Jesus is Lord when they hear His name, in their hearts they will remain defiant, yet the entire space they occupy which is their body will give God the honor He created them for, showing He is good in that He gave them everything they have and He deserves to be honored as their Creator and He will be honored by them.

Figure it out in this world and repent of your sin and get saved, or experience it in the fire of Hell and never figure it out, always be in confusion forever tormented in the fire. You are making your choice, God will never force you to submit to His will.

Side: true
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

The root of your "debating" is to justify your lust. To say this debate you created has nothing to do with sexuality is a lie. You are trying to justify your lusts, you walk according to your lusts and you talk according to your lusts.

Side: true
1 point

I thinks that Atypican feller be a Muslim spy. Better watcheded him with both of da eyes open.

Side: false