
Debate Info

Obama McCain
Debate Score:69
Total Votes:76
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 Obama (30)
 McCain (17)

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lawnman(1106) pic

If Obama was white and McCain black who would have won?


Side Score: 47


Side Score: 22

Obama would have still won with his Hopey-changy message and then, once in office, leave things the way they were ;)

Side: Obama
2 points

Hillary would have stomped a white Obama. The media would have stood behind Hillary long after they ignored a white Obama.

And in my opinion (which corresponds to all-truth, LOL) a black McCain would have won the pres. election.

Side: Obama
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Obama has made, and will continue to make, plenty of positive changes for this country.

Side: Obama
johnnyboy46(211) Disputed
1 point

Such as? I don't see much difference from the last 8 years, except for black jokes and national healthcare.

Side: McCain
Sulith(508) Disputed
1 point

Yes such as? He has already spent triple of what Bush (all eight years) did in the first three months of being Pres.

Side: McCain
2 points

Obama had a slight edge because a higher percentage of Africans came out to vote, but blacks are something like 18% of the population, and when you translate that to the overall voting population,

you're talking like maybe a 1% up-tick for dems. Not much.

Nope, there is no alternate Universe in which Obama could have lost the general election, black, white, red, purple, it doesn't matter. In fact the only dem I think that may have been able to lose that one had they gotten through the Primaries is maybe Edwards because his scandal would have come out during the election.

But even then McCain would have had to pick someone besides Palin to have won.

I'm pretty sure the race thing was a push. Likely the number of people who voted for just because he is black is about the same as the number who voted against just because he is black. A very small number in either instance I believe.

Side: Obama
1 point

If Obama was white and McCain black, Obama still would have won.

Why? Because regardless of McCain's color: Palin was still an idiot.

And the stank of the Bush administration still hadn't cleared the air.

Side: Obama
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

"Palin was still an idiot."

Back that up. Now.



Side: McCain
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Don't hate.

She's really an idiot. I'm sorry.

I was watching her on Glenn Beck yesterday and could not stop cracking up! Those two are like dumb rats chewing on a piece over-processed american cheese.

If you think differently, prove it!

Side: Obama
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Evidence that Palin is an idiot part 1:


Side: Obama
Sulith(508) Disputed
1 point

Palin was not an idiot. Even I can see that. You should rid that from your ignorant response.

Side: McCain
1 point

This is actually a pretty tough question to answer..

I think Obama because even after all those old racist democrats switched sides when Obama came into the picture, he still won.

Then again, a large portion of why Obama won was because of the black vote..

Honestly, I'm not sure.

Side: I don't know
Renners(1) Disputed
1 point

A different person pointed out that african americans are about 18% of the population and was about a 1% pick up for the Democrats. I doubt that it would change much.

Side: Obama
1 point

People are making too big of a deal over the idea that Obama being black was a deciding factor in the election. He might have gotten about 97% of the black vote but what people are forgetting is Kerry ended up getting 89%, so it was the D next to his name that won him the black vote.

Side: Obama

Obama would have still won.--------------------------------------

Side: Obama
1 point

It is hard to beat free hand-outs when you have voters like this.........;=related

Obama's stash
Side: Obama

It is now 2015 and I will say that Obama was the better candidate and the majority of the voters thought the same.

Side: Obama
5 points

Well, Obama being a Democrat also had a lot to do with it. So a better question is if McCain were black AND a Democrat and Obama a white Republican, who would win? McCain, most definitely (this saying that their policies would not change at all, just the image).

people wanted a Democrat in office because they blamed Bush for everything and decided "dem Republicans be da problem, yos". The fact that Obama was black was just a major boost.

What everyone has to understand about politics is elections is that it's all bullshit. Voters are retarded and will go for the most flashy side. A young, black, Democrat. C'mon, that's like trying to see who will win, a wolf or an infant.

Side: McCain
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
3 points

That actually is a way better question.

Switch everything about the two except for maybe their personal charisma and speaking abilities, it would have been much closer.

and yeah, McCain in that situation would have narrowly won I think because Republicans had little chance of winning after Bush's 8 year car wreck.

But I'm still tagging Obama, because that's not really the question :/

Side: Obama
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

well, don't switch their policies as well, that's what I was stating.

Obama won because he was a black, young, Democrat. The black Democrat part was the most important. policies didn't mean shit; he's doing what Bush did, except less security.

Side: McCain
1 point

If Obama was white it would have been Hillary on the ballot. And I think a black McCain could have taken the office by a court decision win:)

Side: McCain
1 point

If Obama was white he would not have been the democratic candidate. Hillary Clinton easily trumps a white Obama, and consequently she would have been the dem. cand. A black McCain would have won against Hillary Clinton.

(I do think the 08 election result is a consequence of media manipulation of a largely un-informed electorate who tend to vote for the person whom they think will win. And yes, I am not convinced Obama won the election because of the democratic platform. )

Side: McCain
1 point

ha ha the only time negroes from the Ghettos have ever voted in there entire life "Obama '08" ha ha

Side: McCain
1 point

I can't wait until a black republican runs for president. The liberal media wont know what to do. Their job is to attack republicans. But then if they attacked a black republican, they would have to [by their own definition] call themselves racist.

Side: McCain
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
2 points

That's ridiculous logic. Liberal media attacks Michael Steele like every single day... and for good reason, the guy's a moron.

Side: Obama
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Right I guess it's only okay when they attack black people. (; It was mainly a joke.

Good to see you by the way!

Side: I don't know
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Well, it doesn't have to be a African American Purb, does it?

You've got Gay Republicans, Indian Republicans, Female Republicans, et cetera... Up the anti, baby!

Side: Obama
1 point

Fair enough....


Side: I don't know
1 point

Mccain because the white people in this country especially the democrats hate themselves. They hate the fact that they are white and white people enslaved the Africans. Even though the only reason the slave trade exsisted was because the west coast Africans traded them to white people and white people found it to their liking. In short white people hate white people.

Side: McCain
fire(41) Disputed
0 points

White people have set it up so that black people hate black people. During slavery weren't light-skinned black people treated better in an attempt to seperate, and then conquer the black race. White people can be vindictive, they can seem sympathetic when it benefits them. In the first place who came to Africa intending to enslave people? It's just another case of people selling each other out for monetary reward.

Plus, Mccain is another dried up old white man trying to get into office, really how appealing is that?

Side: Obama

I think that Americans elected him in an effort to show the world that they were rid of their old segregation and willing to start anew.

Side: McCain
fire(41) Disputed
1 point

There is no new, there are appearances. You can slap concealer on a pimple but its still there.

Side: Obama