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Yes, tey it Obviously not
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yes, tey it (4)
 Obviously not (1)

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BrainInAJar(57) pic

If party's motto is never let a crisis go 2 waste can you ever deal in good faith

John Fanning: Never let a serious crisis go to waste

Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief of staff said in November, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. It provides the opportunity to do things that were not possible to do before.”

Yes, tey it

Side Score: 6

Obviously not

Side Score: 1
1 point

If party's motto is never let a crisis go 2 waste can you ever deal in good faith

Hello B:

I dunno which party has that motto, if any.. But, it is objectively true.. Take the present crisis.. Trump could have used this crisis to PROVE that he could govern. By doing so, he could drastically IMPROVE his favor-ability and virtually GUARANTEE his re-election..

But, he didn't do any of that.. He lied. He beat his own chest and got into fights with governors.. At least the Romans were entertained by Nero..


Side: Obviously not
1 point

If party's motto is never let a crisis go 2 waste can you ever deal in good faith

Hello B:

I dunno which party has that motto, if any.

The Democratic Party is known for using this terminology. amp=true



Side: Yes, tey it
1 point

By doing so, he could drastically IMPROVE his favor-ability and virtually GUARANTEE his re-election..

Cool. His approval is higher now than before the pandemic. Probably why lying leftist media made sure to stop showing his press conferences. People seeing him not being the evil orange man they had depicted him as being, cannot be allowed. You should let them falsely "interpret" what he said for you. Big brother knows what he said better than you, eh Con?

Side: Yes, tey it