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Yes iran is a threat No iran is not a threat
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:35
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 Yes iran is a threat (8)
 No iran is not a threat (10)

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kountakine(88) pic

Is Iran A Threat OR Not

Iran and its possibility to develope nuclear weapons thats all we hear these days.

While the IAEA has not a real evidence that iran is trying to develope nuclear weapon but impearlistic states like usa and europe and israel are clearly confident that Iran is developing. Even if Israel did not signed the non proliferation treaty and comit atrocities in Gaza and its breaking international laws, killing children,..etc (there is a very long list) it doesnt regard itself as a terrosit state and the UN and other nation are quiet about it.

Fact is that Iran wants to stop selling oil in dollars which has a dramatic effect on the dollar, the PETRO-DOLLAR, like iraq did it once, they got bombarded, reason? -there are some nuclear weapons in iraq(which we never found)

Fact is that last time Iran invaded a country was on 1798 so 214 years ago!!!what about usa?isreal?france?gremany?etc?

So dear people can you believe what the media is telling you?

What is your opinion?

Thank you very much for charing your ideas


Yes iran is a threat

Side Score: 11

No iran is not a threat

Side Score: 21
2 points

Well, Iran is like one of those annoying, little yapping dogs... just smack 'em on the nose and they'll shut up. ;)

Side: Yes iran is a threat
1 point

Yes Iran is a thread to the US it plans on bombing the US bases and Israel bases and they might attack us again because they want the Muslim flag to be up on the white house and Islam to be the number 1 religion in the world which it won't happen.

Side: Yes iran is a threat
3 points

No it doesn't. Iran is just becoming a "power" in the region, in other words, its almost becoming a country. Iran has no desire to bomb Israel or America at the moment, its just the story the press gives because most people aren't able to understand the situation because it is very complex, so they dumb it down to "defend Israel or not"

Side: No iran is not a threat
AristotleSta(11) Disputed
1 point

Then why did Iran fire numerous rockets from Syria into Israel? It seems to me Iran very strongly wants to bomb Israel and is working very hard towards gaining enough military power up close to Israel so that Iran can launch a real invasion against Israel. The fact that Israel struct those assets in Syria hard do not change this build by Iran and now Russia has given Syria more advanced missiles which will be used to protect Iranian military bases being built up in Syria. Iran is extending its influence across Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Yemen, and the UAE.

Now, you might say that firing at Israel is not firing at the USA, but Iran is a very active supporter of insurgents and terrorist groups who want to strike the USA and Iran is strongly implicated in assisting indirectly in the deaths of US soldiers in the conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. The greatest threat Iran poses to the USA is by sponsoring terror and maybe striking our ships in the Persian Gulf, but they are a real threat.

Side: Yes iran is a threat
1 point

In recent news Iran was on a "peace" mission in the Sudan it's not a secret they they are supplying their neighbors with guns for a war. They are covering up there nuclear sites, not allowing the UN and inspect there so called peaceful nuclear program. If they weren't hiding anything then they would let everyone in. Lets not forget the fact that we know they are enriching uranium.

They want a war with Israel and they want us to start it. Even thought we have stated to Israel we aren't going to draw a line when this "war " will begin. Hillary Clinton and joe Biden were at a conference when the question of Iran was brought up wiether or not we will go to war with them, they bothed laughed. Saying they wouldn't have a chance.

Side: Yes iran is a threat
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

it's not a secret they they are supplying their neighbors with guns for a war

And The United States armed bin Laden and Saddam. The latter with chemical and biological weapons. What's your point? That you're a humongous hypocrite?

Side: No iran is not a threat

ISIS is a big threat, so, America should be very cautious of Iran.

Side: Yes iran is a threat

Iran is extending its influence across Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Yemen, and the UAE. Iran is actively supporting terrorist groups and insurgent groups who want to attack the USA and Israel. Iran is building up its military outside of Iran in locations like Syria, from where it has recently launched attacks with missiles into Israel. Russia has given new more modern missiles to shoot down aircraft to Syria, which will help shield Iranian military forces which are building up there with the specific goal of attacking Israel. Iran is working hard in general to make itself a powerful enough military force it can attack USA forces and get away with it; with the very distinct probability that Iran will attack USA naval forces in the Persian Gulf as soon as they do think they can do it and get away with it.

How can that be considered anything other than a serious threat.

Side: Yes iran is a threat
3 points

Is America a threat to America? I think so.

Think about it. We're our worst enemy right now in time.

Side: No iran is not a threat
3 points

We need to remember recent history. We were told Iraq and Saddam Hussein was a threat with WMD's. We invaded the country and occupied it for a decade on that fact. Where were the WMD's? Nowhere. It was a convoluted story to establish reason to invade. Same crap is taking place in Iran. Don't buy into it. Don't be a sheep. If we engage in war with Iran it wil not be a summer picnic at the park. Fix this country first.

Side: No iran is not a threat
2 points

Iran is a threat if we keep it a threat.

There is no reason we cannot have world peace right now.

The USA needs to elect a president who is capable of reasoning without using drones or warfare.

We need to have peace in the world. War produces nothing. Only sound minds and intelligence can help us advance.

I would love another cold war. The space race is good competition that can motivate countries to develop technology without fear of death- or actual loss of life.

Side: No iran is not a threat
1 point

I agree but democracy on the presidentual levels over bankers and lawyers sad the stories are true elites and what not Iran and the isrealites are really the same people until abraham 1 God they used to all be polydiest and they split been fighten since and many continues worshiping i Respect Isreal they the lords people but aint nobody exempt from judgement. I think they just want at least some defense if Israel gets squirlly and we over there trying to sit on oil fight wars lie break the bank and look like a champ while doing it

Side: No iran is not a threat

Iran is not a threat, they just simply want to be a power in that region, however, most people are stupid enough to believe the whole "IRAN WAN 2 INVAD ISAREL ND AMRIKA" bullshit that the media tells you.

Iranians may be crazy, but they aren't suicidal... well, at least most of the time.

Side: No iran is not a threat
AristotleSta(11) Disputed
1 point

Iran has been building up military installations in Syria to launch attacks at Israel. I think the movement to eventually be able to openly invade Israel is clear.

Side: Yes iran is a threat
2 points

Iran is not a threat. Since the Iraq/Kuwait war we have invaded countries or caused unrest in countries that have tried to trade oil in other than USD. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya, and Iran. Since going off the gold standard the only thing that props the dollar up is trading oil in USD. The US will continue to create these issues and overpower regimes until more than one country trades oil in a different currency then the dollar will start to collapse which will collapse the whole monetary system.

Side: No iran is not a threat
AristotleSta(11) Disputed
1 point

The fact that the USA has acted badly on numerous occasions does not alter whether or not Iran is a Threat to the USA and USA interests. Truth is there are a number of things the USA has done since 9/11/2001 which have been bad and in the process created greater dangers to the USA than al Qaeda. One of these threats has been to create power vacuums which Iran has taken advantage of, and Iran is now exerting considerable influence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, and Yemen.

Iran openly wants to destroy Israel, and openly supports terrorists like the Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command; of course Iran calls them "National Liberation Movements" not terrorist groups. None the less, Iran's desire to destroy Israel is very well known and Iran has been working hard to increase the military power and to move military power closer to Israel to achieve this... hence a large number of Iranian military build ups in Syria. Iran has fired rockets from their Syrian based forces into Israel. Russia has given more advanced missiles to Syria which are a greater threat to aircraft which are going to be used to shield Iranian bases being built up in Syria with the direct purpose of attacking Israel.

While none of that is directly attacking the USA, it is certainly a threat to USA interests.

But, additionally Iran has been backing insurgents in both Iraq and Afghanistan to fight and kill USA soldiers; and these Iranian proxies are estimated to have killed as many as 1,100 US troops. That is a direct threat. Iran was behind a large bomb making factory discovered in Bahrain in 2015, bombs meant to be used in a series of bombing upon the kingdom. Iran was behind the 2012 bombing in India which targeted an Israeli Ambassador there. In 2012 Iranian terrorists in Kenya were caught while plotting attacks against United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya; a primary target being Israel's ambassador to Kenya. Also in 2012 Iranian terrorists tried but failed in killing Israeli diplomats with bombs. In 2018 France froze Iranian assets which were going to be used in Paris against the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Unlike Saddam Hussein, Iran did appear to have strong ties with al Qaeda, in fact they had an alliance against Saddam Hussein; though after 9/11 Iran did place hundreds of al Qaeda in Iran under house arrest, for awhile, and there al Qaeda members under house arrest appear to have planed the 2003 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, bombings with Iran's help. This is not to say relations between Iran and al Qaeda were always good, but there was a lot more connection than with Saddam Hussein. In general, between 2011 and 2013 there appear to be at least 30 terrorist attacks around the world directly sponsored by Iran.

When you put all these things together with a clear goal to building up their military strength to be able to challenge both the USA and Israel at the same time, their considerably expanding influence, their penchant for supporting and sponsoring terrorist attacks, Iran's clear goal to remove Israel's existence by force, and the leadership and military of Iran expresses hate of the US... this seems pretty clear to be heading towards war.

Now, in the other direction, as far as I can tell, many Iranians don't want to be involved in this extreme position that the Iranian Leadership (political and religious) is leading Iran. But, the military and government are leading these extreme positions. It is a bit hard to separate the two, other than to try and limit any war to mostly striking the military while avoiding the civilian population as best as possible. I say this because I think it is only a matter of time before full scale war breaks out, though it may break first between Israel and Iran.

I did not consider Iraq under Saddam Hussein a real threat, I did not consider Afghanistan under the Taliban a real threat (though we did need to take out al Qaeda); but I consider Iran a real threat.

Side: Yes iran is a threat