
Debate Info

Left wants him free He's a fed
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Left wants him free (1)
 He's a fed (1)

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TimCast(812) pic

Ray Epps fiasco completely debunks the narrative of a Jan 6th insurrection

Left wants him free

Side Score: 1

He's a fed

Side Score: 1
1 point

Yes, well the libs' position on insurrectionists is similar to the libs' position on masks. It depends who's watching and what wing the person is. The rules are fast and loose. If you bow before leftism, you may get a paycheck in the next few years for committing a crime. You think I'm kidding? Don't underestimate the libs' ability to trash common sense if they think they can get heavy petting from any of the other libs. They're ability to forsake rules, common sense and/or principles of any kind is like a magic superpower. That man is a child molesting mass murderer, but alas, he's a leftist. Pay that man!

Side: Left wants him free
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Yes, well the libs' position on insurrectionists is similar to the libs' position on masks. It depends who's watching and what wing the person is.

Hello Bront:

Only this time it's not the libs.. It's the United States Justice Department. They have guns and jails.. But, there's gonna be a trial and I'm sure a few conservatives will be on the jury.. It only takes ONE to create a hung jury.

Plus, the last time the government brought sedition charges, they LOST.. So, you got history on your side.


Side: He's a fed
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