
Debate Info

Yes, she deserved it! No, it is her opinion!
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:40
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 Yes, she deserved it! (11)
 No, it is her opinion! (19)

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addltd(5125) pic

Should Stacey Dash Have Been Criticized For Her Tweet in Support of Romney?

Stacey Dash Received an Extreme Amount of Criticizim When She Tweeted Her Support for Romney.  Did She Deserve It?

Twitter Explodes After Black Actress Endorses Romney as the ‘Only Choice for Your Future’ -


Eric Bolling from Fox's The Five Says he supports her.  What is your position? Let us know here...let him know here @ericbolling .  Don't forget to include @createdebate and the link in your tweet!




Yes, she deserved it!

Side Score: 13

No, it is her opinion!

Side Score: 23
0 points

Support for political parties and politicians should remain confidential. I wouldn't have minded her saying she supported a specific political view, but to support a single politican taints the election.

Now some people won't vote for Romney because they thinks Romney's a good person who can make the right choices, they will vote for Romney because they think Stacey Dash is a good person who makes the right choices.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
1 point

Support for political parties and politicians should remain confidential.

It does remain confidential. We will never know how she voted in the end. She could be lying right now and her statement really does not bear any legal burden on her at all. If you are keen on the state controlling absolutely everything about political speech then fine, but I will call the libertarians on you and they will put a "-1" in front of your zero on the points counter.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

Sorry did you downvote me? For having a different opinion to yours?

"It does remain confidential. We will never know how she voted in the end."

Yes, but she clearly voices support for a political candidate. I didn't say anything about voting.

"She could be lying right now and her statement really does not bear any legal burden on her at all."

Why would she be lying by saying 'vote this guy' when she really wanted everyone to vote for someone else? She clearly abels Romney as the 'only choice for your future'.

"If you are keen on the state controlling absolutely everything about political speech then fine,"

I'm against individual politicans abusing popular celebreties in an attempt to gain support for the masses. As I clearly stated in my original argument, it taints the election process. People will no longer vote for Romney purely because of his policies or political views, some people will ow vote for Romney solely because they idolise Stacey Dash.

Where did I talk about state control?

Side: Yes, she deserved it!

They say any publicity is good publicity. I wouldn't be surprised if it was about that in the end. She deserved the critique because she wanted it so badly.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
3 points

Of course not but what do ya expect? There's a lot of idiots on the internet and it happens.... Hell, Garry told me to go hang myself for showing a little support for Israel.

And Andy, wassup with the size of that font? Worried Joe might not be able to read it otherwise? ;)

Side: No, it is her opinion!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"Hell, Garry told me to go hang myself "

Ya, and you clearly didn't take my advice.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
1 point

Sorry to disappoint ya Garry.... maybe next time.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

I copied the text in and it kept its I just went with it! I guess I could have changed it up a bit.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!

Hell, Garry told me to go hang myself for showing a little support for Israel.

That would have actually been an improvement on the treatment I received during a debate with Garry that touched on that topic. I have only opted out of exactly one debate, and it was on the grounds that the person I was debating with was being too much of a vulgar, uncompromising jackass for me to stomach and still keep my cool, and that was a debate with Garry about Israel. And Pat Condell.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

"That would have actually been an improvement on the treatment I received during a debate with Garry that touched on that topic."

Really, what exactly did I say that was so bad? And worst than asking you to hang yourself, get real. Perhaps I was bit demeaning and petty, but in fairness, you were sort of asking for it.

"I have only opted out of exactly one debate,"

Are you sure you're not confusing "opted out" for "had your ass handed to you on plate."

"and it was on the grounds that the person I was debating with was being too much of a vulgar"

No, if you were being honest with yourself you’d admit that your position had become rather untenable despite my brash, spiky, and uncompromising style of argument and prose. I remember that argument, I started off being rather reasonable, then your conceited tone pissed me off, and I decided not to show any quarter, as there was none given.

But hey, I’ll let the record speak for itself, any who gives a solitary fuck can check it out here

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
1 point

No, everyone is entitled to their opinion! I don't think she should be criticized just be because she is a public figure!

Side: No, it is her opinion!

Wait, why is this a controversy? Not kidding.. I don't know...

Side: No, it is her opinion!
addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

She received some really horrific twitter threats back after she made her initial tweet in support of Romney. These were really serious threats. I was very surprised with the level of the threats!

Side: Yes, she deserved it!
1 point

Very little reasons to be told to kill yourself when you come out in support of a candidate.

But hey, that's how retarded politics has gotten. People actually get infuriated when someone doesn't want to vote for the same person.

Especially since Obama vs. Romney is really just Bush vs. Romney. Maybe they're all just closet Bush fans.

Side: No, it is her opinion!

Obama vs. Romney is really just Bush vs. Romney.

I'd really just say it's one turd VS one turd. In fact, one turd=one turd.

Side: No, it is her opinion!

You summed up my opinions about politicians in general right there. Well done.

Side: No, it is her opinion!

You should be able to support whoever you want without receiving death threats.

Side: No, it is her opinion!

Unfortunately, this is the consequence of social media, and the state of affairs in politics where social media has driven us to share everything that we think especially celebrities because it feeds their egos, and politics has become so negative and hatred that people are threatened with violence for the support for one candidate.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
1 point

Nope. I understand that people's ideals are very important to them and they believe that contrasting ideals might be hazardous to their nation...but I can't understand why some people think it's right to lash out so violently. They should just buck up and accept the fact that all humans are not meant to think alike.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
1 point

Plenty of people endorse plenty of candidates, I don't know why this particular instance is different?

Side: No, it is her opinion!

It's ridiculous that she did at all, apparently freedom of speech and to ones own opinion is being stretched thinner each day.

...But then again... It IS Romney ;)

Side: No, it is her opinion!

She has her right to the freedom of speech like every other american.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
1 point

Are citizens not allowed to express their opinion about politicians, so long as they are within the "legal boundaries of freedom of speech"?

Seriously.... she does have a nice rack. Oh no, am I going to get criticized for saying a women has nice boobs. Pffft.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
1 point

Who's going to criticize you? Saurbaby is pretty much the only female on the site and I know she won't care.

Side: No, it is her opinion!
Lynaldea(1227) Disputed
1 point

I didn't intend to get criticized nor do I care if I was.

I was making a point hell no, the "Stacey Dash" ordeal is ridiculous.

Side: Yes, she deserved it!