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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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Explorer(187) pic

Should Sony Have Released The Movie 'The Interview' In Theaters?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
2 points

Of course the movie should be released, in every theater. We have spent centuries sending our sons to war to die to protect our freedom. Why would any producer or theater bow to a threat from that worm? Not only do I believe it should be released into every theater, I believe it's every American's responsibility to watch it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Of course , what are those butthurt , whiny , North Korean leaders gonna do ? They aren't gonna start a war over this movie and if they do their country is small enough to be taken out by one nuke . Also , Rhode Island probably has more nukes than NK .

Side: Yes
1 point

Imagine if it were the other way round... North Korea made a film showing Obama being assassinated. How do you think the USA would react? I strongly suspect the film makers would be being tortured somewhere now.

It is not acceptable to make a film showing the assassination of a individual known in real life even less a head of state. What were they thinking? They thought they could say whatever they like about someone just because he's one of the 'bad guys' well no it isn't. Sorry USA - live by your own standards. Terrorists.

Side: No
0 points

No lets let Obama apologize and give NK some more foreign aid so they'll be nice. That's been working so well.

Side: No
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

You mean Clinton & Bush aid - not Obama aid.


Side: Yes