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Debate Score:217
Total Votes:235
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 Yes (101)
 No (79)

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warrior(1854) pic

Should we abolish

Before posting I want you to consider that all the places where all the recent shootings took place where so called "gun free zones" this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that these zones are not only ineffective but dangerous because they are a place where a blood thirsty psyco can be shure he can make the most of the 30 minutes he/she/they have before the police arrive. The best way to minimize the risk of massicar is to allow the citizenry the tools nessisary to stop one as soon as it starts there are instances of school shootings and theater shootings being stopped and even prevented by armed bystanders for example check out the links I posted in the debate section.

The other point I want to make is laws only stop the law abiding. someone intent on committing murder the most serious crime in our countrie is not going to be stopped because a lesser crime with a lesser punishment stands in his way. never has a street racer been thwarted by a speed limit, never has a drive by been prevented because its illegal to keep loded gun in your car. And never has a school shooting mall shooting or theater shooting ever been foile by a "gun free zone


Side Score: 115


Side Score: 102

I don't think gun free zones cause shootings, but I sure don't think they help. It's not like a would-be mass murderer is going to say, "Oh shit, they don't allow guns here. I'm going to have to pick a different place."

Side: Yes
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

My point exactly and to add on to that I believe in some cases such as the aurora Colorado shooting and the recent mall shootings the fact that the buildings were "gun free zones" may have influenced the shooters decision. And Adam Lanza picked sandy hook and no one knew his motive for choosing an elementary school my theory is that it was the nearest "gun free zone" or for shock value/infamy maybe both.

Side: Yes
HoldTheMayo(5913) Clarified
2 points

OK, now this is something I don't like about CreateDebate. Since my side is "Yes" and you clicked "Dispute," it set your side to "No," when that's obviously not what you want. Now the vote is 2-1 when it should be 3-0.

Side: Yes

Is there evidence that shooters target gun free zones? I would think that Adam Lanza just wanted to shoot up his old elementary school. Even if it weren't labeled gun free, that's no reason to expect that someone would be armed. And he was planning to die anyway, so it wouldn't matter all that much if someone were armed.

Side: Yes
2 points

they should and since most shootings are taking places at scholl they should have a securtiy gaurd armed with a small firearm there onyly job would to patrole the premisis and make sure that there is no one there should be there

Side: Yes
2 points

To stop the killing with guns you you have to make it harder to get guns. I don't think more guns is going to make things more safer. Who is going to stop the good guy from going bad?

Side: Yes
unownmew(160) Disputed
1 point

The fact that the good guy is a good guy prevents them from doing bad. If a good guy were to do bad, they wouldn't be a good guy anymore, now would they?

But why are you so focused on just gun killings? Shouldn't it be the Total kills that you're worried about? Having more guns may not decrease the percentage of "gun deaths" but is sure as hell reduces overall crime rates and overall murder rates.

Side: No
Consigliere(183) Disputed
1 point

That is extremely stupid, I'm sorry but it is. Clearly, in your mind, criminals follow the law and by making it harder to get guns will force these criminals to follow these anti-gun laws just like the kind law-abiding citizens they are. Dude, seriously? Criminals will get guns no matter what. They have black markets etc. They aren't going to follow any damn gun laws. We need guns as citizens to protect ourselves from these criminals.

Side: No
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

If anything, these stories say that the gun free zones need to be more strict.

I'm against that, but that is becoming the case.

I say we need the gun free zones just like we need the rules in place against kids doing illegal substances that are legal for adults.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

The stories only talk about bad guys being stopped because good guys had guns. Who stops the bad guys if you take away the guns from the good guys?

Side: Yes
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Please tell me your being sarcastic. First of all gun free means just that no guns period how can that be any stricter? Second all the stories told of instances when gun toting bystanders saved people thus proving that disarming citizens is a bad thing. And third when have those laws prohibiting kids from substances completely legal for adults ever worked? Did you even go to high school?

Side: Yes
1 point

Abolish all legally created Gun Free Zones (private entities should be free to make their own rules, but highly encouraged to not forbid weapons),

And THEN, establish mandatory gun responsibility and training courses in school, at a young age. Educate children that guns are not toys and are NOT to be treated lightly, and are most certainly not to be used for selfish reasons like killing someone you dislike or who treats you bad.

Then provide safe competitions and contests for students to settle their beef with each other, rather than resorting to killing and bullying.

Side: Yes
1 point

I would find that gun free zones are nothing more then wishful thinking. Concerts for example are "gun free zones". Yet, in the case of dime bag Darrel (lead guitarist of Damage Plan) was gunned down on stage in front of many fans.

If everyone had been armed with guns and knives he may have thought twice about taking a hostage and the three others that died along with the guitarist would probably have survived. Nathan Gale was also shot dead by the police.

Dimebag Shooting newscast.
Side: Yes
1 point

They don't really help at all. Actually, they help the gunman because that eliminates the risk of the psychopath getting shot by another citizen with a concealed weapon.

I read an article about a women and her parents shopping in a "Gun Free Zone," so like a law-abiding citizen, she left her gun in the car. As she was shopping with her parents, a gunman walked in and killed both of them, but the women lived. She had to live with the fact that she could have saved her parents, if she had her gun with her.

Side: Yes
-2 points
unownmew(160) Disputed
1 point

Having Armed Police Officers present reduces the amount of crime that occurs in that present location.

Why? It's not because they're police officers. It's because it is an Armed Deterrent.

Police Officers can not exist in all places at once. So this necessarily means that the Armed Deterrent is lacking in certain specific areas.

Put guns in everyone's hands, and then you have successfully placed an Armed Deterrent anywhere and everywhere a civilian is present. What stops these Armed Civilian good guys from going bad? All the other Armed Civilians surrounding them who can shoot them the moment they turn bad.

Side: No
5 points

I'm going to speak exclusively on schools.

No one is making the argument that saying that a school is a gun free zone will stop 100% of mass shootings. If someone wants to go shoot up a school, there isn't much you can do to stop that. People with access to guns are capable of killing people, after all, whatever laws are in place.

But, the law isn't trying to make schools 100% safe. They are trying to make schools safer.

If everyone had a gun, we still wouldn't stop mass shootings. People would still be able to kill a number of people, if they attacked a school with assault rifles and grenades. But there would also be a huge number of accidental deaths, and of shootings done in anger, in the moment. People have shot their loved wifes and husbands, their boyfriends and girlfriends of many years, the people they love most in their lives. Put them in a fight at school (like what happens hundreds of times all over the world) and give them a gun, and there'll be hundreds of deaths every day at schools.

Yes, if you say that the aim of making a school a gun free zone is to stop 100% of shootings, then you can say that it has failed in this respect. But any reasonable assessment of their effectiveness will clearly show that they have saved an uncountable number of lives.

Side: No
warrior(1854) Disputed
4 points

Let me start my counter argument with a quote regarding the second part of your argument "those who sacrifice liberty in the name of safety shall deserve neither and lose both"-Benjamin Franklin. We see through out history whenever gun control laws are put in place violent crime and murder in particular go up. The vast majority of our nations homicide rate aside from vehicular man slaughter and medical malpractice is justifiable homicide by civilians and police (self defense) and the majority of our nations actual murder rate come from Chicago, Detroit, Los Angels, and New York the 4 cities with the most restrictive gun control laws.

Side: Yes
unownmew(160) Disputed
1 point

Unless you can actually quantify the number of lives that have been saved through gun control, yours is a non-argument and fundamentally flawed from the get-go.

Unlike yours however, one CAN quantify the number of lives that have been saved by looser control.

It stands to reason that, if one is presented with a mass shooter, and that mass shooter is shot and killed, or held at bay, before he can unload his magazine entirely, by someone who was present and carrying a firearm as well. The person has undoubtably prevented as many injuries/deaths, as the shooter had ammunition left. Furthermore, it stands to reason that the Earlier a person shoots and kills such a menance, the more lives are saved by it, and likewise the Later such a shooting can be done, the more lives are lost, or injuries caused.

The point is not to prevent a mass shooting, such thing would be entirely impossible, the point is to MINIMIZE the amount of damage that such a mass shooting can cause. If every mass murder was killed after firing just one shot, you can quantify the number of lives saved and injuries prevented. However, if all you're relying on is the honor system to prevent mass shootings, and forbid people the option of proactively removing the threat as soon as possible, Each and Every Single One of them is going to have MASS Victims.

So, which then is in actuality the real safest solution? Prevent an unknown number of "potential" mass murders, and permit the real ones that get through to cause extreme loss of life and injury? Or stop each and every one of them that actually occurs as soon as possible, as well as stop a similarly unquantifiable number (as the "gun prohibition" choice) of "potential" threats on top of that?

As for kids shooting each other in fights. This is reduced through education, teaching the kinds responsibility and to not treat guns lightly or use them in personal feuds. It can be further reduced by providing alternative means for settling disputes that equally burn out the anger, such as competitions and contests, and frequently encouraging their frequent use. It can be even further reduced through strict penalties for misuse, abuse, and criminal use of the weapons, as well as confiscation on a case by case basis, rather than unilaterally and universally.

Side: Yes
4 points

If easily available weapons are problem, then having more of them is not obviously a solution. It's just a proof how well you have been brainwashed by weapons manufacturer's lobby.

Side: No
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

Easily available weapons aren't the problem. Restrictive gun laws disarming the victims and leavening them vulnerable is the problem. Your argument is proof of how well you have been brain washed by the Anti-gun lobby.

Side: Yes
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
4 points

In the majority of school shootings it's the legally bought easily available Guns that have been used not the illegal ones bought off the street.

Side: No
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

According to your "logic". Government should give away cocaine to kids because what will sort out ease of access to drugs than more easily accessible drugs?

Side: No
3 points

I dont think aboloshing Gun Free Zones is the answer especially in places like schools as someone else has pointed out Guns in a volatile place like schools is not a good idea and if Guns are allowed it would be hard for someone to differentiate between a Shooter and someone just carrying their Gun for self defence but maybe having armed guards on the premises might work as a deterrent whilst safeguarding peole.

Side: No
2 points

But why hire more personnel when you can just arm teachers? In schools the kids won't be armed obviously you need to be 21 to carry a gun about anyway. But if we arm and train teachers that would be a financially sound way of improving student safety.

Side: No
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

I think that would be cheaper to build a huge wall around the school... :D

Side: Yes
2 points

Gun free zones are a reality that life needs.

We need more "free zones"

People are bound get offended by some things and when they do they want to go somewhere where they are not.

On the internet that is much easier to do, one must simply log off, but in the real world it's harder to do. If they were completely gone, it'd be impossible to do.

People who want to use their guns can use their guns in the non gun free zones, while the people who don't want to see them, can go the gun free areas. I see it as not limiting rights, but making this a better place for everyone.

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You don't have a way to prevent guns from getting in the gun free zones.

Actual gun free zones are actually nice, they are called airports. A "sealed" environment where everyone is checked before they enter.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

No duh. Guns will find a way into gun free zones, just like drugs and alcohol will find a way into the hands of people who aren't allowed to have them.

That doesn't mean we should just lift the law on it.

Side: No
DD5577(5) Disputed
1 point

So what your suggesting is that we need more gun free zones, since you think they work so well. Gun free zones only prevent honest law abiding citizens from taking their guns into them. When, in the history of mankind, has anyone ever trusted a criminal to obey laws? Signs, and more signs that create gun free zones do nothing. We can not expect criminals to obey the honor system.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

So what your suggesting is that we need more gun free zones, since you think they work so well

How about let's just not abolish the ones we already have.

Side: No
1 point

Hey, I could support that! So long as it's entirely voluntary for both zones, and no services are exclusive to either zone.

I could totally support putting all the people offended by guns in special gun free zones, just for them.

That way when one of the pro-gun people snaps, they can just walk into the no-gun zone, obviously hiding their gun, and have a blast shooting fish in a barrel. :3 Maybe then you guys would realize how utterly useless gun-free zones really are.

Side: Yes
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

I understand your good intentions but, I see it would be safer to always keep one handy.

Side: Yes

It's come to my attention that this debate is virtually the same as the "abortion" or "Gay rights" topic.

More the gay rights oen here's why.

Heterosexual couples can marry, they are not being prevented in any way, yet they want it to be illegal for gays to marry even though I would not affect them in any way.

People that want guns, can still own their guns, they just can't own them in the gun free areas. yet they want the gun free areas gone, even though it would not affect them in any way.

Side: No
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

Actually it dose affect us of we should happen to find our selves in one of these "gun free zones" and a shooting occurs while we are unarmed and vulnerable well idd say that would effect us quite a bit.

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Leave! You don't have to live in those areas.

It's like this. Owning a gun is a responsibility right? Well part of that responsibility is finding where you can own a gun. Once you know it, just remember it and don't go into their places.

Let them be idiots and restrict gun control in their places, while you're safe with your guns in your places.

Side: No
TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

Interestingly Warrior is Anti Gay Marriage and Anti Abortion but hates the thought of Gun Restrictions being in place because that would be restricting his rights.

He wants to suppress the rights of others whilst keeping his.

Side: Yes
warrior(1854) Disputed
2 points

This goes beyond just the constitutional right to bare arms (neither gay marriage nor abortion are mentioned in the bill or rights therefor they are not rights) its about safety. Safety that won't require more taxes of wire tapping an wont require good honest citizens to be disarmed.

Side: Yes

There is too much gun violence in America. I wish guns were banned.

Side: No
0 points

Of course not! Generally, it should ban the sale of guns to the population! Because so many cases of mass murder. The most recent occurred in Belgorod, where 10 people were killed.

Side: No
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

It's hard to commit a mass shooting when people shoot back. All shootings in the US occur in "gun free zones" this shows us two things

1."gun free zones" are ineffective

2. Psychos target "gun free zones" it's like a hunting ground for them.

Side: Yes