
Debate Info

Yes, you should regardless No, respect is earned.
Debate Score:88
Total Votes:97
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 Yes, you should regardless (30)
 No, respect is earned. (27)

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Dixonass(7) pic

Should we really respect "others beliefs".

I'm going to keep this short.

I often hear this sentance thrown about in religious debates, usually when people start to get offensive or offended by certain comments made, some could be considered extremely crass while others are just stating a fact. however This statement contradicts the popular "everyone has a right to believe in what they want" statment.

An idea of when this statement is usually used; 

  • I can believe in whatever i chose
  • Christians can believe in what ever they chose 
  • Christian believes in inteligent design
  • Christian believes non believers will be tortued in eternity
  • I belive that christinaty is bullshit and doesn't warrent any respect

*Gasp* "You should respect others beliefs 


we'd probably all get along and respect each others opinions, but what about muslims who think shirai law should be enforced in the U.K and U.S.A. is that respectable. i know this post is way too unballanced, but 

  1. I don't care
  2. I made it to see what everyone else has to say 




Yes, you should regardless

Side Score: 38

No, respect is earned.

Side Score: 50
3 points

I think other peoples beliefs should be respected, you dont have to agree and debate and argue the point all you like but my opinion is show respect no matter how stupid the belief

Side: Yes, you should regardless
2 points

I am sorely wishing for a Neutral, third option, as I am neither for nor against this. Yes, we should tolerate others' beliefs, or at least respect the person. No, we shouldn't let others' beliefs step all over what is right. There are certain religions who believe in executing certain people for their beliefs, but does this make it right to murder? No.

I am of the position that I will tolerate your beliefs, unless it directly contradicts my own. In which case, I will speak my mind on the subject whilst remaining tolerant of the person, at the very least.

There are a few exceptions but I will not get into them here.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

You should respect their beliefs regardless if there different from you. You can still be friends with other people who have the same belief but don't talk about them because then it will break your friendship.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
nummi(1424) Disputed
3 points

Telling others you will burn in hell forever simply because they don't share your opinions/beliefs is not respect. Beliefs that say everyone else who is not of the same will be tortured forever does not deserve respect, ever!

Side: No, respect is earned.
Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

Nummi, you are just using an example of a disrespectful thing that the religious can say- that is not always necessarily said by all Christians. This is the equivalent of 'atheist beliefs say everyone else who is not Atheist are gullible dumbasses.' - even though this is not always necessarily said by all Atheists.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I don't tell my friends who are non-believers they will burn in hell because if I do tell them that then they wouldn't be my friends anymore and if I pointed their error of their ways they would get upset.

You should tell that to RandomDude because he says it all the time I haven't said it in a long time so I don't know why your picking on me and telling me what to do. I

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

The thing I don't understand about the 'earn their respect' code is which side would even want to be the little bitch to earn the other side's respect in the first place. Both sides are too egotistical to do this, and the 'earn respect' is a little egotistical itself which cancels it out. Just tolerate each others beliefs at the same time (if that is possible.)

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

Simply because it will only lead to a nonsense debate. Moreover, it will bring animosity feeling with other.

Side: Yes, you should regardless

You should respect the beliefs of others because chances are that your beliefs are no better than theirs ;)

Maybe this link will put things into perspective

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

Yes, I think. I dont think that respect is just accepting that a religion is true or what. I think that respect should be done in considerate of the person and not just because they believe in a different thing.

Side: Yes, you should regardless

I believe respect is something that you should always have because a society can't exist without a certain degree of respect for one another.

And by the way, Hell is not meant to just be a place to throw nonbelievers. It is meant to be a compelling factor. It is meant to be the kick in the butt that gets christians out of their comfort zone by saying, "if you care about anyone but yourself, you won't let them burn for eternity!"

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

One of the main things I have learned in my time as a philosopher is that nothing can actually be known. That is unless senses, memory, and experience were objective and infallible, but they are not. Also, two sides of an argument are just two ways of explaining the same thing, which just goes to show that either are plausible, but neither could ever be truly known or deemed correct. The only reason there are different ways of seeing the same thing is because not everyone sees things in the same way so not only can they never be right, but neither can you. Things can only be logical of illogical.; not right or wrong.

Side: Yes, you should regardless

Yes, this is the whole idea behind free minds, believe what you want bit respect beliefs not yours.

Side: Yes, you should regardless

Respect is something that should be given not for the other side but for oneself. How can one be respected if one does not give respect. Even if you earn respect from others, if you don`t know how to give respect then you shall be hated nonetheless.

Side: Yes, you should regardless

The validity of something does not necessarily dictate the act upon giving respect to. How can one claim to be logical if one is immature and disrespectful to such beliefs?

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

We can respect others' beliefs, including Muslims, without adopting Shira law. That law is for a country which wants its religion to run its politics, which the US does not. Here, "church and state are supposed to be separate."

Side: Yes, you should regardless

People should respect others' beliefs but with one exception. When those beliefs harm others, then the line is drawn.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
0 points

We should respect others beliefs. That doesn't mean you have to like them or even support them. But in order for humanity to coexist, we need tolerance. If we are not tolerant of others we fight. And when we fight people die. Not all beliefs should be respected. The terrorist believe we should die in the name of their religion. I dint respect that and never will. But I respect their faith. Because the faith itself is harmless. So yes, we should respect other beliefs but that doesn't mean submit to them.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
8 points

It's hard to respect someone when their main argument is WORSHIP THE BEARDED MAN IN THE SKY OR BURN IN HELL FOREVER.

Side: No, respect is earned.
2 points

Anyone with a sense of logic would agree. there's a massive amount of hypocrisy in religion.

Side: No, respect is earned.
Jawkins20(140) Disputed
1 point

It's hard as a Christian to respect people who deny their maker and mock the one who died to take their place, but I do anyway because it's the Christlike thing to do.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
Elvira(3441) Disputed
3 points

It's hard as a Wicce to respect those who's holy book says that we should all be killed.

It's hard as a scientist to respect those who continually refute what gave them their modern cushy lives and medecines so they don't die of cholera or tb.

It's hard to respect anyone that believes that I should burn in hell.

Side: No, respect is earned.
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

It's hard as a Christian to respect people who deny their maker

I don't deny my parents they actually exist.

Side: No, respect is earned.
dkforizzle(175) Disputed
1 point

Imploying humor as a means of support in a debate is ridiculous. One can believe in science and religion. Science tells how it's all here but not why. Science can't answer the transcadental questions that religion does, so it isn't illogical to be religious. Sir Isaac Newton believed in God and he invented calculus, I'm not so sure that you at your computer are so easily dismissive of a theory that one of the greatest mind's in human history so much adored. That is unless your brilliant mind can explain the movement of planets without calculus..

Side: Yes, you should regardless
Phronesis(7) Disputed
1 point

You're making an appeal to authority, a fallacy.

Like every scientist, Newton believed in things that were untrue. For one, Newton thought the universe was static in position and infinite in span; modern science has proven these beliefs false. More importantly, Einstein and others showed that Newton's Laws are not universally applicable. Newton was also an anti-trinitarian. Should we tell all Catholics and many Protestants, "Newton rejected the Holy Trinity and he invented calculus, therefore if you don't reject the Holy Trinity too you must reject calculus and the laws of motion"?

Next, the limits of our certainty in no way verify the existence of a god. What does a lack of knowledge verify? Absolutely nothing. Fortunately, the human race has been endowed with minds brilliant enough to always push forward into the uncertainty. If everyone shared your thinking, we would have been satisfied with the Sumerian Pantheon.

Side: No, respect is earned.

People are stupid and they need to be reminded of that. Their stupidity implies that their belief system is also stupid. Especially if they hold on to it as something that is immutable. Smart are those who can change their belief system at will..., as often and as quickly as the situation calls for. Which is why I will now post on the other side ;)

Side: No, respect is earned.
3 points

You have to EARN my respect. It's NOT given automatically, especially no to some idiotic bronze age myths.

Side: No, respect is earned.
2 points

Define "respect" and define "belief."

Side: No, respect is earned.
Facadeon(508) Disputed
2 points

You don't have to act dumb about it. I think you know what it means...

"Respect" as in tolerate or accept, and "belief" as in religious beliefs (This is a religious debate is it not?)

Just another waste of time.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
1 point

It's up to you to define respect. it's your opinion on weather something is respectable or not.

and for beliefs use a dictionary

Side: No, respect is earned.
1 point

Respect can mean many things: that we allow it to be believed, that we honor it as a belief, that we honor the people, that we.... What does "respect" mean?

Belief can mean many things as well: an opinion, a fact, a mixture of facts and opinion, religious ideologies, ... What does "belief" mean?

Side: No, respect is earned.
dkforizzle(175) Disputed
1 point

Should people understand and tolerate differences in opinions? I would say expecting every person to see things the same way as you- one of 6 billion people- is silly and such a thing is improbable. It is only logical to understand that people are going to think differently, but maybe coexistence isn't valuable to you.

Side: Yes, you should regardless
2 points

I'm going to call the logical fallacy in the preposition (re: Muslims in the UK that want sharia law). That's not a belief, that's a want of a particular sub-group of the British Muslim population. Now, while there are some statistics that suggest that a very high percentage of British Muslims want sharia law, the methodologies used to collect those statistics are highly suspect. It doesn't match with the perceptions of what's going on at ground level. Also, you don't ask a politically conservative right-wing organization to collect statistics on a group that it is ideologically prone to hate. That is called "bias".

Anyway, to the actual question of should we respect one anthers beliefs; I would say "no". We should respect the person; but not necessarily the ideas. While I'm a Muslim, I would maintain that you should have every right to both question and disagree with my beliefs. I would, however, anticipate being respected at a personal level, even if my theistic beliefs are not respected.

What you shouldn't do is to placate beliefs. I want you to question my beliefs and I want to question your beliefs. That questioning process isn't going to go very far if we hold onto the idea of their being taboo topics than cannot be questioned.

Side: No, respect is earned.
1 point

Why should anyone give respect to people who believe in fairy tales ? The telescope has been around for hundreds of years and has proven that the little points of light in the night sky are stars and planets. Every time I hear a reference to "heaven above", the "man upstairs" or other garbage like that I realize that most people are just stupid.

Side: No, respect is earned.
1 point

I only respect people if they respect me. Respect is a two way street.

Side: No, respect is earned.

I was about to be on the side of respecting everyone's beliefs when i read the definition of the word and became confused.

A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

In that regard to respect something you don't believe in is just wrong. You can't admire something you see as damaging, that's like saying respect Hitler's choice to have the Jewish people eliminated.

I believe that rather than respecting other's beliefs, we should be tolerate of their right to have them.

Side: No, respect is earned.
0 points

i respect only thiose who are corret in their beliefs and i am yet to find one on this site

Side: No, respect is earned.
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

You mean that you are looking for a member of same cult/ same bronze age myth follower?:D

...try some webpage with more pictures :D

Side: Yes, you should regardless