
Debate Info

Always Not always
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Always (2)
 Not always (4)

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Harvard(666) pic


Is it better for a woman to nurture her child herself rather than trust someone else to take care of her responsibility?



Side Score: 2

Not always

Side Score: 5
1 point

I think most people don't take into account that a woman shouldn't have a child unless she's in a position to take care of it. I put the burden on women because ultimately they are responsible: they have to let it grow inside of them, they will most likely have strong feelings that would disallow them from giving it up for adoption, and they are the best at handling the child.

Basically, my argument is that women should always take care of their own child and should not have one if they can't.

(NOTE: I am excluding rape victims and teens- even though [teens] are still responsible)

Side: Always

Yeah the point you make is valid she's basically throwing that responsibility to someone else,that's not what a mother should do.A child needs a mother more than the dad and she would thus stay at home

Side: Always
2 points

In an ideal world, yes. But with the financial pressures of the past couple of decades or so this perfect child/mother scenario isn't always possible, so compromises have to be made.

Side: Not always
1 point

In general YES. But in specific cases the natural mother may be unsuited to raising children. So defiantly "Not Always"

Side: Not always
1 point

It is better for one to nature her own child, but in the world today some may not be able to or can not fully do this without troubling the child in any way. so it may not be best for a mother to always take care of her child herself.

Side: Not always
1 point

Is it better for a woman to nurture her child herself rather than trust someone else to take care of her responsibility

One of the most important things for a happy child is that parents are happy and able to give themselves emotionally to the child. If a mother wants to work and leave some of the childcare to someone else then this is probably in the interest of the child opposed to her feeling like she is trapped and made to stay at home. A womans life doesnt have to stop just because she has a child. In fact evidence shows that over the age of 3 there is a benefit to children attending nurseries. Even before the age of 3 there is no evidence to suggest a detriment in the child having carers other than the mother.

There is also the point that the father has an equal burden when it comes to the best interest of the child. He can decide whether to have a child or not. I dont see the logic in the argument thst because the woman carried the baby they should hold more responsibility (and naturally stronger paternal rights too...) than the father.

Side: Not always