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should pass should not pass
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 should pass (7)
 should not pass (13)

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tende0(30) pic

That voting for elections should/should not be subject by passing a general knowledge test

No, definitely no one has to pass a test to vote. It is unfair. This is a right that we fought for many years to get.

should pass

Side Score: 8

should not pass

Side Score: 16

Yes, they should at least know what the parties are saying in their manifesto.

Else we might as well randomly select leaders.

Side: should pass
1 point

Yes people should take a test! People need to know what they are doing and who they are voting for with a pro/con idea.

Side: should pass
tende0(30) Disputed
1 point

but even if they didn't pass the test it doesn't mean they can't decide who should be the leader. Voting is not a opportunity to test someone's knowledge. It's their personal opinion. Voters can select their leaders by looking at what services they have granted to the society.

Side: should not pass
Soraya(23) Disputed
1 point

Yes but there should be some test to know what they are doing and why and they are voting for so they should get a test in all

Side: should pass

There should be some sort of test you need to pass before you are eligible to vote. Democracy is all for show if the people voting don't even know who and what they're voting for.

Preferably you need to retake this test before every presidential election, so that you're up to date on general affairs.

I'd love to have a system like this in the UK, and it would probably be easier to pass it here considering we don't have the constitution blocking us.

Side: should pass
1 point

Yes, and why wouldn't we require this?

But I hope you realize that 9 out of 10 Americans including most members of this site would fail it the moment topics turned to anything unrelated to their one or two special

Interest topics.

Side: should pass
tende0(30) Disputed
1 point

first of all, we are not debating about America's politics.

Side: should not pass
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Ok. But that doesn't change the accuracy of my statement.

Side: should pass
tende0(30) Disputed
1 point

The right to vote is a basic human right that empowers citizens to influence governmental decision-making and to safeguard their other human rights. The right to vote and the right to public participation in government is asserted in Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Side: should not pass
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

True. And yet there are already expectations that modify that right. Minimum age, registration, citizenship, the ability to read the ballot, etc.

Side: should pass
2 points

Even though my gut wants a general knowledge test requirement, it's against the principals of the United States to require such a thing. I believe a general knowledge test about the candidate(s) would "enlightened" people a bit.

Funny story. This one guy was taking a video of him in the voting booth. You could tell he was a millennial and pretty liberal. Anyways, he picks Hillary Clinton and then goes, "oh... Well, her name sounds pretty" and proceeds to vote for someone that he doesn't know.

As Winston Churchill said, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter".

Side: should not pass
1 point

Like the quote on Churchill. Nice job! I will add another. "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." JFK

Side: should not pass
2 points

That would exclude a great many people who haven't had the benefit of proper schooling for one reason or another. Everyone deserves a chance to have their voice heard, knowledgeable or not.

Side: should not pass
2 points

No, however, everyone should have to take a test and the results would reflect how much their vote is worth on a scale from 1-10. The more you know, the more your vote is worth. This way, everybody still gets a say!

The problem with democracy: Where two idiots outvote one genius!

Side: should not pass
1 point

I believe that voting for election should not be subject by passing a general knowledge test. Why do we need a general knowledge test? Voting is all about personal opinion, it is not about knowledge.

Side: should not pass
Brylos(70) Disputed
1 point

Yeah but then you get people who will vote for someone simply because they say outrageous things and it's funny to watch to them (CoughCoughWeKnowWhoImTalkingAbout). It's a slippery slope. If we keep the trend of opinions deciding votes eventually the presidency will be a popularity contest. The result of us letting everyone vote based off uninformed opinions would be much more severe than if a test was required.

Side: should pass
tende0(30) Disputed
1 point

no it is all about what voters have experienced about politics it is not about their knowledge. Even if they didn't pass the test it doesn't mean they can not understand and decide the right party.

Side: should not pass
1 point

No, for the single reason that, despite (and, in some ways, in light of) the endemic idiocy plaguing this country, the government is still always going to be inherently untrustworthy, and should thus not have the power to dictate who is eligible to take part in moderating it.

Side: should not pass
1 point

can someone please tell me is it illegal to have a general knowledge test to have right to vote. If yes under what law in Australia?

Side: should not pass
1 point

but even if they didn't pass the test it doesn't mean they can't decide who should be the leader. Voting is not a opportunity to test someone's knowledge. It's their personal opinion. Voters can select their leaders by looking at what services they have granted to the society.

Side: should not pass