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They have no idea Libs are emoting like children
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 They have no idea (1)
 Libs are emoting like children (1)

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Spot(122) pic

The left hates the cops & military, so who will their civil war be against?


They have no idea

Side Score: 2

Libs are emoting like children

Side Score: 1
2 points

The left doesn't hate the cops or military. It was very common for red guards to wear military uniforms. If cops are really upholding the law, then they would be respected by the left, because the left hates crime a lot more than the right. In fact, remember when Mao liberated China, he went after the criminal syndicates and ran them off the Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Any time any communist government takes power, they always send the major criminals running away to capitalist countries.

Side: They have no idea
EvilNom(146) Clarified
2 points


Are you a Marxist? .

Side: They have no idea
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
0 points

Don't forget to answer yourself before giving up on that account.

Side: They have no idea
1 point

The left hates the cops & military, so who will their civil war be against?

Hello Spotty:

As a lefty, I'm NOT fond of the cops. However, as a lefty, I've got nothing against the military..

So, as noted in the original post, this new civil war is gonna be the KKKlansmen and Neo Nazis VS the USA..

Personally, I think the army would CRUSH those Klansmen and Nazi sonofabitches, and love every minute of it..

Plus, whether I hated them or not wouldn't change what they do.


Side: Libs are emoting like children
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Not an army. Put all the KKK and Nazis in one place and a local police force in riot gear would put them all in jail with room left over. There aren’t that many of them. Pretending that the lefts opponents are Nazis/KKK/racists is why we have trump in the first place.

Side: They have no idea
Hootie(364) Clarified
0 points

Pretending that the lefts opponents are Nazis/KKK/racists is why we have trump in the first place.

So you have a man which Holocaust survivors regularly compare to Hitler, who is supported by every American Nazi group and who (according to his ex-wife) kept a copy of Mein Kampf beside his bedside, because "leftists" pretend their opponents are Nazis?

That makes perfect sense. Absolutely no contradiction.

Side: They have no idea