
Debate Info

Bribing is the American way One is legal. One isn't.
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 Bribing is the American way (6)
 One is legal. One isn't. (5)

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excon(18262) pic

The rich BRIBE.. The poor use AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. What's better?

Bribing is the American way

Side Score: 7

One is legal. One isn't.

Side Score: 8
2 points

It's not so much a question of which is better, but more, which is the more effective.

If you want to acquire something, let's say a major contract, a carefully planned bribe will secure you the business.

When I say carefully Planned I mean you must, through a well thought out, pre-bribe plan, and by using your experience establish whether or not the decision maker is sufficiently corrupt/greedy to be lured into the bribe.

Trying to bribe a bible thumping, moralistic puritan could, and probably would result in you losing the contract and having your company removed from the select tender list for all future contracts.

Such is the world of business.

Side: Bribing is the American way

The rich BRIBE..

Yes. We are familiar with how libs in power get paid.


The liberal rich pandering for votes use affirmative action and discriminate against Asians because Asian lobbyists don't pay as much, and aren't a big enough voting bloc.

Look at how the left treats minorities with little voting power. They turn the hoses on them in North Dakota. That is the true heart of the Democrat Party.

What's better?

There is no better with the left. There's shitty and more shitty. Take your pick of shitty types.

And then there are Republicans in power. Some are shitty, some aren't, but the shitty ones pander to the same dicks the Democrats work for.

Side: One is legal. One isn't.
1 point

Affirmative action isn’t for the poor con. It’s for minorities. Believe it or not, those two are not synonymous.

Side: One is legal. One isn't.
1 point

Affirmative action is a legal form of bribe and its aim is to expand the voter base.

Side: One is legal. One isn't.
1 point

Affirmative action is a legal form of bribe and its aim is to expand the voter base.

Hello BO:

Looking at it from that angle, I agree with you.. And, I even agree that it expands the voter base.. Why wouldn't it?? Truly, tax cuts too, are an attempt to expand the voter base. That IS the reason politicians DO what they DO.

Oh, I WISH it weren't for those reasons.. I WISH they did things for the benefit of citizens.. But, they do things to get re-elected.. Term limits would fix that.


Side: One is legal. One isn't.
1 point

Oh, I WISH it weren't for those reasons.. I WISH they did things for the benefit of citizens.. But, they do things to get re-elected.. Term limits would fix that.

Well, well con. We agree on something. Ready to axe Schumer, Waters, and Pelosi?

Side: Bribing is the American way
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID goes into some PSYCHO BABBLE !!!!!!!!!! Talking about TERM LIMITS !

All the while trying to avoid his LEFTIST in HOLLYWOOD are scamming the college education system !!!!!!!!

This IDIOT is a PARTY PUPPET and that cannot be DENIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Bribing is the American way
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID you really need to be more involved in your GOD like figure Governor Inslee healing the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Bribing is the American way
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID you cannot address your Leftist scamming the college education system ??

Come on IDIOT what you got to say ??????????

Side: Bribing is the American way
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID do you think the Russians could have some how influenced your Hollywood stars into being scam artist ??????????

Side: Bribing is the American way
1 point

Is SUPER STUPID in it's warped mind referring to Lizzy Warren here ??????????????

Side: One is legal. One isn't.