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Good He's orange
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Good (3)
 He's orange (3)

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Trump Administration First In History To Label A White Supremacist Group Terrorists

Trump Administration First In History To Label A White Supremacist Group Terrorists


Side Score: 4

He's orange

Side Score: 6
1 point

Trump Administration First In History To Label A White Supremacist Group Terrorists

Good job Mr. Trump. I am so proud of you.

Side: Good
0 points

Well, he may not be the first to expose and name such extremist groups for what they are but he did have the political courage to tag them with an appropriate title.

Of course in the irrational world of the loony left they will damn him when he makes such statements and damn him if he doesn't.

The extreme left wing subversives try to radicalize those with moderate left wing political views as their chief aim is to divide American society as much as possible.

''Divide and conquer'' is their sinister motto.

Side: Good
1 point

Well, he may not be the first to expose and name such extremist groups for what they are but he did have the political courage to tag them with an appropriate title

It's a transparent publicity stunt you clown. He named Russian white supremacists. And do you know why he named Russian white supremacists?

Because they aren't part of his goddamned voting base is why.

Of course in the irrational world of the loony left they will damn him when he makes such statements and damn him if he doesn't.

In the "irrational world of the loony left" what people say doesn't count for shit. What they do and how they act is the important part.

Side: He's orange

Trump Administration First In History To Label A White Supremacist Group Terrorists

Laughably false and nauseatingly hypocritical:-

Republicans Blasted Obama Administration For Warning About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security reported that white supremacy is the US’s biggest threat for domestic terror, [and] it was met with harsh criticism. Conservatives blasted the department for defining terror threats too broadly, instead of focusing on potential Islamic terrorists.

The report was titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” and it named white supremacists, radical anti-abortionists, and a few “disgruntled veterans” as most susceptible to recruitment by extremist groups, or to harboring resentment that may lead to domestic terrorism. DHS stressed that, during recessions, these threats go up, and law enforcement should be on the lookout for such extremism terrorism-de556496606c/

Lie, lie, lie. Spin, spin, spin. Change the record bud.

Side: He's orange
2 points

Really? "The Daily Wire"?? Ben Shapiro?? About as supportive of everything Trump as one can find! A totally right wing SUPPORTER of terrorists and their practices! PLease, can you get REAL? Several President at LEAST as far as JFK have "labeled" WS groups terrorists, at least "domestic terrorists".

Then there's the Confederate States of America who didn't NEED to be labeled, but even the first Republican labeled THEM!

Side: He's orange
1 point

Really? "The Daily Wire"?? Ben Shapiro??

Read my story below. The Republicans crucified Obama for warning about white supremacist groups. The audacity of these clowns is spectacular.

Side: Good