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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Was Epstein Murdered?

I'm fairly sure he was. I've just watched an interview with a forensic pathologist hired by his brother. The whole thing is farcical. The guards were apparently asleep. The surveillance cameras apparently weren't working. And, most importantly of all, Epstein was found with fractures to his larynx, which indicate he didn't hang but rather something crushed his throat.

Lots of potential suspects, but I have a suspicion one of Trump's family, if not Trump himself might have arranged it.


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 6

He probs had dirt on other crimes........................................................................................................

Side: Yes

He probs had dirt on other crimes..

Definitely. And against some extremely powerful people. His black book was apparently a who's who of the rich and famous.

Side: Yes

Do you think we will ever know the truth?....................................................................................................

Side: Yes
1 point

Much like MJ being a paedophile, 9/11 being inside job and Earth being flat, we must accept these truths that Illuminati lie to us about.

Side: Yes
1 point

Did you know how tied this idiot was to the Clinton's and other powerful people? This is why fake news and most of the Liberal media speaks very little to this case.

Side: Yes
2 points

Did you know how tied this idiot was to the Clinton's

The only tie between Bill Clinton and Epstein are flights the former took aboard his plane. It is just absolutely bizarre that you would mention Clinton but ignore the fact that Trump was accused in federal court of raping a 12 year old at one of his parties.

Banned for absolutely absurd double standards, hypocrisy, ignoring the fact that the president is very possibly a child rapist, partisanship and generally being a fool.

Side: No
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Now we must not believe that Bill was not a child rapist nor was he a serial rapist even though the truth is the opposite of what the Leftist are told to believe.

Side: Yes
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

I know it is not true that Bill left his DNA on a Blue Dress.

Side: Yes
1 point

There are A LOT of powerful and political figures that Epstein could have shed a rather unflattering...filthy...light on. While it's entirely possible the guards fell asleep or the camera wasn't working, or whatever, it's unlikely all of those excuses could have happened at once. He had been on suicide watch previously, what reason would they have to put him in a cell afterwards with a non-working camera? One would think they'd want to keep a closer eye on him.

Side: Yes
1 point

No there is no proof for the insanity you put in the title of your post.

"Lots of potential suspects, but I have a suspicion one of Trump's family, if not Trump himself might have arranged it."

And Trump might have arranged the death of Ol' Eli Cummings.

Leftist live in a world of conspiracy theories but why is it a child rapist died under the watch of the Commie Mayor and the Commie Governor of New York.

Side: No
1 point

No there is no proof for the insanity you put in the title of your post.

That nice, because I'm not a lawyer and this isn't a court of law. Proof is not a prerequisite for having an opinion.

Now shut your mouth and bathe yourself in my commie techno.

Side: Yes
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Trump did kill the Democrat Child Rapist i read that on the BBC website

Side: Yes
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The author of the post said this.

"Lots of potential suspects, but I have a suspicion"

Does suspicion work in a court of law there Lefty.

Side: Yes
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Here is the Lefty in a court of law.

Your Honor i have a suspicion of a crime.

The judge asks where is the proof

And the Lefty says i have no proof just a suspicion.

The judge to the Lefty this case is thrown out.

Side: Yes
1 point

If 1 person had enough evidence to bring down such elite community members ( considering the claims against that particular group ) unsure of locations of where or what he actually had. Either fake/real suicide/murder in a FEDERAL administrative detention facility feels a little small and more of a distraction. Also considering the movie-like story being mentioned almost makes it a joke...

Side: No