
Debate Info

Nothing The world will end
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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 Nothing (5)
 The world will end (3)

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excon(18262) pic

What happens if Jews ARE a race?


I've asked before..  Nobody answers..



Side Score: 9

The world will end

Side Score: 7
5 points

What happens if Jews ARE a race?

Nom's head explodes, and we have to clean up a giant f*ing mess.

Side: Nothing
1 point

I've asked before.. Nobody answers..

You have to lead the girl to bed Excon. Asking doesn't work.

Side: Nothing
1 point

Your question is like asking: what if the Moon IS made of cheese? It's stupid because Jews obviously aren't a race and the Moon obviously isn't made of cheese.

Side: Nothing

Where would the race be held?


Side: Nothing
5 points

What happens if Jews ARE a race?

They won't be for long. The Muslims & Democrats are circling the wagons. There will be a march on Jerusalem and a mass Jew household search before long.

Side: The world will end
1 point

1. First you need to define what a "race" is. 2. Once you have properly established what genetic traits that a group has, you can address them. And maybe if you're lucky we could debate whether or not they are beneficial traits...

Side: The world will end
0 points

Palestinians (who are Muslims) and Israelis (who are Jews) share the exact same genetic roots to the indigenous peoples of the region. Mislabelling one of those groups a race is therefore an attempt from one religion to establish dominance over the other.

Side: The world will end
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Palestinians (who are Muslims) and Israelis (who are Jews) share the exact same genetic roots to the indigenous peoples of the region. Mislabelling one of those groups a race is therefore an attempt from one religion to establish dominance over the other.

NOM that is some psycho babble right there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Nothing