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 Which do you fear more? A mass killer with a gun, or a drunk driver behind the wheel? (26)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Which do you fear more? A mass killer with a gun, or a drunk driver behind the wheel?

In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.

So you tell me with each child dying from a drunk driver, why the Left is not all over the media pretending to be outraged over these innocent children's deaths? Do you have any idea how many more children are killed by drunk drivers than by guns in schools?
Where is the outrage and demand for alcohol regulations and back ground checks in public bars, nightclubs, etc.

If the real reasons for more gun control legislation is to save lives, why won't the Left propose laws mandating back ground checks in public places that sell alcohol to possible repeat DWI offenders?

I don't want this, but if your goal is to save lives with all your anti Gun rhetoric, you should be over joyed to save many thousands more lives by having background checks on people before buying alcohol in public places.

Do you have any idea how many times repeat DWI drivers continue to drink and drive? Approximately 40% of drunk drivers are repeat offenders! They drive even when their licenses are revoked!

The only way to prevent this is to do a background check before they buy that weapon of death.....ALCOHOL!

Wait, what you say? You say you don't want to be inconvenienced by background checks when buying alcohol? You say you are a law abiding citizen who would never drink and drive?
You say you don't want to pay more for alcohol to pay for those background checks for past DWI drivers?

I THOUGHT YOUR GOAL WAS TO SAVE LIVES? You expect law abiding citizens to pay more and put up with all the inconvenience from your anti gun legislation, but when it comes to your alcohol...... HANDS OFF?

A drunk driver behind the wheels of a car happens millions of times more often than some lunatic with a gun! The odds of you or your loved one being killed by a drunk driver is far higher than the odds of being shot at a concert or Church.

You are hypocrites and total jokes. You prove you could not care less about saving lives. You final goal is to take our guns.

You always spew your ludicrous reasoning why only guns should be singled out to save lives. A police state is just fine as long as it only controls one particular weapon of death..... the gun.

You say we already have alcohol restrictions? Yes, and we already have gun restrictions. You can't buy a gun under age, the same as alcohol. We can't shoot people, you can't hunt near public places and you can not drink and drive. BUT PEOPLE STILL DO IT!

IT'S NOT THE WEAPON OF CHOICE, BUT THE PERSON BEHIND THAT WEAPON. Use the brain God gave you and start addressing why people grow up to be criminals, or become irresponsible drinkers who have no problem drinking and driving.
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3 points

Wow! It appears America now has not one but two life threatening dangers that appear to be totally out of control but now this idiotic poster wants to know which one should you fear most ; he forgot to mention the third option and the most fearful of the lot a drunk driver also carrying a gun or do the already marvelous gun laws also cover against that happening?

This portrayal of modern America by a “patriot” portrays an image of a country little better than the worst South American hell hole

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
3 points

If i am drunk at the house with a loaded shotgun am i a danger to Fly Over Nation lol

Dermot(5736) Clarified
1 point

I think you’re pretty safe Outlaw and you never get drunk do you 👌😂👉🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
3 points

Let's be honest the avatar Cuaroc could not come up with an original post if it had to.

Cocopops(347) Clarified
1 point

He could combine a number of his habitually used topics such as;-

What's wrong with a woman having an abortion in the back of a truck being driven by a drunken driver who is knocking people over like skittles while firing his assault rifle at people waiting at a bus queue?

LoveU(339) Disputed
1 point

How kind of you to say that he is an idiot, if you are here to suggest an idea then do not mix it with a disrespectful remark

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

How kind of you to say that he is an idiot,

I base that on this and other posts and it is a statement of fact

if you are here to suggest an idea then do not mix it with a disrespectful remark

I can do as I wish and my remark is actually brutally honest which as seen before is an alien concept to you

2 points

Which do you fear more? A mass killer with a gun, or a drunk driver behind the wheel?

Guns are legal to purchase if you are not a felon. Alcohol is legal to purchase so should we just ban what you Progressives oppose Curock

2 points

Mass killer with a gun. That's fairly easy. A mass killer with a gun intends to kill, and they intend to kill as many as they can with the time they have. While one would argue that a drunk driver could intend to kill, that is typically not the main goal of the idiot behind the wheel. It's a completely preventable crime and I have nothing but disdain for someone who drives while drunk but I fear the person who wants to kill more than an idiot who may potentially kill.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

While one would argue that a drunk driver could intend to kill, that is typically not the main goal of the idiot behind the wheel. It's a completely preventable crime

Well you Jewel how might it be prevented ??

Pony up some solutions would like to hear what you got !

Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

The prevention is on the person who is drinking and driving. Either:

A. don't drink alcohol if you know you have to drive.

B. have someone be a designated driver.

C. Call one of any number of free services in your area.

D. Be in a location within an easy walk to a place of residence, either home or hotel, but understand that there are still laws against public intoxication in most places.

But somehow I figured you would write a response in an attempt to skew something so it really doesn't matter the answers I gave, no matter how obvious they are. The onus is on the person partaking in drinks to not get in a car behind the wheel if they are impaired.

Referring back to my original and still valid argument, their intent is usually not to murder people, that's a consequence to their action which is albeit stupid but nearly always unintentional. Where as a mass killer with a gun intends to kill as many as they can. This should be fairly obvious to you so unless you bring up any valid points that's all I really need to say.

1 point

We all know that this never ending Gun control is not about so called "assault rifles" (the definition always ends up including our hunting rifles), but about taking our guns one step at a time.

Try being honest just once in your life. Stop hiding behind the lie of supposedly saving lives.


Which do you fear more? A volcano or an avalanche?

An avalanche?

Well then, using my offensively stupid Christian anti-logic. we can therefore conclude that volcanos are awesome and everybody should have one.

LoveU(339) Disputed
3 points

Wow , Fromwithin has something to defend for while your argument has nothing but insults, Amazing.

1 point

Insofar that the statistics clearly show which of the two sources of death poses the greater danger I feel that as the D.U.I. laws are not acting as a deterrent to the criminal drivers we must ban the use of all motorized vehicles forthwith.

Only donkey drawn carts or speed restricted pedal cycles should be allowed on our highways and byways.

Initially this may cause some temporary difficulties but nothing that a little lifestyle readjustment and pedal power couldn't soon fix.

0 points

Insofar that the statistics clearly show which of the two sources of death poses the greater danger

They show no such thing, moron. People drive every day, multiple times a day. Do you pull your gun out and shoot it everyday?

we must ban the use of all motorized vehicles forthwith.

Can you explain how/why you have made the offensively stupid error of presuming fatality statistics are the only thing one needs in order to judge how dangerous something is? I am unsure how anybody could be so stupid unless they were actually doing it on purpose.

Nuclear missiles hardly kill anybody. Are they safe to legalise?

Tanks hardly kill anybody either. Are they safe to legalise?

1 point

Check it out Cuaroc i can legally buy a vehicle then drive down to the corner store and buy a cold 30 pack of beer. So what the problem is?????

Both are equally scary.........................................

0 points

The plan to depend on background checks for alcohol. (The only way to prevent this is to do a background check before they buy that weapon of death.....ALCOHOL!)

This is unworkable.

Kids, roommates, etc. who could not pass the background check would just raid other people's liquor cabinets.

The core of the problem is not alcohol or cars or guns. The core is irresponsible and careless and selfish people.

After thousands of laws and thousands of years of religions and philosophies like Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam, Hinduism, and Islam, somehow people still have not changed.

It turns out that there is no legal, bureaucratic, or religious way to prevent dumb-shits and ass-hats from hurting others by behaving like dumb-shits and ass-hats.