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 Why do men rule the planet? (35)

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DJSNuva1(78) pic

Why do men rule the planet?

Why is it that in a vast majority of countries, including the United States, men are dominant?

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6 points

I do think men rule the world - look at the majority of the people in the governments and you'll find men!! However, women have a massive role to play in the world - not only raising children, but participating in grassroots politics where it really matters. Also women fight in wars!!!

I think the reason why men rule the planet, and I don't think it's a good thing, is that women more often than not are expected to give birth, take care and sustain a home for the children and obviously they don't have time to rule the planet as well.

1 point

I support this view .......................................................................................100%

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Is it difficult to see that rearing children is quite a powerful role? Really, a fundamentally powerful role that is arguably more significant that that of officiating over nation states, religious sects, corporations etc.

Side: They Don't
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I agree with you that men are physically capable of ruling the world better than women. However, you oughtn't say what is expected of the woman, that is sexism and you are only opening yourself up to controversy over one word.

Side: They Don't
3 points

I don't agree with the premise that men rule the planet. I don't think the planet is "ruled" rather I think in terms of strength of influence. I think that women play as powerful a role as men at a fundamental level. Not recognizing this is a form of sexism the debate creator might do well to recognize.

Men have their tools, and Women have theirs. Think you that women's tools are inferior?

Side: They Don't
3 points

While I agree with your ideas, I think the creator of the debate was asking why, traditionally and historically, so many cultures have been male-dominated. I mean, I could be wrong; I don't even know the guy, so for all I know he's a raging sexist, but I didn't take it that way.

Side: They Don't
1 point

I said "might" probably because I knew it might have come across presumptuous if I didn't. lol

To clarify, I have not come to the conclusion that DJSNuva1 is sexist.

traditionally and historically, so many cultures have been male-dominated.

I am not convinced that whoever holds the top rank title typically plays the principle role. I wonder how much of the perceived domination by men would better be termed acquiescence by the (too easily)subjugated. So now I am just making argument for the sake of discussion. I do feel that there has been and remains to be a serious imbalance, If I notice a tendency to lay blame on a class of people, I try to counter the influence that creates it.

Side: They Don't
3 points

Well, I just don't think there's a way to determine who truly rules this planet. I mean, men do hold the title for top athletes, world leaders, scientists and entertainers, but ask any married man who's truly in charge ;)

The fact is, as bad ass as we are, evolution made us this way just to attract women. It's like the question of who truly rules, a mega mining facility with top notch equipment, or the minerals that just sit there and wait to get dug out by this hard working mining equipment.

Side: Bad Question
2 points

I just learned about this topic in the socials textbook.

It says men started to rule the world since the outside world which brings the economical profit got more important due to the industrial revolution. It kind of makes sense because house chores dont make money.

Side: Bad Question
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

That is one way of looking at it. The way I see it is that women were and still tend to be preoccupied with immediate family issues. Men, whose role it was (and largely still is) to periodically leave the family unit and interact with others (in search of valuables like food, building materials etc..) had more reason and opportunity to work out socio-political arrangements with other groups.

Side: Bad Question

Because women are NOT naturally more responsible than men ;)

Side: Bad Question
1 point

Traditionally? Before the industrial revolution physical strength or abilities were vital. It continues nowadays when machines aren't as available.

In reality - Let's not go there till we need to. Not just yet anyway.

Side: Bad Question

I agree with the guy up there ^.

I mean like seriously...

Maybe you don't have to put it as the rule the planet.

More like they have more control and such.

Side: Bad Question
1 point

Because of what KINDA and shingitesol said , is my uneducated guess.

That and , Because they can !

Side: Bad Question
1 point

They don't. We just let you think you do while you do all the work. Duh...

Who is it that slaves away all day? Men. Women can just hike up their skirts, sip coffee, and the sales just pour in.

Who is it that has to fight in wars? Men. Women don't have to bloody their hands. We could chip a nail!

It's not hard to take care of children. They're fun to be around! Cooking and cleaning are relaxing, not chores. We clean for fun.

We give birth to your children. Child, you're just picking up the check, for that one task, for the rest of your damn life.

You're welcome.

Side: They Don't
2 points

Finally, a woman who understands the truth. Men are truly slaves on this planet.

Side: Bad Question
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

What do you have to say about the shortage of female voices in the areas of science, philosophy, religion, politics etc..? I think the disparity is glaringly obvious.

Is this because women are generally less interested in participating? Or is it because of too narrowly defined roles? Or were women usually forced into submission?

We give birth to your children. Child, you're just picking up the check, for that one task, for the rest of your damn life.

That is an ugly way of putting it! You view it like a transaction where if you get the "better" end of the deal (less hard work) you are more clever. And sorry sucker to the dopey guy who ironically you chose as a partner. Ok I am treating a post you made in jest too seriously..

Side: They Don't
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Ok I am treating a post you made in jest too seriously..


But on a more serious note, you did say one thing which tends to haunt me, and that was, "are [women] generally less interested in participating?"

I'd have to say yes. Most women, including myself, spend way too much time grooming. We don't have the time in the day to give a damn about the economy or science, or math....

It's a shame... But I am willing to admit men generally have more interest, aptitude and time to excell.

Side: They Don't
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

The amoral liberal mentality: Children are just necessary for evolution. Unemotional.

Don't get me wrong, I am amoral and unemotional; just not that liberal.

Side: Bad Question
0 points


Women clean for fun. I love that one.

Side: Bad Question
0 points

Women are amazing , they can do all that and even fight wars...:)

Side: Bad Question
2 points

I would have NO problem acting the submissive Lady and allowing men to rule the planet , if only the men would act more like Gentlemen , instead of Arseholes.

Side: Bad Question
1 point

I have yet to see a completely logical response as to why men hold virtually all political power-- Yes, there are some women that play a very active role in politics (Senator Hillary Clinton, Barbra Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, etc.).. However, this is not a debatable fact. A VAST, and I mean VAST majority of countries have men that rule the country. Why is this so?

Side: Bad Question
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

You didn't specify "political power" in your debate title. These "men in power" were largely raised by women. That womens "power wielding" roles are different from men is a given. That men exert more (societal)power in their roles than women in theirs is not clear to me.

Side: Bad Question
1 point

Did anyone see how chuffed they all looked in the picture ?

I cant believe this pack of goofs is in charge OF OUR WORLD.

Isnt it funny how they can all get along ,

but STILL have us all fighting ?


In fact the closer i look at the photo,you can see that something had just taken place . The looks on some of their faces.

Is it because that darn flash came too soon, OR DID ONE OF THEM FART ?

I dunno they look sus if you ask me. Corrupt sponges. Get a ruler and line up the eyecontact from some of them to others among them. oh yes something is fishy alright.

Side: Bad Question
1 point

Im in year 8, and I think the idea in history of men ruling is a REASONABLY smart idea, depending on the man. Physically, men are more capable then women at doing things (fighting wars, hard physical work), they were just made that way, and no one can change that. Women were made to bear children, and although that seems really sexist, i think its true. I believe, men were originally created from some god to actually protect women. Women who are capable of breaking down easlier then men due to childbirth and other difficulties that life throws only at them.

But here is the part that makes you think. Does the world seem so sexist these days because men go to far. Although I believe they were made to protect (like a prime minister or a protective father/husband) some men use their power to abuse, and to have the upper hand. Maybe people think that men having the upper hand is bad, because some of the lazy and unreasonable men that take advantage of women, and their rights. It is those men who make all men these days all seem like that. A stereotype.

Side: Bad Question
1 point

It has been that way since the beginning of time. Even before Christ. God is a man. Buddha is a man. Every U.S president has been a man. I don't really see it changing anytime soon. I guess the reason it is still that way is because people feel safe being led by a man.

Side: Bad Question

Albeit that I am a man, who lives in the wealthiest nation in the world that being the United States, but men rule the planet because they are chauvinist and imperious jerks, who crave an insatiable and avaricious desire for preponderance. It is doesn't make them bad, but self pursuit for self interests.

Side: Chauvinist and Imperious

It's the nature of the beast. The male species is the species that wants to rule and dominate.

Side: Chauvinist and Imperious
0 points

Easy. Because the top tier of men are smarter and stronger than the top tier of women.

Side: Chauvinist and Imperious