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They see weakness Russia and they are leftists
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 They see weakness (3)

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They see weakness

Side Score: 4

Russia and they are leftists

Side Score: 0
2 points

Why does Russia only invade Ukraine when Democrats are President?


I dunno where you get your information, but Democrats are supporting Ukraine, while Republicans want Putin to win..

Truly.. How do you miss shit like this?? 2022/10/20/us-support-ukraine-war-midterms/


Side: They see weakness

Great post, I suspected this was true but didn't take the time and energy to investigate, thanks excon.

Side: They see weakness
1 point

Whilst bumbling Joe DeCrepit's feeble mindedness was not the prime reason why Putin invaded Ukraine his senility and the weakness of his left wing cohorts was a significant contributory factor.

Had Donald DeRanged been at the helm I'm sure the his hawkish unpredictability would have made Putin the warlord think twice before invading Ukraine and bombing Poland.

For entertainment purposes only, listen out for the tangled web of gobbledygook as the West's leaders make a mad dash to spew out their pathetic torrent of embarrassing excuses for doing nothing in response to Putin's unashamed aggression.

Putin has the West, especially N.A.T.O., dangling on a string and diligently playing his game, by his rules.

Side: They see weakness
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