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Debate Score:60
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Srom(12120) pic

Would there ever be enough evidence to refute religion?


Side Score: 24


Side Score: 36
2 points

It's very possible to point out the inconsistencies in religious beliefs, destroying it's very foundation, but they always have a "back-up-phrase" to respond with. >.>

Most religions are already faulty and easily refuted. You don't really have to disprove the existence of God to do so. I guess as long as they believe in their god, then they will continue to willful ignorant. Unable to see the inconsistencies themselves. It's really a sad sight.

Side: Yes

Certainly yes. Literally thousands of religions have come and gone and as science, education and access to information continue to plug the gaps where religious ignorance festers (like the Middle East and the southern United States), the number of deluded individuals who cling to ancient dogma will continue to dwindle.

Religion is well on its way to becoming extinct in the civilized world. The question remains how long can the Islamic world keep progress at bay.

Side: Yes
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

But even the religions that have come and gone can't be proven wrong. People just stopped believing.

Side: No

This is true. I should have said no, but the time when there won't be a need to is at hand.

Side: No
2 points

Science is the only way forward as people become more educated ,they realise the stupidity of believing in these nonsensical religions , the younger generation certainly in my country ,I'm glad to say are so not so easily bullied and forced into believing in the biblical dictator in the sky .I think the biggest battle will be in the Islamic tradition where they seem to force there brand of lunacy with a fist of iron

Side: Yes
2 points

Religion yes, God no. Religion is the elements that deal with particular ways of viewing God, and often in the ways that they have thought to have been active within the course of nature and society. Such elements can be disproven through natural means (historical research and science as well as logic and theological reason).

The concept of God itself cannot be however, that is a topic based on probability and evidenced through philosophy.

Side: Yes

Would there ever be enough to support it? How many people believe in science? IF there is the argument of irreducibly complex THEN if something (the bacterial flagellum) is too complex to have evolved it might be too complex to be created. Evolution is my argument, by the way.

Supporting Evidence: One side can be wrong (
Side: Yes
timber113(795) Disputed
1 point

Evolution is a chance game, which means it would be extremely difficult for bacteria flagellum to be create by evolution. If something is intelligent it could interject and created bacteria flagellum. That is my argument.

Side: No
Consigliere(183) Disputed
1 point

God would have used evolution to create us. The "six days" the bible refers to as the creation of our universe could be the millions of years of our evolution from an empty planet after the big bang. The six days is derived from the Hebrew word "Yom" which does not necessarily translate to a 24 hour day. It could also mean time, years, decades, etc. Not enough information was given in that part of the bible to translate it efficiently enough.

Side: No
1 point

Your religion, your burden of proof. You don't have one? ...then there is nothing to talk about.

Side: Yes
Consigliere(183) Disputed
1 point

I do have an argument that God exists. Would you like to hear it?

Side: No

I don't think it is really a matter of sufficient evidence against religion, as religion has set itself set up to nearly impossible to disprove, and it will merely go further in this direction as knowledge keeps growing. I think it is more of matter of advancing beyond our holding onto ancient mythologies as truth, and learning that we don't need religion.

Side: Yes
4 points

Doubtful it's impossible to prove or disprove the existence of gods.

Side: No
Euler(14) Disputed
1 point

The burden of proof is clearly on the side of the one who comes out with the idea of god/s...

Side: Yes
1 point

Agree, you have a great point there. Every one has a different belief and view on the world.

Side: No
3 points

Nope, you can't fix stupid. ;)

Side: No
Srom(12120) Disputed
4 points

Then why do people still argue today if you can't fix stupid? Isn't that stupid?

Side: Yes
1 point

After talking with you it is obvious that no matter what I say you will stick with the stupid. But, there are people out there that are not stupid, they are just brainwashed and can be fixed. I do it for them.

Side: No
2 points

never going to happen

Side: No
2 points

No, especially if that religion keeps getting evidence to support its own stance.

Side: No
MrEpicHyster(16) Clarified
1 point

Excuse me, that would be making evidence. Thankyouverymuch

Making their own evidence, those sly dudes.

Side: Yes
timber113(795) Disputed
2 points

Pffft, there is no need for certain religions to generate evidence, I am pretty sure Muslims can't stop talking about the two seas that exist and do not mix with each other because it is in their holy book.

Side: Yes
2 points

"Religions are, for the most part, bad—but religion is not." - Kurt Gödel

I don't have much patience for dogmatic religions that don't evolve and require ignorance to function. I think it's rather awkward that some religious sects preach love while the practictioners hate anyone outside their belief system. Blind faith will always be blind and thus out of tune with reality. Obviously, religion needs to incorporate science into their world view.

Don't make the fault of thinking that everything related to beliefs in God are the only things religious. Communism is arguably pseudo-religious, so is American exceptionalism, and so is shamanism. The common denominator among most, but not all, of religions is that they make followers blind and naïve. But if a religion accepts science, accepts all kinds of evidence and challenges it's own belief system, then there isn't much reason to refute it. I think religions tend to make people more shortsighted, but religion doesn't. I don't think it's possible to ever find "evidence" to "refute" religion, but that doesn't mean religions won't be reformed again and again the coming years because they will. People will start to realise that passive-aggressive, egocentrical anger problems won't save the rest of the world from sin.

Side: No

Probably the only argument that doesn't hurt my eye

Side: No

No, because all of science can be backed up by the basics of all religions. There are way too many connections between science and God.

Side: No

No there really isn't because no matter how many people spoke against spiritual beliefs in deities. These religious people speak out on theirs believes. And as long as it suits them, I'm fine. And it's their decision on what to believe. And no bother trying to reconvince them in the existence of "The all mighty." - Religion is a belief for something and gets worshiped (Most religions follow by that). Church is a system for managing and manipulating people who believe in them. That's why churches were built in the medieval times. In modern days many religions disputes caused war, following deaths and evokes the need of being right. Even if it's is a personal thing to have their own believes. And shouldn't be interacted by a majority of the group.

Side: No

There already is evidence that refutes religion, its the religious people who wont acknowledge it.

Side: No
1 point

Every one has different views and different stories so I think No.

Side: No

Because if someone believes in a Higher Power, no contrary evidence can refute that belief.

Side: No