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Ayemaker's Reward Points: 237

Points When What Where
7 Added Argument Do regular people have souls?
1 Added Argument Freedom of speech on this site
1 Added Argument King Jesus VS King Dick Dawkins
3 Added Argument Do regular people have souls?
10 Added Argument I'm Sorry
4 Added Argument Should The Boy Scouts OF America Let Atheist In?
10 Added Argument Is Saintnow a Heretic?
5 Created Debate Do regular people have souls?
5 Created Debate I'm Sorry
1 Added Argument LGBT Bathroom Bills
1 Added Argument Is Bernie Sanders the Trump of the Left?
10 Added Argument Open to All, Imagine yourself to be God, how would you feel, what would you do?
10 Added Argument Do you pray to God or Jesus
1 Added Argument Do people suck?
5 Created Debate Do you pray to God or Jesus
1 Added Argument Another reason the Bible is simply Hebrew Mythology...
1 Added Argument Is Bernie Sanders the Trump of the Left?
10 Added Argument LGBT Bathroom Bills
2 Added Argument What do you want? Fools think there are more than two options
10 Added Argument Preaching against sodomy
3 Added Argument Obama just threatened public schools to allow so called Transgender kids in bathrooms.

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