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7 most recent arguments.
6 points

The Earth is actually flat. Its all lies that Science has been spreading around. I mean, last week, my friend disappeared. Apparently, he fell off the edge of the plate-like Earth :) And then again, if the Earth was round, wouldn't our houses be tilted?

Haha, sorry for the stupidly sarcastic argument. But this really is a stupid debate. Of course, its round, dumbo. I don't even know why I presented an argument ;)

Whoa. What the hell, man? School teachers wearing uniforms? No way! The reason why we students have to wear school uniforms is to bring the poor and the rich to the same level but mainly to signify unity. Not unity as in brotherhood type, lol. But uniforms are there to show that these guys are from that school and are united in the purpose of learning something.

But for teachers? Why would they have to wear uniforms? They are different from us in every way because they are there to teach, and make us learn. I mean, for God's sake, you really don't want an obese teacher wearing a skirt, do you? However, that is precisely why, I admit, a dress code must be present.

0 points

Mr.I-never-used-to-be-a-newbie, if you loath it so much, you should've kept it in your heart, or at least explained it to me in a respectable manner. And anyways, I couldn't be sure that you would present your argument because even you say "Yes... that's what we usually do". Usually, EnigmaticMan, usually. Not always :)

Anyway, that was all stupid. Moving on to the debate. Look, the data may be valuable as hell, but if you have reached to this point by killing 10 people, even homeless guys, that's unethical and immoral. This can be looked from this perspective: Would you kill 10 people to reach a cure that could help 100 people? Even if the 10 people consent to be killed, you have no right to do so. This boils down to how a life is sacred.This is because the life of a billionaire is as sacred as that of a bum. Who knows, the bum, might just have found the cure of Aids if he had not been killed in the experiments:) The value of life cannot be measured and I believe we should not support the greater good in such a case.

There should be no recommended age at all, because that is the sole purpose of this website. I am 15 years old, in the debating team of my school and this is the website I just visit every day after school because there are new topics, interesting ideas and arguments, in short, a debater's heaven. There is a lot to be learnt from this site, and I'm not just talking about teens but also the adults. Because really, age is not directly proportional to intelligence, even a fool would know that. So I think everyone(kids, teens, young adults, adults) should be allowed to visit this website, learn from it, post their own views and log out having learned something new and interesting each day. I admit most of the people here may have more intelligence than me but that is just why I am here, TO LEARN! For, to quote a Chinese proverb, 'Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere' :)

Is that even a question? Of course its Fred. No, George. Wait, Fred. Ok, so its Fred and George both. I know only one character is asked for in this question but they are both twins with the same minds so you can count them both as one character :) They both crack you up throughout the whole Harry Potter series, and are... well, hilarious! I really believe that if these characters hadn't had existed, about half of Harry Potter's fan following wouldn't have existed too =D

Luck?For that you'd have to consider another thing: luck or fate? In my opinion, fate exists. If there is a destiny, then luck doesn't exist, does it? I believe every person has had his fate written beforehand. As the saying goes, "There are no accidents". These so-called accidents had been destined to whoever beforehand. Luck is just something us humans came up with to, lets say, console ourselves that we can change the future. You do not study for an exam and ask everybody to wish you luck and do you pass? No way, you fail! It was just fate. Because everything in fate is based on fact and statistics. Such as, in the percentile system of exams, only one guy gets to be the distinction-achiever. Was he lucky? No, it was all based on fact. For example, 300 people gave that exam, that only proves that 1/300 will get to be number 1. It was already written. Of course, fate and luck have been in conflict due to mainly, religion, but I believe, if you look at both sides carefully, fate will easily edge over luck in existence :)

6 points

Look, what I believe is that physical education should not be made mandatory and be optional in schools. Why? Because what's the need of it? What do you expect to get from P.E? Fitness, right? Well, fitness can be gained at home/gym too. Firstly, awareness should be spread everywhere that... basically that 'kids, don't eat too much, you eat a lot and don't exercise, you die.' I mean that kind of crap, the dangerous consequences of eating too much and exercising too little. Because whats the use of P.E at all if your kid goes to school, has P.E and comes back home and eats a dozen pizza slices? Its much better that you have awareness programs at school, and parents buy their kids a football, or whatever sport they want to play, so when their kids get home, they engage in sports, that will not only help in fitness but also build their character. Another thing is the freedom of choice. I'm talking about middle and high schools here. They are pretty much mature enough to decide whether they want P.E or not. They are able to consider the alternatives, analyze the situation and reach a decision so if you make P.E mandatory, you are taking away their basic right. In short, P.E proves to be useless and possibly an economic burden on the parents(very unlikely but still..). So there you are, P.E should not be mandatory in schools and even if you want P.E in schools, it should be optional!

About Me

"A dot on this planet."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: Pakistan
Religion: Muslim
Education: High School

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