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RSS Janetease

Reward Points:35
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

Ghosts are in your head; God is everywhere

3 points

Another source of energy will be developed to replace it

0 points

Yes, because it will advance our society

9 points

Simply Put: The most effective way to end poverty for youth is through education. For adults, the end to povery is through micro-enterprise loans. Muhammad Yunus proved this in his book "Banker to the Poor". The concept is to loan poor people money, promote financial principles to live by, and they will help themselves. It is an inspiring book. Interesting, too, because 95% of the people loaned money through Grameen Bank are woman and the loan repayment is almost 100%. Too bad the rest of the world doesn't recognize the vital role and potential of women in this world.

9 points

Although marriage itself cannot guarantee happiness, I would certainly choose sharing my life in marriage with someone I love rather than being single or seeing marriage as a prison.

4 points

According to the article: "A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.” A good habit is to look at people in the same manner, by exploring possibilities. Think about the possible reasons why someone acted in a certain way or said what they did. This has helped me grow and think in new ways about people and things and is a habit that has allowed me to become a better leader and person.

3 points

Debate is a great way to learn about another's point of view which ultimately helps us fine tune our opinions and make better decisions.

4 points

We should not descriminate against any one because of their sexual preference with a consenting adult PERIOD. The criteria for adoption should not be based on sexual orientation - it must based on the ability of a single person or couple to provide loving, secure home for a child.

2 points
"OLD" is anything over the age of 29... scared?
4 points
Absolute best place for a wedding in Bucks County is the Pearl S Buck House.... tranquil beauty, history, and a legacy of love lives on...
Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Best Wedding Location in Bucks County PA

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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