
AbbyNestor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AbbyNestor's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

True, but like I said before... people don't really know what they're getting themselves into.

They do. All I have to say is that this burger is not healthy at all. In fact they have the internet in their hands. No excuse. It should be left up to the consumer to decide. Everybody does not exceed the size of a 16oz soda.

I can drive 10 miles down my nearest highway and I will see all fast food restaraunts, with the exception of a few different local restaraunts. The options that are provided to our communities aren't good.

That doesn't help your case. You are in favor for the state to act as am aggressor and make decision for the public as if we were a mere simulation. Each person is born with inalienable rights in America. Liberty is a right found universally. It is the ability to make choices. Placing restrictions on that will bring the nation into a parental state. This statement you have provided does not help your case.

Do you own a hybrid vehicle

No. Our family either drives an electric vehicle or rides a bike so what is your point? We choose to because we have the liberty to. Are you going to be in favor of restrictions on that as well? Do you wish to know the name of my car?

Do you know many people who do?

In fact I do. Every since my sister became so environmentally oriented we noticed more and more hybrid vehicle being driven. Many Prii (plural for multiple prius) , many Nissan Leafs, etc.

actually don't know anyone who owns a hybrid. The fact of the matter is, you could ride a bike but driving is easier. You could pack your lunch, but buying a dollar cheeseburger is easier. Fast food chains feed off of our laziness and impatience.

That is their marketing strategy. Are you going to kill a business that makes money off of that because people made bad decisions? Let's tell Sony that they must hold back the PS4 because kids will be distracted from their homework. They will not care. They are a business. If you make that poor decision thats on you. You make the choice. Not the business.

2 points

But they use certain techniques to lure in the customer. Like for example, they use the color red to stimulate your appetite. Think of how many fast food restaurants have the color red in their logo. Techniques like this are good for business but bad for the customers, because they're actually messing with your brain. Before you know it, you're eating a meal that contains "putty and cosmetic petrochemicals".

Marketing is marketing. Resistance to marketing is always an option. If you choose to eat something that is your right.

Did you know that they do not have to legally list trans-fats if the food contains less than 0.5 grams of it? Trans-fats aren't healthy.

I am aware. However, you are still placing restrictions on the liberties of the populace and the company. The state has no business doing so.

Should we ban all soda because water is better? Should we ban cigarettes because not smoking is so much better? Should we ban alcohol because it is harmful? Should we ban hamburgers because turkey burgers are better? Should we ban fried foods because baked foods are better? No. All of these are options selectable by voluntary action by the individual. The state is simply acting as an aggressor and trying to control the populace.

You don't think the people who pollute the air know what they're doing? Driving your car is voluntary. Just like fast food, your positive options are very limited.

Your initial statement of air pollution focused on companies air pollution. Not the pollution of the public. Cars are being made better and better anyways. That is not a problem.

3 points

You do realize, that in a way, the fast food industry is basically killing their customers, right?

Not at all. The choice is up to the consumer not the producer.

They abuse our trust.

How? They make a product and people purchase it with the foreknowledge of it's affects. It does not involuntarily affect us. It is a voluntary action.

the government tried to cut down the amount of pollution, would you argue that it is the deprivation of choice to not allow a company to pollute the air?

That is completely different. Air pollution would be involuntary

The public would not want it. However, with soda that is a voluntary purchase which the state should not interfere in.

Obesity is steadily rising.

That is the fault of the people. Not the fast food companies. They do not force us to purchase their products. We choose. It is our right to choose.

It's clear that neither the fast food chains nor the customer's are going to try and find a remedy for this issue, so the government needs to step in.

That is absolutely false. Fast food companies are already finding methods to make their food healthier. Places like subway for example always advertise the healthy quality of their food. At the same time many people within the public exercise and their are many people selling exercise videos. The state has no business regulating what a person may eat or drink unless it harms more people than the individual. People can always choose to exercise of not. People cannot choose to remove pollution from the air. That is the difference. Air pollution is not something the population causes. Obesity, in most cases, is. It is a voluntary thing. Air pollution is in voluntary.

2 points

I understand you. However, you are missing the critical point in mu argument. It is the deprivation over the liberty of personal and individual choice. The state is using coercion to force the public to drink in a manner it deems fit. Simply because the state thinks people show drink to their liking doesn't mean that we must. It impede your liberty to purchase.

3 points

It is the deprivation of liberty. Taking away the choices that the state has no business to. A man should be able to voluntarily purchase a soda larger than 16oz from any local provider he deems fit and well enough to suit his demands. When that option is taken away you are using coercion to control the populace's body types to which the populace should has total control of as long as they only control their own individual bodies. The state has no business intervening in business affairs and the health of the public if the public wishes to do this to themselves.

This is just another example of the state invading the right of individual liberty over choice. There is no need to do so. This may even hinder sales for companies that profit from selling large sodas. The state is just being a nanny.

So does that mean yes for you look at a girls ass in yoga pants? Alright. What about the other two questions?

I dont even know what I would change it to.

You are jealous of a girl's ass?

Why am I not on top like a queen bitch? Why the fuck am I on the bottom?

If you make a serious debate we will be serious. If you make a semi serious debate we will be semi serious.

Lol I didn't mind. I tried it with Lizzie's first. Once hers worked I started doing it with mines.

Go with what you feel. Debate well and be funny and you will be liked. Some users will like you automatically though.

Oh I do. It's as funny as hell when you look at their faces.

2 points

Post some good shit and people will like you.

Yep. I use it too much. I got that waterproof G4 so I trick my friends by tossing it in their pool.

Oh shit broski I did!!! What is my prize?

2 points

You are your own favorite person?

3 points

Is that a candle in the background? I think I may want that candle.

Hahahahaha wow now that would be fucking hilarious. Jealous of a girls ass? Lol.

Ahhh you caught my plan. I was hoping he would say no.

Big tits or small tits?

Big booty or small booty?

Do you ever look at a girls ass when she wears yoga pants?

Won't there be a lot of health issues anyways with the child?

I don't think medicine can dull out the pain from a baby of that size.

Even if employee service increases for the better the local business will lose profit that they should be using to improve upon their products. Paying the employees more will not always grant the company better services. This is why the product is of much importance.

Not at all. I don't see why people do either.

Nothin much. You know you could have sent a message or something.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

Because it was that special to people. And obviously it survived and stood the test of time.

You missed my point. Science has shown us that they exist. It has not done so for God.

Or what about the time where God didnt know what Abraham was going do? Also if God knew Adam was there he could have stopped him from eating the fruit.

I can see the effects of wind. Science helps us with that. I can see the effects of gravity. Science heavily helps us. You can see oxygen molecules if you are cool enough. I see no God. Science explains nothing of him. He is unnecessary.

I have read the bible Srom. There are some big errors. God claims to know everything yet cant find Adam in Genesis.

Lol then that sucks ass for Tom Cruise.

3 points

God is so good that killed millions of people to prove it. He even made hell. Omnibenevolence for sure.

Did his religion start wars and have terrorist organizations thinking God favors them? Did his religion cause the death of many jews?

3 points

Lol this bullshit started wars and hasn't solved anything. At least Cinderella doesn't claim to be God.

I dont see Harry Potter starting a church and being a cause of war and pestilence.

Prove that demons exist. I want to see some non biblical evidence. Also you believe in a deity that does nothing and cant be seen at all. That is blind faith. The bible has far to many contradictions to be true. Also Jesus most likely existed as a delusional man.

War. Just absolute nuclear annihilation. You know America will do it if it may lose an important war.

You know you don't see people taking out demons or healing people in other names now do you? Only Jesus Christ and followers of Him can cast out demons and do miraculous healing

Have you ever had a headache? Have you ever heard or Tylenol? Have you ever had a bubbly stomach? Have you tried Pepto Bismol? Ever had any troubles? Ever heard of weed?

Nor do you find any archaeological proof like people, places, and things from fairy tales. Nor do we date the calender by a fictional characters birth and death. Example, look at Jesus Christ BC (Before Christ), and AD (After Death).

I dont care about the BC or AD thing. There isnt much proof for any of the miracles either.

2 points

Thats cool. You will just be taped to a chair at the wedding involuntarily. No harm done right?

That sounds so fucking awesome. I woud drink it. Everybody in my family probably drinks too much soda anyway. If wine tasted like soda I would have it at my future wedding.

Yeah this is a moving song. Its pretty intense. I just need to find a new inspiration.

Taxation is robbery. It is the deprivation of a man's earnings of which he should be entitled to keep. This just takes more money from him.

I like listening to stuff like this. Makes you feel inspired to do something.

My Name is Lincoln

You didnt have to post the ignorant comment then. You are just asking flr a fight.

Chihuahua isna species. I dog is a kind idiot. He only had to grab a dog. Not every species.

What is Ruazenith? I know what Zenith is. But what is that?

He used the word "species". So his argument implied species. If he said "kind" it would imply a kind of animal.

0 points

Actually I rarely ever close the door. Even when other people are present in my house.

And if you want to stop being a fuckface stop talking to me. Damn.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

I was blocked? I had no idea.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

I am still angry now. This site is stupid. People here are as stupid as fuck.

It doesn't matter. We dropped this yesterday and you are bringing shit back up. Just drop it. We are done with that.

Dude. Leave me alone. I wouldn't be judging. Just leave me alone.

Why exactly does it matter?

Mind your fucking business. Why are you even telling me to call down? This is the internet. I post most of my arguments in a vulgar tone. Dont get snappy with me. Leave me alone.

Good. Apply it here in debating and you are solid. I have yet to see any of your rhetorical skills.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

That is why me and Lizzie fight a lot. We have very different views.

You must fail at English. I said I dont give three fucks if you believe me or not. I am still going to tell you what I saw.

I dont give three fucks if you believe me or not. She had your youtube channel pulled up.

2 points

The Libertarian Party. The only party that actually isn't fooled by what Democrats or what Republicans say.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
2 points

You see Lizzie took her past differently. She decided that she will fix abuse by helping everybody and always being nice. I decided to destroy anything that can cause harm.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

I live to see pain and agony. That is all my family saw when I was young. I decided to absorb all negativity and give myself an ominous aura.

2 points

Anger fuels my heart. Vengeance fuels my mind. Destruction fills my hopes.

Really? Other people say different. I dont want to be anywhere near your ass.

You are being hypocritical now and you dont know it. So you are sinning and the lord is not pleased with you.

Dont fucking call me sweetheart. I dont know you like that. There is no fucking abuse going on. And yes you are a fucking hypocrite. Dont deny it. Shove that up your ass. Matter of fact eat a sack of baby dicks bitch.

Dont quote biblical scripture and dont follow it. Quit being a hypocrite and choose a damn side.

The biggest Christian hypocrite tells me to leave your "bro" alone. I cant speak to whom I please. There is no "bullshit" so mind your damn business.

It was on Lizzies computer. I dont stalk boring people. Entertaining people sure.

You made a youtube video about you and Killerbee? Lol. You sound funny.

Oh be a Christian Srom. You are supposed to treat me like you do yourself. Unless you arent a Christian.

I will say it if you want me to broski.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

I wasnt fucking talking to you. Dammit. Stay out. I don't give a shit what you say. You support that guy.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

I bet they are true.

Why would I need to lie bro? You said it not me. You should be looking for a way to make this better.

Bro. Chill the fuck out. You sinned. Big deal. You said I was sexy and that you favor me over Lizzie. Its all good.

Dont lie bro. Its cool. You already have to repent for calling Lizzie ugly.

This coming from the guy who said that I was very sexy. LOL.

Actually I noticed that. This is very weird. Maybe Andy is trying something new.

Actually I have my reasons. I know much more than you think. God is not who he claims to be or practically what the bible deems him as.

Oh yeah same here. You see I know science goes very far but it just cant 100% disprove God, but I can disprove "God" by using the bible meaning that he may not be who he says he is.

I no I am an Atheist. I just oppose Christianity to the point where I am the anti-Christ.

Because what god does and what he lets happen. You know what I am talking about.

Thats not my point. My point is that they wanted to rape angels. Thats nasty as shit.

Oh really? Show me evidence of people who fully died and came back. And I mean fully dead.

Nah. When you die you die. There is no divine intervention coming.

I highly doubt they are the smartest. From what I have seen they just play around.

2 points

And you are wasting precious lifetime by worshipping something of no existence.

Thats what my fucking point was idiot. You religion is still fucked up if god would let his angels be gang raped.

Srom, no he doesnt. God was used to explain what we could not. Now we can explain what we couldnt. He doesnt exist.

2 points

You are voting Hellno and Joe for the smartest? This isnt a popularity contest.

2 points

God doesnt exist. You are praying to yourself.

2 points

Christianity is a corrupt religion.

Two angels came to Sodom in the evening; and Lot was sitting in the gateway of Sodom… “We will spend the night in the square,” they said. But he (Lot) urged them strongly; so they turned aside to him and entered his house….Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house; and they called to Lot “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, so that we may know them.” … “I beg of you my brothers, do not act so wickedly….Do nothing to these men, as they have come under the shelter of my roof.” But they replied, “Stand back! This fellow came here as an alien (Lot was not a born native of Sodom), and he would play the judge! Now we will deal worse with you then with them.” -Genesis 19:1-11

They wanted to gang rape those angels. You know damn well they didnt want to "get to know" them. They wanted that ass.

AbbyNestor(1028) Clarified
1 point

Your bible talks about males asking god for male angels so they can rape them. Nice bible. Nice faith.

Jesus condemned them and it was ome of the main reasons. They committed gay sex. Those people obviously did read shit.

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