
Bronto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bronto's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Democrats are STILL against "illegal immigration

Right. That's why libs in power call a barrier immoral, create sanctuary cities, and send lawyers to the border to coach illegals on what to say to loophole the law.

A YUGE drug bust happened last week, it happened at a "legal port of entry"!

You just proved the logic on why we want to force people to have to go through legal ports of entry with walls.

that's why Nancy and Tom, Dick and Harry (all Democrats) are offering BILLIONS for EFFECTIVE immigration control …

Border Patrol says they need walls to buy them time to catch the border jumper.

Border Patrol sector chief: I’ll call it ‘fence’ if I have to, but I could use some of it of-it

Border Patrol Chief: 'We Certainly Need a Wall, Any Agent Will Tell You That'

So should I believe border patrol, who deal with patroling the border every day, or you, who lives no one near the border, doesn't have to deal with patroling the border, and doesn't know your head from your ass?

Guess who I pick.

1 point

Trump is NUTS! You KNOW that, right?

Cool. This is my argument against every left winger in office. Now what?

2 points

We JUST added 304,000 new jobs last month. And, that's in spite of the shutdown..

Not really a good argument for supporting more government in our lives, eh Con?

We've had 100 straight months of job growth..

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Comparing pennies to dollars, eh Con?

1 point

He knew they were coming. He even said he knew they were coming before they came. If he were what the left claims, he would have destroyed anything substantial long ago and they would have raided his home...long ago...

And what's even better about it is it forces Mueller into "discovery".

When Mueller says evidence in Roger Stone case is "voluminous and complex", that means he's got jack shit, and this is a creative way of trying to demonstrate why you aren't just wasting our money. He's the clown who has to prove he's necessary to stay employed.

That's why every shot fired aims at Trump but hits someone who isn't Trump. If you gave me the same resources and tactical authority, I could take down 75% of Americans. It's all so he can say "I may have nothing about Trump or Russia, but look at all of these arrests..."

Isn't it interesting how the fake lib media never points out that many of the arrestees are Democrats or liberals?

Michael Flynn

Michael Cohen

Richard Pinedo

Alex van der Zwaan

1 point

The only time Trump went to church was to be married several times, or for a photo-op where he pledged a LOT of money to a church …. and usually reneged!

Looks like you proved her Hitler was an atheist point for her.

I'd LOVE to see a Christian ask the Donald a question about the Bible.

Cool. And not a peep in your entire statement about atheists murdering people.

His answer would be as screwed up as some of his "historical facts"!

Maybe it would. Seen the economy lately? Pssst... I've seen it too...

In calling him a Christian, you are insulting the religion!

Why is that? Christians know how to get the economy booming? I'm in...

2 points

Your war against Japan had nothing to do with Britain you retard

Sure it did. Japan would have been on Europe's doorstep if not busy at home with America.

Open a history book, you stupid little runt.

I did. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait proved your "America has never saved anyone" claim to be yet another one of your ignorant, bullshit statements. You sure are dead fucking wrong a lot. You should stop being wrong so much.

I mean think about it. You have more time on your hands than anyone, and you're still an uneducated dipshit. How is your level of dipshittery even possible? Well, you found a way...

1 point

America has never saved anyone you fucking retard. ofKuwait

The Invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country. This invasion and Iraq's subsequent refusal to withdraw from Kuwait by a deadline mandated by the United Nations[8] led to military intervention by a United Nations-authorized coalition of forces led by the United States. These events came to be known as the first Gulf War and resulted in the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and the Iraqis setting 600 Kuwaiti oil wells on fire during their retreat.

2 points

America has never saved anyone you fucking retard.

Well I was there, so I knew instantly this post was a bold faced lie.

Iraq invasion of Kuwait ofKuwait

The Invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country.

These events came to be known as the first Gulf War and resulted in the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and the Iraqis setting 600 Kuwaiti oil wells on fire during their retreat.

1 point

You need to get it into your head that there are consequences to capitalism, and Trump is one of them.

Yes the highest DOW and GDP in human history and record low unemployment is the result of capitalism run by a capitalist. You are correct for once.

1 point

Do you mean like calling the Nazis, the Chinese and the Venezuelans socialists

That's what they called/call themselves.

2 points

You neglected to educate yourself to the point that you learned about the total lack of evidence supporting the existence of any "human" nature.

Well, I guess that kills the toxic masculinity theory...

We know there's a human nature because babies go directly for the nipple, kick when put in water, and females don't go for non-masculine men, hence the term, "nice guys finish last".

2 points

America has never saved anyone you fucking retard.

Right. Instead of Japan fighting the Americans on its homeland, it would have been at Britain's doorstep, directly helping the Nazis with air and ground support.

You arrived late for both world wars and the Nazis were turned back at Britain.

By a right winger and not if Japan had been on your doorstep beside Hitler.

If anything, you have us to thank for stopping them crossing the Atlantic.

Not really. We could fight a long distance fight because of allies in the region. Japan had no allies in North America, China or Russia.

You're a daft brainwashed cunt Bronto.

Only one of us is retired and not bitching about capitalism while playing Skyrim in Mommy's basement.

I hope you get cancer of the eyes.

You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the results and effects of reality.

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