
Bronto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bronto's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Trump is in trouble.

So which episode of Trump's in trouble is this? 5,653?

He's gonna START a war to DISTRACT us.

Your boy dropped bombs like it was WW2. Ours isn't dropping bombs like a madman? Isn't that interesting? Maybe it's the whole direct vs passive aggresive thing..

Will it be Iran or Venezuela?

Oh, those are your problem. The left created both sets of bullshit, so when you get a guy in power, you fix your own shit. We're done watching the left create problems, then demand solutions.

2 points

Trump says we're gonna have a SHUTDOWN or a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. However, everybody, EXCEPT Trump, KNOWS a shutdown isn't going to work any better than the last one did.. So, his ONLY option is to declare a National Emergency

Let us look at reality.

Pelosi's negative poll numbers are now worse than Trump's.

Trump gets a wall anyway.

How do you win more than that? Do tell.

But, that ain't gonna fly either..

So stop us. That's what libs use as a strategy. I know. We were supposed to be bigger people than libs. We were, but now we're both pigs in the mud, so you'd best fight back or lose.

Constitutionally, it's NOT an emergency when congress WON'T appropriate money..

The Constitution gives the President a lot of powers that you refuse to discuss like plenary and executive privileges concerning immigration.

That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work.

Speaking of how it's "supposed to work". Immigrants are supposed to be assimilated in a systematic manner. Illegals aren't supposed to jump the border. We're supposed to be able to have guns to protect ourselves. Libs don't give a fuck. I'd like to reciprocate that notion in return by giving even less of one.

1 point

So demonstrate to us what evidence he destroyed and what is was evidence of.

Would you take hammers to devices? Apparently. We're told no conviction, no guilt on that one. Get ready for that same argument.

1 point

Have you pulled Farrakhan's head out of your ass? Let me look. Nope. He's still their praising Hitler and doing appearances with libs. I bet he smells like your shit. You should wipe your Nazi lovers off before you present them to the public in a donkey suit.

1 point

It's just not good when the president is STUPID...

Yes. I hate it when it takes a stupid person to get the economy rolling at rates Obama said would take a magic wand.

All Schumer wants is the intelligence agencies to SMARTEN him up..

Interesting seeing Schumer is the biggest dipshit in Congress next to Pelosi.

Seriously, dude.. What's WRONG with a president who KNOWS shit???

Well, the ones you say know shit, chase teenagers around the desk and drop bombs all over the Middle East while putting us $20 trillion in debt. I'd call that not knowing your head from your ass.

You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the results of reality. Or...maybe you can...

1 point

backwater bumfuck

Yes, yes. That's what AndrewJackson and the Democrats said before moving us thousands of miles and forcing us to live here.

1 point

Most people can UNDERSTAND that math

Except that once it's "free", everyone without insurance, which is 44 million people, will flood the hospitals along with those who want seen more and for God knows what. Not to mention the 20 million illegals libs want to cover as well which will quickly become 30, 40,50, 60 million once everyone down south sees free care up north. We'll go bankrupt. Not if but when.

2 points

borders are dropping away.. There's no reason to think that trend will subside.

Except that 3/4 of the world is anti open borders and is militarizing while the West is pushing towards bankruptcy.

2 points

Democrats force natives to convert to Christianity, slaughter them, then condemn them for being Christians and import people commanded to kill Christians in their holy book. That's fucked up on steroids.

Oh, and shame on those Christian Democrats for killing scientists. You clowns should quit trying to force people to your ideologies.

2 points

Did the Sonics class up your city??

Nope. Thus, we changed the name to Thunder. You should nab the New Orleans Pelicans and stop whining around.

Nahhh… It's still a backwater bumfuck city WITH a good basketball team

Nah. We took the team, not the measles outbreak.

Backwards? Nope. We know there aren't 72 make believe genders.

0 points

Cool. Especially seeing the intelligence agencies are superb at getting us into endless, pointless wars and pretty much created ISIS. We should attack Iraq again to get that old, nostalgic, non-Trumpian era feeling again. I miss those days...ah...the days of dropping bombs like candy at a parade...oh how I love the sweet smell of napalm in the morning...



Dude again!

Grown men screaming in agony for their mothers for no good reason.

Dude three times!

0 points

There are a lot of different kinds of socialism

No, there's one kind of socialism, then there's a bunch of other horse shit and propaganda terms the left has come up with to not have to face that they are now Commies.

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