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Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

When use the word choice I am thinking of a conscious decisions. I apologize I am having trouble expaining further. A pure determinist would say you don't really choose where you put your keys. That is a deeper debate. This type of debate structure hardly seems conducive to flush that out. It could take awhile. I guess one way of thinking of it is you don't necessary choose how tall you are. But that is an obvious genetic trait. I suspect sexuality is similar but not quite the same as it involves different aspects of our chemistry. If you have any ideas as to how and define it let me know. I will consider should I debate the topic again.

1 point

Alright you could be more helpful in flushing things out. But this really is question on determinism. I figured the context was provided in the title. Sure it could be more concisely pinned down. I don't seems pretty clear. Maybe you're just trolling.

0 points

I've gone through all of that. I understand very much where you are coming from. I guess you would apply the parable of the seed being planted in swallow ground. At first it takes root and begins to grow. Then it dies because it can grow no more.

The truth is I seriously thought about all of it. Every spare moment was spent studying the word and contemplating it's meaning. Like you I spent a period of time in the early years preaching the end is near repent and be saved. Or face eternal damnation. I looked at it very black and white.

But over the years as I grow up that changed.

1 point

Usually that kind of illogical nonsense is on youtube or facebook. I had hoped not to find it here. It seems like there are quite a few nuts on this site.

0 points

I meant to say grew up with it. I don't go to church. Why would a non-christian go to church? Especially when I know what its about.

Another thing im noticing about you little psychos is you infer things that you can't logically infer.

1 point

Here choice is defined as the act of making one or more decisions when faced with two or more possibilities.

Buddym(35) Clarified
2 points

I am not a christian. But i group up with it. My whole family is. For their sake I hope it's true. It's not you say people are going to hell. It's that is one of your primary attacks. That and you say it as if you are glad.

I don't think your a christian. I think you are a self rightous fool who enjoys having people to piss on. You are a psychopath at best. I've been on this site for less than two days. So far I have encountered a few of you little psychos claiming to be christians. Really you all are wolves in sheeps clothing. Breaking people down turning them away from the word.

The truly sad thing would be is if you happen to be over 30 years of age and still carry on like this. Christian or not it doesn't mean you can't be civil.

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

Nobody interrupted the discussion. Most likely the only thing I interrupted was you trolling someone else.

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

How was the topic productive in the first place? This is a debate site. Ideas are discussed and criticism is exchanged. If thats to much for you than go back to call of duty.

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

You have a strange way of acknowledging you were wrong. Don't be so prideful.

1 point

Take part in the converstion instead of trolling people. Can you do that?

1 point

Read the previous statement in it's entirety. It was answered.

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

It doesn't sound like you think it's to bad. It sounds like you are gloating. What would jesus think of you trolling and damning people to hell? If you were a christian and cared for peoples souls you would act with humilty and loving kindness. Leave the damning to God.

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

I don't like to call people stupid. I don't. I don't believe they are. I believe people just are either lacking logic or possess bad logic. Either by ignorance or willful ignorance.

That being said, the 4th edition of websters new world college dictionary has the following definitions for world. 1 a) the earth b) the universe 2 a) mankind ie the world of man. b)people generally; the public. In the public world. In ones own private world. 3 a) somepart of earth( the old world)b) any sphere or domain(the animal world) 4 individual experience or outlook(her world is narrow) I'll skip one.6 a large amount(a world of good). There is a little more but The point is clear that world can have more than one meaning.

Now normally I don't care to entertain those that just insult others. I feel to do so can be a waste of time and if given to much attention will denigrate the conversation .

Buddym(35) Clarified
1 point

Your being self rightous and rude. You are here to troll and condemn. Any attemp you are making at witnessing for christ is coming off as verbal attrition. Exercise some humilty.

1 point

How do you find that insane? How do you feel I was proud in my statement.

I first heard the idea from fight club the movie. The character tyler durden was getting out of his seat on a plane and was going to pass by a stewardess. Before he did he said," and now a question of etiquette, do I give her the ass or the crotch." Sometime after I asked my dad if he had ever read or heard anything like that. He told me he had read in an old book of etiquette that it was appropriate for a gentleman to turn his backside to a lady when passing by in narrow spaces. There was also a website I had found it on about a year ago while debating it on another debate site.

On another note, so far I have been diappointed with many of the users on this site. I came here for logical discourse. It seems there are many of you with no argument. Just ad hominem.

1 point

Sexual attraction is a function of biology. It becomes stronger as one reaches puberty as a result of biological maturation. Deviations of the norm exist else where in the animal kingdom. Species we don't consider sentient.

Sexual attraction is not a concious choice.

2 points

Yes it was a typo. Thanks for pointing that out. Prehaps next time you could have an argument.

1 point

Taking notes or writing something down in your own words can be a useful way to learn. It helps commit the material to memory.

1 point

You are right. This is really a question for another time.

Buddym(35) Clarified
2 points

It's to bad people like you infest these sites. After that ad hominem I won't bother with edifying you.

1 point

Are you 12? Do you not understand logical discourse? It is the sign of a weak mind to conduct such attacks.

1 point

I was refuting your argument. You made the argument that wicked people don't make their children suffer. That is not always true.

Christians like you do the faith a disservice. You don't show compassion, charity, discernment, or any other fruit of the spirit. You just display how crazy and illogical you are.

1 point

That doesn't negate either idea. We can't say how much energy was there in the first place. We simply don't know enough to throw that out like that.

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