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The end is near The end is not near
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:49
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 The end is near (21)
 The end is not near (25)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

The end of the world is here

The end is near

Side Score: 20

The end is not near

Side Score: 26

Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

Side: The end is near
1 point

What, again?

Well maybe you were right, but haven't you heard?

President Trump has banned the end of the world until well beyond his term in office.

So, phew, big relief, the sweat's off.

Side: The end is near

Obama banned not bombing the Middle East into oblivion. Liberals never flinched. Off ya go.

Side: The end is near
Cocopops(347) Disputed
1 point

Does your post mean that you still assert the 'END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH'?

I fail to see the correlation, but I'm sure you'll enlighten me.

Side: The end is not near
ag507(20) Disputed
1 point

I thougt he is signing an executive order to make that happen:)

Side: The end is not near
1 point

Obama had more executive orders in the first 2 weeks than Trump. Off ya go.

Side: The end is near

People have been saying that for thousands of years, and they've all been wrong. Even Jesus said the end would happen before the apostles died, but they are all dead and gone and the world hasn't ended.

Matthew 16: 27-28 “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“

Side: The end is not near
1 point

Which is interpreted by most scholars as "standing in this very spot in the future". The Son of Man has not "come back with his angels" nor has he judged the world. It also leaves out the manifestation of the Beast system in Revelation that matches Islam tit for tat.

Side: The end is near
1 point

"Which is interpreted by most scholars as "standing in this very spot in the future."

By "interpreted" you mean twisted. They tasted death. It said they will not taste death until he comes back to judge the world. Unless you think they are going to stand in that very spot in the future, and then die a second time, which is just doing mental gymnastics, then there is no way around it.

"The Son of Man has not "come back with his angels" nor has he judged the world."

Exactly, he had to come back to judge the world before they died, but he didn't, so it was a false prophesy.

"It also leaves out the manifestation of the Beast system in Revelation that matches Islam tit for tat."

I don't see how that changes the fact that it's a failed prophesy.

Side: The end is not near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Read chapter 17, immediately following Jesus' promise that some there with Him would see Him in His kingdom...he was referring to the very next thing recorded which He did, when He took John, James, and Peter up into the mountain and showed them His glory, when He was transfigured in front of their eyes and His face shined like the sun.

Don't let these mental midget atheist get away with their stupid copy and pasted brainwashed rhetoric which always uses half truths and twists them around with all kinds of mental gymnastics...all they are doing is trying to justify their own lusts, and they are trying to pull others down to Hell with them.

Side: The end is near
Arsenal(220) Disputed
1 point

Your lad Hay-Zoose has been dead as the sodding door nail for 2000 years now and he ain't coming back, mate. And if I had me a bloody shilling for every time one of you godists said the end was nigh, I'd have me enough money to buy me own pub!

Side: The end is not near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

If you want to educate yourself and stop looking like a fool, you might want to read farther along in that passage which continues in chapter 17, about Jesus taking some of those standing there with Him up into the mountain. He took with Him Peter, James, and John...

17 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,

2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

Jesus showed Himself in His glory as the KING of Kings, in His Kingdom, and they saw Him exactly as He said they would.

If you look at the things happening in the world, falling right in line with Bible prophecies for the end of days, and you can't see it is all happening exactly as the Bible foretold, you are either blind or willfully ignorant.

You are obviously ignorant of the Bible, you have displayed that clearly. You should get some education before you pretend to know what you are talking about.

Side: The end is near
Arsenal(220) Disputed
1 point

It's the best way for any bloke to be, mate. That is...To be ignorant of the Bible. Given that the Bible is a right ignorant book, eh mate?

Only wankers take that shite serious like. Us reasonable chaps know that it's all mythological bollocks. Not to be meant as literal. That's like coming out of the picture show after seeing Superman and wondering where Gotham city is and how you can go on holiday there and nick a peek at Superman.

Grow up, mate. Put on some long pants. LOL. Don't be so bleeding daft.

Side: The end is near
1 point

Define world. World can mean a few things. Without a proper definition it's difficult to form an arguement.

Side: The end is not near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
0 points

World...the place inside Buddym's brain which is beyond understanding. I hope that clears things up for you. I know public education is failing today, but when I was in school I learned the definition of the word "world" around the age of six.

Side: The end is near
Buddym(35) Clarified
2 points

It's to bad people like you infest these sites. After that ad hominem I won't bother with edifying you.

Side: The end is near
1 point

Yes, of course, as is evident by how well you demonstrated the understanding.

Side: The end is not near
1 point

Now that is what the Progressives would like for everyone to think ! Fatalist is who the Progressive Party is !

Side: The end is not near
1 point

No. The world is not ending. Sorry to disappoint you.

Side: The end is not near
1 point

Sure it is. And it's relatively easy to back the claim.

Side: The end is near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

edited..................................................................................the link is workable.

Side: The end is near
1 point

Statistically speaking, we are nowhere near the end of the world. Life on earth is billions of years old, and to think that just a few thousands years people live on this planet will cause the end of the world, thats a risky bet.

Side: The end is not near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Life is billions of years old? really? So how old are you? How many billions of years old are you?

Side: The end is near
1 point

I don't believe that the world is ending. Now maybe if we decrease our perspective and add "the end of the world, as you know it" that may be more accurate. The world is changing, mind sets are changing, everything changes so the world as you knew it from 20 or so years ago (before the internet) is different from the world today.

Side: The end is not near
0 points

No, the world that we all call "Earth" is not going to end. It has been proven over and over again for over thousands of years that the world is not going to end. More recent example that I can think of is that the world was going to end in 2012. Well, it's 2017 and the world never ended. Sure, maybe the world ain't the best place right now however I don't see any signs of the world ending anytime soon.

Side: The end is not near
foratag(257) Clarified
2 points

Unless of course you listen to the global warming alarmists! Some think it could end any day now. LOL

Side: The end is near
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Your age shows your ignorance teenager and lack of knowledge as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: The end is near
NowASaint(1380) Clarified
1 point

Big war is coming, WWII is nothing compared to what is coming. People who hate God will be begging for death in that day.

Side: The end is near
dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

I don't see any signs of the world ending anytime soon ... lol allow us to enlighten you

Side: The end is near

Though the quotes and other content is fine.

What version of the Bible you use, Rob?

Side: The end is near