
BurntToast's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BurntToast's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Having sexy female video game characters is not sexist. It's just a choice made by the game creators. Also complaining about girls being discriminated in the chat is kinda of dumb in my opinion. First of all you should learn to get more thick skin if something like that bothers you so much. Most of the times the people who discriminate girls in video games are just loser 12 year old boys trying to get your attention. That's just the internet for ya'. Also as far as I know if you're swearing or being racist or sexist in the chat can't you get a ban for that or something? Also the entire idea of this debate is just completely stupid. You're basically wanting to force game developers to make changes to their game like make less sexy female characters. If something like that really bothers you, then don't play the freaking game!

1 point

There are a few problems with this.

1: One that I feel like most people don't mention is the fact of women having sexual organs that men don't have. Yes, im talking about the breasts, and what's in between their legs. There would be a huge issue with separating men and women in the locker rooms. Along with the fact that those sexual organs could possibly get in the way when in the game.

2: Most men (not all) naturally treat women differently then they do to other men. It's not sexism it's just nature. For example a man might feel guilty if he were to seriously hurt a woman while in a sport. He might also feel the need to go easy on the woman, or he might feel embarrassed if he were to get completely wrecked by a women while in the sport. It just wouldn't work out that much.

3: Testosterone! Testosterone! Testosterone! They have the WNBA for a reason. Not to be jerks to women, but because of the magic word.... Testosterone! Men in the NBA are obviously going to be physically superior to the woman.

4. There is no real reason for a very strong woman to be in the normal NBA. Both NBAs are completely equal. One just has all the players with testosterone, and different sexual organs. it wouldn't make much of a difference other than being with a tougher group of individuals.

These are the reasons why I believe women shouldn't be playing in the NBA with men. However I am completely open to elaboration, and I might even be convinced to agree with you. Thank you for reading this.

1 point

It has been proven time, and time again that the gender wage gap is a myth. Here is some proof:

So your point is totally untrue. Also if someone really were to pay someone less just for their gender or race or whatever then the employee can be able to perform a law suit for that.

BurntToast(4) Clarified
1 point

"As long as women clean the toilet 100% of the time (like they're supposed to)"

That's pretty sexist because you're saying that women are SUPPOSED TO clean the toilet all the time. What if the roles are swapped, and the man is the household cleaner? Who would you side with then?

1 point

You want proof that women can be sexist? I got your proof right there:

BurntToast(4) Clarified
1 point

Can you give us some of the "statics" you're talking about?

1 point

How can someone say that an entire group can't be funny? Anyone can make someone else laugh. Comedy knows no genders.

0 points

In my opinion women have more privilege that men. They're almost a protected class with people holding doors for them, letting ladies go first in certain scenarios, and basically being babied by society (almost). Don't believe me? This is a mini documentary of a women who pretended to be a man for 18 months. Watch the video, and hopefully you will understand what i am saying here:

1 point

There is no actual proof that video games cause violence. However there is tons of evidence that video games do NOT cause violence. Example: 03/12/study-finds-no-evidence-violent-video-games-make-children-aggres/

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