
Cuaroc's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cuaroc's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Ah the return of buttery males, a republican favorite. What's next? Ben Ghazi?

1 point

Speaking from personal experience there Bronto?

1 point

Ah I see you can't read either.

1 point

So is Bronto your alternate persona or something? You like to talk about him alot.

1 point

I've already explained your fallacy, troll.

Pot meet kettle.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I forget, was Bronto one of Prodigys accounts?

1 point

I mean, it's not like we didn't realize he was a disaster beforehand :p

You'd be surprised at the stupidity of some people. No doubt many people voted for Trump for plenty of dumb reasons such as "He's not a politician so he'll be different".

1 point

So the radicals don't care enough to get out there a vote then?

1 point

almost voted a socialist in as the Democratic nominee both in 2016 and in 2020

In 2016 maybe. Nowhere close to voting in a socialist in 2020.

1 point

So just because the democratic party doesn't have a radical nominee doesn't the radical movement of todays society isn't real.

And I'm not. I'm simply disagreeing that radical movements are what majority of the population wants.

1 point

Piss off Bronto. You couldn't lie straight in bed you fraud.

Ah so you know I'm right so you resort to accusing me of being an alt account, which is rich coming for a 2 year old account.

0 points

The very fact that a progressive socialist won so many votes in the first place debunks you.

And the very fact that a progressive socialist did so much worse in the 2020 primary compared to the 2016 one rebunks it.

1 point

Yet they don't bother to show up and vote for the radicals.

1 point

How come? If the general publics perspective is becoming more radical then why wouldn't those same radicals show up in the primary to ensure their radical candidate gets nominated?

2 points

Doubtful, he doesn't have the not Hillary vote like he did in 2016 while Biden is going to have a strong not Trump vote. Well, at least that would likely be the case assuming no voting interference happens.

0 points

I think we live in a time where people respond to radical ideas. I don't think moderate profiles like Biden will be elected again in the foreseeable futures. Bernie was radical, Elizabeth was radical, but the democratic party went the moderate way

Except that's not really true, if that was the case Bernie would have won the nomination. Instead he did even worse than he did in 2016. If anything we live in a time where people respond negatively to the idea of Hillary as president.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
-2 points
-1 points

I wonder if FromWithin would be singing the same tune if it came to light that Kavanaugh forced his girlfriend to get an abortion.

0 points

Remove the log from your eye before judging others over the speck in their eyes.

Democrats have lost all shame and sense of humility when it comes to their hatred towards Conservative thought.

The sins of the those on the Left are simply regarded as human nature, mistakes.

But if someone on the Right may have sinned decades ago in school? CRUCIFY HIM


0 points

Now we will hear from those who deny science when it tells us that the unborn baby is a living growing human life.


0 points

So what steps has Trump and the Republican majority taken to ban abortion?

0 points

Unbelievable hypocrisy from the Left.....................................................


0 points

I know this wont get a response but. FromWithin would you vote for a Democrat whose only policy you agreed with was a ban on abortion or would you vote for a Republican whose only policy you disagreed with was to keep abortion around?

1 point

I think this is why the Left controls the teacher's union. They can start teaching our children the new definitions for words when the words no longer fit their narrative.


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