
Delta's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Delta's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"Yoi have yet to pay property taxes or income taxes." you spelled you wrong. :)

1 point

Nah man,Jesus and I be smoking weed together. .

2 points

Jesus does seem like the guy you can smoke weed with everyday, so I guess Jesus is the winner

1 point

"those people" .

1 point

Whenever Trump gets elected .

2 points

Whoa, your using the "real" internet from North Korea? You must have some special connections to the Glorious leader Kim-Jong-Un.

1 point

Only because Srom won't choose death and probably give a preach why not to die.

1 point

Um...the Virgin Mary appeared on my yeah. .

1 point

Yes because it's nice to see trouble makers who don't care about their parents get scared by prison inmates.

Delta(1348) Clarified
1 point

A major issue then. .

1 point

I rather not live in a time where racial inequality was somewhat of an issue. .

Delta(1348) Clarified
1 point

I'm good. .

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