
Emperor's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Emperor's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Gary Johnson.



2 points

The guy who would slaughter his children if he thought he heard god speaking to him reassures you?

I'd put your confidence in less insane people, personally.

1 point

Again? Look through all 1000 of my previous debates, along with any other atheist's debates on this site. I have debunked every godlike claim, and any claims I've missed, I'm sure the rest of the atheists here have covered. It's up to you to understand the logic though, which you cannot do, apparently.

Emperor(1340) Clarified
1 point

Yes, you could also be the most brilliant, intelligent and knowledgeable people in the world, and with your logic, it wouldn't be possible to say "Fairies, genies, leprechauns don't exist".

Those things don't exist, and neither does a god for the same reason. Do not test semantics so far, please.

For all intents and purposes genies, gods, leprechauns and fairies do not exist. If you want to prove a god, then do so, but I have never seen proof, just people ranting about how it's real and how faith justifies their belief.

Faith justifies nothing, just as it wouldn't justify the existence of tiny invisible green people living in bushes.

God doesn't exist.

Emperor(1340) Clarified
1 point

No, I am extremely positive that gods don't exist in any form.

Burden of proof has shown how weak religion clings to the idea of gods, but as for any gods actually exist...

I've seen that people who believe in gods are often severely mentally addled, such as Srom, Lolzors, Dana and other people.

The more strongly you believe in imaginary deities, the more insane one appears.

This makes me think that because there's no proof, only the most insane people believe in it, and because science can explain the natural world, while all religions have been proven to either be dead wrong or "metaphor" gods do not exist.

Because of this, Dana is insane and no god loves her, for no god exists.

1 point

You know how you used to think Santa Claus was real?

Santa isn't real.

God isn't real.

God can't love you because gods don't exist.

Emperor(1340) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I didn't see it. But the fact we BOTH agree on the same source means the chance of us being wrong is now only half as likely. =D

2 points

That's completely insane and makes no sense.

That's just... dumb.

1 point

Well, I suppose you're right. Mermaids are a bit illogical, not to mention the lack of proof.

I suppose I'll just say I hope they exist and if evidence ever arises that proves they DO exist, I'll be there to show you. =D

1 point

Why do we need proof?

I don't think we need to wonder about it. Those questions just make mermaids seem more unlikely.

If we want to believe in mermaids then who are you to say they aren't real?

Have you ever even gone deeper than 500 feet into an ocean?

1 point

DELETE THIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 point

DELETE THIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 point

And you know, sometimes you just need faith. Sometimes faith is greater than evidence, especially when it comes to things like mermaids, ghosts or genies and whatnot.

"I do believe in fairies."

1 point

Yes, those things DO exist, or CAN exist. We just need funding. If this is a big deal to you, and you aren't interested in engineering it, then be interested in going to or something and find projects that interest you. Give them money so they can buy material and maybe cut back on normal job hours to start developing this stuff.

1 point

The Little Mermaid.



1 point

I did, sorta.

I talked about pictures, stories, movies and legends. Isn't that enough?

1 point

No, we have plenty of innovation. We just need better business laws so we can get the people with the cool new ideas the money they need to fund and sell their projects.

1 point

Prove that they aren't real.

There are mermaid pictures, mermaid stories and mermaid movies.

Prove that they don't exist. Where's your evidence?

0 points

I think I should tell you what to believe on a debate site.

You should believe the truth. And the truth is that the Bible is too unclear and too full of contradictions to be taken seriously or to live your life based off of it.

Do you disagree with that? Why? How? I see fighting right here, and in the last argument I linked.

You speak of Hell and Heaven but you have no proof.

You call me Satan, but why? Just because you hate me? You think I'm "The Enemy"?

What does that make you? Don't forget I'm just a human like you.

You're not a god and you're not holier than thou.

1 point

I've never been against freedom of belief. When have I ever oppressed your freedom to belief? I laughed at you, yes, at you AND Lolzors, but I've never oppressed you.

You're twisting what I said, just like Lolzors twists what you said.

And it's quite clear you don't respect my beliefs. But I don't respect yours either, so I don't mind.

This is quite a bit different than freedom though. I don't have to like what you believe to allow you to believe it.

But if I see something funny, I will laugh and laugh, and I am seeing many funny and many SCARY things that you and Lolzors are saying.

It is quite terrifying.

1 point

I never said you should stop talking.

I also find is amusing you call me Satan. But you should call me Lord Satan or Emperor Satan if you want to be more respectful.

To me, Satan represents freedom, while your Bible represents "Do as I command".

But I am not a satanist, and your close minded views only make you seem foolish.

Which is exactly why you are fighting about the Bible. You are a fool. Jesus warned us about people like you.

I recommend you keep your beliefs to yourself if you get angry about them so easily.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. I am not Satan, but if you call me that, I cannot expect your god to ever forgive you.

1 point

My beliefs?

I don't think the supernatural is real because it's not proven. If you are getting so emotional about the supernatural, then perhaps you should take a look at the things in your life important to you.

The reason why I dislike religion is shown in this argument.

You have lost friends and allies because of your religion.

You have insulted me over something you do not know is true. That is faith.

That is insane to me, and if you do not agree then you are simply lying to yourself.

You don't need to accept my beliefs as true, nor do you have to be an atheist to see how insane your argument with Lolzors is.

You are both fighting about the Bible. If there is a Satan or something evil in the world, you are fulfilling his wishes.

1 point

Dana, without blindly hating and judging me, can you answer a question:

What if you are both wrong? What if your god isn't real and the Bible is all fiction?

Do you realize how stupid you'd sound if it's not real? If the Bible isn't true, but you are insulting people and attacking fellow Christians because of it, then do you realize why a person who doesn't believe that would laugh?

Your argument and your anger is literally insane.

0 points

No YOU'RE going to hell if you don't repent.

You will suffer for all ETERNITY


No you are insane, I am not going to hell, because hell doesn't exist.

If it DOES exist, I would rather hang out there than with YOU in heaven, because you are a bigot against my FREE SPEECH.

Plus you and your "god" are insane people who like to torture others.

You think I'm bad? At least I don't imagine you burning forever in hell you sick horrible person.

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