
FactLord's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactLord's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

My mother loves me and yours kicked you the curb.

Your mother hates you but still gets drunk and high enough on crack to have sex with you from time to time. My mother has been dead for six years and when she was alive we had a decent relationship.

I masturbate to queen Minaj


who'd squeal on orgasmic bliss as I do.inated her

Not likely, unless she has a particle accelerator in her vagina which is designed to give her an orgasm every time it detects a microscopic penis particle.

You'd be tied up and ass raped by your homeboy K-Rino; your ultimate fetish.

Unlike you I don't base my favorite rappers on who I'd like to bang or who is the most popular or likable but on who has the most skillz.

1 point

Prove there’s an objective reality

Even if everything I am experiencing is some illusion or entirely subjective, my consciousness still objectively exists, if you don't understand that then your own sentience comes into question. Now since things don't just magically exist out of nothing I know there must be some basis for my existence, there must be an objective reality underlying my subjective experience. With this response I am giving you as much slack as I can, since it's unlikely that everything I experience is an illusion or entirely subjective, but even if it was that is how I know there is an objective reality. Since things don't just pop out of nothing or randomly take on certain properties or behave in certain ways without reason, there must be a basis for everything that exists, there must be an objective real reality which isn't subjective or nothing would exist.

We all live in our own subjective realities.

Reality is reality, it's not subjective. What you meant to say is We all live in our own subjective perception of reality which is not actually reality unless it is an accurate perception of objective reality.

The human mind is not capable of being truly objective.

You think this because you are not capable, just like you think reality is entirely subjective because you aren't sentient enough to realize that even if everything you experience is subjective your consciousness is real which must mean there is an objectively real basis underlying it causing it to exist. Basically if you can't agree with me you aren't a sentient being.

Making you wrong again

But if what you say is true your subjective reality is no more valid than mine, how can anyone be wrong if everything is subjective you retard?

All your arguments are based on speculation

All your arguments are based on speculation as well, because speculation is all there can be in your subjective world view. Except my arguments actually aren't based in nothing but speculation, I know that myself and other things objectively exist because I am a sentient being and you are a mindless object that doesn't know what "reality" means.

1 point

Vaginas are better than penises because you can stick your penis in them.

1 point

My perception , my reality

If it's not objective reality, then by definition it's not reality. That's why it's called REALITY you fucking twit. Reality means it is reality, your reality means it's a subjective perception of reality or an opinion about reality, which is not actually reality unless it aligns with objective reality. You don't get to decide what reality is, you can either understand reality or not but reality itself is inherently not decided by anyone's subjective bullshit. Are you really too stupid to understand that reality is not decided by peoples subjective perception or beliefs?

1 point

Your perception is your reality

Wrong, it's your perception of reality, there is no such thing as "your reality". You live in THE reality and have a subjective perception of it, see the difference dumb fuck?

1 point

Fartmachine would be heard begging for forgiveness and extolling the Lord Jesus Christ above everyone else.

So you admit that you are a pussy who thinks that being afraid of death is a valid reason to believe in something? Because these are your words not mine.

0 points


You're such a childish ingrate.

by far and away its biggest idiot.

The reason why you say this is because I am the only person here who isn't retarded and you are just part of the herd as evidenced by the fact that you get so many upvotes, this may seem like a positive thing to someone like you but smart people know that popular things are always stupid. You are the Jake Paul of CD, the guy who gets 9 million upvotes specifically because he sucks.

There is no reason behind any of his profanity riddled rants

It's not that there is no reason there, it's just that you are blind to reason.

0 points

Hating Christians and wanting them to burn because....why? They think differently than the OP?

I don't care that people think different as long as they aren't FUCKING RETARDED

-1 points

Maybe hes a rebellious Christian teen.

My father is an atheist and my mother is a wiccan. I am not a teen. Even if my parents did try to make me a christian and I was a "christian teen" I wouldn't actually be one because I wouldn't believe in their retarded religion.

-1 points

So you’re just gonna believe some random guy in a jungle

Who says I believe him? I just made this debate to piss people off.

That doesn’t even make sense. God and the devil are separate

Does that make any less sense than God being his own son?

I just think you really hate Christians for some reason.

You got that right. I hate them because their fucking retarded.

1 point

suggestions designed to reduce the carnage in our schools.

My suggestion is to euthanize the mentally inadequate and allow the no restriction abortion of viable disabled babies up to birth instead of giving them drugs that make them even worse.

Your regular use of profanities is further evidence, if further evidence were needed, of your Tourette's Syndrome

No, it's evidence that I hate you and I want to see your whole family burn in hell and get their eyes plucked out by demons.


Have you taken to gassing Jews instead of lynching bongos?

Are you not frightened

I am frightened of only one thing. That humanity will fail in it's quest to reach a type one civilization because of capitalist pigs like you trying to maintain the status quo and holding back scientific progress in the name of profit. Take for example the oil companies doing everything they can to get people to deny climate change and suppressing clean energy.

3 points

The issue is that science was corrupted to fit the Apollo narrative.

Prove it.

Much damage has been done to human progress,

By people like you denying science.

but it is time to wipe the slate,

By exterminating you all

and take down the myth of the moonlandings being fake.

by clear thinking and pertinent observations that we can all appreciate.

All of us except people like you who believe the earth is flat and NASA is run by interdimensional walruses.

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