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Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I provided links to research papers and studies, but it seems you just dismissed them out of hand.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I have never claimed I don't downvote you

That is another blatant lie.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

What I don't know is why you are hunting for information about me

For the third time trying to explain to you, it is evidence to show you were lying about down voting me.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

my user statistics

Quite simple, it shows where and when you down vote, hence since you've claimed you didn't down vote, that would be the evidence to show you were lying.

And, it did, repeatedly.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It’s fine that the powers that be don’t want to classify Transgenderism as a disorder

Because transgenderism isn't a mental disorder, so it makes sense.

this won’t make the transgender mind more well ordered

Sorry, but I have no idea what that means.

genetically male mammals cannot be turned into genetically female mammals.

And research papers done on that you could offer?

trans people disproportionately suffer from other, still classified disorders

Could you describe those and provide some evidence for support?

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

Either you are lying or you are purposefully checking into my user statistics

Of course, your user statistics show that you have down voted others, hence you are lying when you say you aren't down voting. Are you really that stupid? Wow!

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

You need a research paper

I would like to see research papers, studies and statistics considering that's what they are working with to make their determinations that transgenderism is not a mental disorder.

BIID isn’t a straw man, it’s a disorder.

That's fine, but it has nothing to do with this discussion, so it's a strawman.

1 point

It looks like Burritto has already downvoted over a dozen times today, which does not even include his other accounts up voting him.

He must be under the delusion that up votes and down votes have meaning.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I’ve already supported it

Not anywhere that I've seen. You have studies, statistics and research papers available?

How about body integrity identity disorder.

Sounds like a strawman.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

it’s still not a well supported assertion

Denials of these well supported "assertions" are not well supported.

My position is that their environmental stressors does not account for all of the significantly higher rates of suicide and depression.

Not all cases, of course, but certainly a significant proportion according to the stats.

My position, rather, is that you are dead wrong to hold a position of disrespect toward those who perceive Transgenderism as a mental health issue

That's fine, I have no problem with that because the stats show them to be wrong.

Do you think that your opponent is mean to people with Downsyndrome or Autism? Do you perceive people with disabilities to be “less than”?

No idea, but it certainly would be disrespectful to lump transgenders in the same capacity as Downsyndrome or Autism. The World Health Organization has already made that clear.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

I still have to admit that this kind of behaviour is much more prevalent on the left.

Come now, I think we both know that's not true. What's important is that both sides see the facts for what they are and we can see that Burritto is in fact really nutty.

Goldtop(166) Clarified
1 point

It would seem fairly clear that in this case, left and right are rather irrelevant when it comes to lunacy. Burritto is simply bat shit crazy.

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