
Kingly342's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kingly342's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

1) I'm not a liberal nor progressive, both sides are fucking horrible

2) The question was about CHRISTIANITY/CATHOLICISM, not ISLAM.

3) All religions are equally as bad, except Sikhism for some reason if my memory serves me correctly.

1 point

No it cannot you ignorant close minded piece of fucking swine. Stop, and I mean it, STOP BRINGING UP GENERALISATIONS AND STEREOTYPES WHEN THEY AREN'T RELEVANT!. That makes you appear more idiotic than you already are, dig?

1 point


1 point

How is every person who disagrees with you a leftist? Can you stop this fucking bullshit for the love of David? Nobody likes it, dig?

Ta ta, vale.

1 point

Ever heard of radicalism or 'homegrown terrorism'? No? Didn't think so. Anyway, the gist of what I'm saying is that Islamic terrorism requires neither liberalism nor Islamic refugees to occur.

Vale, ta ta.

1 point

Outlaw60. Saintsnow. FromWithin. The previous three I dislike, a lot. Mostly Sainsnow.

1 point

Oh wow! This video, on youtube no less, is so obviously true! I've converted! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus!

This is when you realise I'm being sarcastic.

Kingly342(26) Clarified
1 point

I agree, I think the debate creator is just making large generalisations and calling them arguments. Sure, Mexico has a few drug cartels, but they don't run the country.

2 points

Oh for the love of David can you stop it with this absolute bullshit? Like, for example my brother, the vague generalisation that all 'Progressives' are Islamic apologists or the like. That moniker goes to the Social Justice Warriors. And the title is 'Find One Contradiction in the Bible'. The Catholic/Christian bible. It makes no mention of Islam.

Ta ta, Vale.

Kingly342(26) Clarified
1 point


Amazing song.

1 point

On the contrary dear sir, there is no such thing as a 'Stupid Question'. And now I ask ye to gaze upon the reflection glass with thine glassies and ask thineself "Why do I exist?", ignoring your current beliefs. Use your glassies to look upon thineself from the viewpoint of someone else. Then return with the answers. That is the real question, you dig?

Ta ta, Vale.

1 point

ooooh oooh mommy mommy I'm absolutely terrified oooohhh mommy mommy. But I shall take heart in knowing that what you say is naught but vox nihili...


1 point

ooohhh I'm so terrified ooohhhh mommy mommy help me please mommy mommy ooohhh. And you sir are naught but an adult punk who needs a motherly scolding.


1 point

The more I read your stuff the more I want to bang my head on a table. And foul-mouthed?, welcome to the great wide world of the internet, where nobody gives a shit if you don't like people swearing.


1 point

Ooohh mommy mommy help me he said my father needs to tan my hide ooohh mommy mommy help me.

1) I'm not a punk, punks are degenerates, and I'm not a degenerate either

2) My dad ran off to Mars knows where and I've only seen him once, he's an asshole anyway

3) Oooh I need my mouth smacked oooohh I'm so terrified oooohhh

1 point

Ooooh, mommy mommy help me this person has a different opinion to me oooh mommy mommy help me please mommy. Oh I'm the nutcase? You're the one who uses the same shitty copy-paste responses and bans people from your debates just for having a different opinion to you. And truth?, I think you're far from the truth child of Mars.


1 point

No religion is a religion of peace, except maybe Sikhism. But other than that, all religions have bad eggs and golden apples (to put it simply). But Islam? In the words of Best-Friend Kraut and Tea "Islam is a death cult".

1 point

Holy shit no! For the love of Mars No! Jesus fucking christ no! What in the literal hell is wrong with these people?! Unless they're above the age of consent, then no! And even then I'd say no! No no no no! Holy fuck no! I'm already disgusted about how perverse our society is becoming, I don't need it in my school for Mars' sake.


1 point

I wholeheartedly agree. SaintsNow and all of his/her sockpuppets are a prime example. A Prime example. All he/she does is make ridiculous debates where he/she says anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs as he/she is a narcissist, yet he/she bans everyone who actually makes proper arguments against him/her.


1 point

Actually, I'm generally a well-mannered respectful person, so the 'bad-youth' stereotype can burn like the Earth did in Mad Max for all I care. Also, Socrates is my hero, after Pericles. Until we meet again, I bid you vale.

1 point

Oh for the love of Mars! And fascism was secular because they believed the people shouldn't put their trust in anything but the state, and with religion people were idolising and worshipping a deity which wasn't the state. And all of your 'arguments' are basically the same copy-paste 'I'm angry at your for not sharing the same beliefs as me so I'm gonna say some random ramblings about how you're a narcissist'.

Until we meet again, worthy adversary, I bid you vale.

1 point

Does that mean God sailed a large fleet down Blackwater Bay to take over King's Landing from House Lannister? DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE!?

1 point

What does this have to do with True King Stannis Baratheon sieging King's Landing?

1 point

This sounds like the speech Stannis Baratheon would say before he attacked King's Landing during the battle of Blackwater Bay. Spoiler: He lost.

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