
Ledfoot's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ledfoot's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

If you lived in Germany you might be for killing the Jews. But then again, you might not. You most likely would though. So it kind of depends.

2 points

No you cant say that because that syllogism is completely invalid. Running around with their heads cut off is B. B does not transfer. There needs to be a transfer of the middle term.

1 point

The Syllogism does not state If A is B and B is C then A MIGHT be C. It says A IS C.

1 point

if the argument is Valid and the second premise is universally true, than the concluison MUST be true.

1 point

Not necessarily, not one sole thing in Mexico makes EVERYBODY happy. There will always be some downer who can find away around it. Lets say right now, I hate EVERYTHING about Mexico. not a single thing makes me happy about Mexico. Now what? it is unsound is what.

1 point

Maybe a is complex, which it isn't really. But Mexico makes people sick is completely logical. STAY AWAY FROM MEXICO

1 point

So if these things make Some happy and some unhappy, would that not make them cancel out? and make your argument invalid?

1 point

Well, for every thing that makes one person happy, you could come up with something about that thing that makes another person un-happy, canceling it out in a way. One person may like they food, one person may hate it. One person might like the oxygen, one person might think its dry and smells bad. So what it all boils down to is that it really is all that simple. Mexico DOES make people sick.

2 points

What in mexico makes people happy? can you find a specific thing that universally makes EVERYONE happy? could you make it a sound argument?

1 point

Well I'm definitely not a wise man. It would be cool to be considered one though. ha ha.

2 points

I would have to say I am pretty bored and that this is the most true and mind exploding thing I have ever heard.

1 point

I dont think real Wise men chill on CD and post debates and add arguments, just people who want to be considered Wise men...and of course people who are bored. :P

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