
Mint_tea's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mint_tea's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We did use what we were born with, our brains.

Correct. That's why I said:

The only saving grace we have is our capacity to think but sadly common sense has gone the way of the dodo for much of human kind.

1 point

If you took away our weapons, we would be prey. While we, at an early part of our lives, were able to hunt and gather with sticks and spears...our ability to survive now without technology is nearly non-existent. The only saving grace we have is our capacity to think but sadly common sense has gone the way of the dodo for much of human kind.

In my mind, an Apex predator is one that is top of the food chain only using what it was born with.

1 point

Lol no. I don't care what they call themselves, I only care when they get all huffy if I get it wrong once. Like I'm supposed to know they identify as a yellow squash from Tuscany.

1 point

Both. I have back pain....but I'm kinda jealous of the women who have it from tig ol' biddies.

1 point

Occasionally, off and on. It's gotten kinda stupid in here with some of the debates. Life's been busy too! How are you holdin' up?

2 points

I mean, we 'could', I don't see why not.

2 points

That's actually a grimace from the back pain.

2 points

That's not exactly new news or new evidence. Contrary to Europe's belief, America was discovered long before Columbus. Discovered and inhabited.

3 points

I honestly think they both hate each other NEARLY the same but Righties tend to be worse. They embrace extremism faster and have...just....I's God awful the hypocrisy they spew every damn day. And the constant posting of misinformation, half-truths, and down right lies is astounding.

Lefties are bad but Righties (more specifically Trumpers) have gone above and beyond the call of lunacy.

2 points

I suppose it depends on the circumstances. When you are normally reserved but in a group of good people who are happy and having fun, it's a good thing. When you are normally clear thinking but in a group of assholes who are targeting innocent people...that's a bad thing.

2 points

Yup! Sure a person has the right to refuse the vaccine, but companies have the right to fire those idiots who refuse to take it when they don't have a medical reason not to....and "I don't wanna" is not a medical reason. Their google based education will never and should never trump the majority of qualified medical professional and scientists.

2 points

A country divided won't unite against those in charge. The easiest way for those in charge to do what ever the hell they want is to have those under them divided and fighting amongst themselves.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
2 points

Of course Trump can't be blamed for closing the keystone pipeline, that was Biden and I'm not sure he made the wrong call either. Fuel prices fluctuate all the time, that's never anything new. Anytime we have a low, we always get a high, that's not Biden's fault either.

Trump and 'souring relations between our European allies' have been hand in hand for some time, up to and including him being mocked in just about every ally territory. He was an idiot, he still is an idiot, and the people who still look up to him are idiots.

That being said, Biden got elected because he wasn't Trump. That shouldn't be a surprise. Trump was THAT disliked and THAT untrustworthy that an older fella with lapses in memory beat him fair and square in one of the largest voter turn out elections.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

I can't say why the majority voted the way they did. Some genuinely like Biden, other's genuinely hated Trump and his handling of things during his term. I believe I would reverse what you've said and say that currently, Biden is being blamed for a series of debacles and messes made during Trumps reign of lunacy. Is Biden perfect? God no. He isn't Trump though. I sincerely hope Republicans put forth a GOOD candidate next run just as I sincerely hope that both parties stop catering to this 'trash TV genre' style of leadership.

2 points

Biden isn't the best the Dems had. Just as Trump, I sincerely hope, wasn't the best the Reps had. Biden just wasn't Trump, that's why he won.

1 point

Any Republican who is willing to listen to reason and make decisions based on rational thought and evidence as well as what is good for the country and not their own personal benefit.

There are only a few Republican run states that don't have skyrocketing cases of Covid, where the Governor of those states is actively trying to protect the health and livelihood of his/her citizens. Those Republican run states tend to have leaders who seem to be more in touch with reality.

2 points

It's only cancel culture if a group they disagree with does it. The moment they have to do it, it's censoring or "removing harmful content".

2 points

AL!!! Welcome back!! We were worried about you buddy! Are you ok?

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

The mainstream media publishers and broadcasters such as Fox news, Glen Beck, Newsmax....and yes I'll say it again, Fox news... are all in bed with the Republicans.

This blatant and unashamed right-wing media bias is viewed by the rest of the free world with extreme disapproval and a certain element of dread.

Try to find the middle ground news sources. Sure some will have a little leaning to either side but the level of extreme alarmist news will blessedly be smaller.

1 point

My first, gut reaction, is yes. People who can get the vaccine but don't, are idiots and deserve some form of comeuppance especially since they put other people's lives as risk.

BUT, when I ponder that more.... should the insurance company refuse treatment if someone smokes? Drinks? Lives a life that involves risk? If you're paying into insurance, should they have the final word on how you choose to live your life?

1 point

The Left agenda, which should be everyone's agenda, is to STOP people from dying from Covid, or at least reduce the number of deaths as much as possible from it.

2 points

Really? EVERY large city in America is controlled by the Left? Huh, I bet Jacksonville, FL would be surprised to hear that.

To be fair, and perhaps I wasn't to all Righties earlier. Not all of the Right is the problem. It's the backwards thinking, racial resenting, homophobic, neo-Nazi, white nationalist, funeral picketing, bigoted, sexist, and fanatical religious zealots...who are the problem. And most of those come directly from the Right.

1 point

After OVER a year, do you still not realize what masks are supposed to help against? I'll give you a hint, it's in the second article.

"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

This is something that most of the world outside America has known for a good long while now. The masks, are to protect other's FROM you, not just you from others. With Covid, you can be a carrier for about two days before you start showing any symptoms. At that time you can infect others who may not be able to have the vaccine for health reasons, that will cause the infection to spread, again.

The mask provides SOME protection for you, (and as most people with at least one functioning brain cell know...some is better than none) but mostly it's to protect others around you. You know, Gods children. But if you hem and haw over doing something so minor to protect His children that'll be between you and Him.

Also, again, after a year of this you should know by now, ONE of the main problems regarding Covid was how INNONDATED the hospitals where. Sometimes it wasn't about stopping it, but slowing it down so people could be helped. Stopping it would be great but since it was so prolific and easy to spread (and at the time, still being studied....that's what science is), hospitals where packed and people had to be shuffled to medical facilities further away, causing THOSE facilities to reach overflow capacity. There weren't enough rooms, beds, even workers to help the needy.

But again, you being Christian and all and not wanting to protect His children....that'll be between you and Him. So yeah, good luck.

2 points

Ahhhh everything you just said explains why you went to such an alarmist method.

I didn't realize God wanted walls and borders, wanted women excluded from any form of power equal to or greater than men, and didn't want His children to treat each other with respect. You use Gods word to condemn, deny, and subjugate those you personally don't consider His children. No wonder people are turning to Atheism.

Carry on.

2 points

CLEARLY, you did not read what I wrote.

No, it literally isn't. Without context, they are just two pictures.

What time was each picture taken? What was the weather? What month was each picture taken? What was the weather before and after each picture was taken?

I can take a picture of the river behind my house at two completely different times in a decade and claim it's never flooded or changed.....and it would be an absolute lie.

Don't rely on meme's to get your information, "you should do the same research for yourself. You won't, but you should."

1 point

Amazing how a group of LGBT students criticizing a woman who proclaims to be champion for equity and a defender of minorities, and isn't actually a champion for all minorities,...suddenly becomes OMG LEFTISTS ATTACK DEMOCRATIC MUSLIM FOR BEING ANTI-LGBT.

While your "proof" would certainly be concerning if true, unfortunately it falls under the bull-crap category for alarmist news.

They aren't demanding her head, just requesting a formal apology.

2 points

Phew, where to unpack this.

I saw that meme of Sydney Harbour, which is most likely the one you are referring to where the water is the same level. First.

TLDR: Tides rise and fall, that's not a surprise. Two pictures, taken at different times with NO additional information is not evidence, so taking a picture at different times may indeed show the same water level. Example: if I take a picture of a full cup of water, drink half the water, then refill it to the same level, I can't use that as evidence that I didn't drink from the cup. All you get is two pictures of a cup full of water and nothing else.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of before and after pictures, which include information and scientific study, that show climate change in action. There are reputable sites (at least more reputable then FOX or a dumbass congressman with a snowball, or any other meme you can find) that have published studies and statements on climate change from 18 scientific associations who concur that it's real:

Look, right or wrong, the people who are deniers won't believe it no matter how many experts come forth, they'll always cling to the one or two people who profess to be experts that'll tell them they don't have to change and say anything they want to hear. Whether it be out of fear or ignorance. My thought is, we know we are having an impact on this planet, anyone who doesn't think that is seriously, incredibly, unquestioningly, stupid. How much of one, is the debate. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to find better, cleaner alternatives for energy and better ways to live where we don't have such a negative impact on the only planet we live on.

Pro-left or pro-right, it's pretty fucking stupid to politicize a real humanitarian crisis, such as climate change and an epidemic.

1 point

Because the science doesn't tell them what they want to hear, so they ignore it.

1 point

Lol, no. Honestly some righties have been petulant for so long it's hard to say why they are even there anymore. It's certainly not to help America.

1 point

Ultimately it doesn't matter who works with Facebook, Facebook is owned by a private company, not the government. A private company has the right to decide if they want to censor or remove content from their site.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

No, I get it. Coming at it from a gamer perspective, it's like building your own zerg group or choosing your companion group for pvp/pve. I just can't make money from that, lol.

1 point

Ok. I have to ask. What is the appeal of fantasy baseball/football? Is it a gambling thing or what?

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Absolutely they should be challenged. Anyone who is a part of the 'manipulative elite' (I like that term) should be challenged or at least what they say should be researched using credible sources. They have a power that few do in that they have a large group of people who listen to them and some who take their opinion as fact when it is simply opinion.

Just as some prominent leftist celeb's and politicians promote themselves as champions of the poor, there are some prominent righties both celeb and politician who have an incredibly warped/jaded view and understanding on how the poor live. The simple fact is, very few if any who have risen in status (both financially and in popularity/power) tend to lose their ability to really realize or understand how 'the other side' lives. If one is going to challenge the social norm for the majority of society, they need to live it. Otherwise it's just blowing hot air to the people who could use help or need change, and not really believing in the message.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

I see where you want the topic to focus on and I get it, but I see this topic as an issue that spreads across the board on all sides. Lefty, Righty, is a problem that isn't indicative of any one side but is more an issue of elitist's attempting to show those 'beneath' them how they should live, without in fact living said lifestyle themselves. That can range from your example (which I believe is fairly flawed, a black man living in the 'whitest place' can be the beginning of diversity, it doesn't always happens at once) to mega churches refusing to open their doors to the poor and needy at any time but particularly during times of crisis. They have the money and the voice to be far reaching, whether they have the desire to practice what they preach has yet to be seen.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Same as anyone else who does it. If you are going to spend the time preaching about something and condemning others for it, you need to do your best to behave the way you want (or expect) others to emulate.

1 point

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any 'elite' who preaches anything, as being someone who practices what they preach.

1 point

Promote? No.

Display? Sure. Same as heterosexual lifestyles.

1 point

Hi there, Are you sure it's mint you put in your tea?

I take it from that load of gobbledegook that you never properly recovered from the psychological damage caused by your long since past menopause period.

How boring.

I haven't yet reached my menopausal period but thank you for being concerned about my bodily functions and age. If that's all you have against what my point was then you either finally understood it or can't argue against it.

If Sleepy Joe started WW3 then I would be going against him unless there is a damn good reason, which my "seasoned" mind can't think of one, for starting another World War.

What is funny is how gung ho you are about a woman putting her face on cookies. Oh dear god no...not...cookies.

1 point

HoldingThe Holy Bible has nothing to do with egotism.

I never said it did.

The boarded up windows and battered walls of St. John's Parish Church bear witness to the peaceful nature of the protesters whose watches must have all been miraculously running slow simultaneously as the shrieking, menacing mob managed to miss the 19.00 hours curfew deadline.

Where those peaceful protesters breaking the church where Trump wanted his photo opportunity? No. He choose to tear gas innocent people just so he could get a picture.

Had the baying mob of thugs not been dispersed they would have set upon Trump with catastrophic results.

And you know that for a fact how? OHHH I see now, you think Trump saved the church from something that would certainly have your mind. Causing pain to others who were peaceful at the time, just to get a picture, was him being a damn hero. My bad. I should have seen that.

Should Trump have used the Bible to advance his political cause?;- NO.

He could have held up the Torah for all I care. My point isn't that he was holding a book and if you think it is then you missed it entirely.

Should Americans face up to the fact that this Biden-Harris administration is the biggest disaster in American history?;- YES.

Yes. All because Harris gave out some cookies with her face on them. Such a disaster.

1 point

Hmmm yes, I can see where you are getting the comparison. Kamala handed out cookies with her face on it, Trump wanted to pose in front of a church holding a bible so he had peaceful protestors tear gassed. Yup, totally the same.

1 point

This is a hilarious. One of the most right wing fellas I know is ADDICTED to Starbucks. He loves talking about Trump daily and he usually does it with a fresh Starbucks drink in his hand.

If people want to fork out money to buy from Starbucks, that's their right. It's only exploitation if Starbucks has a monopoly in coffee, which they clearly don't since consumers can make their own at home.

2 points

I don't 'think' that's him. His CD profile says he has 4 daughters, the Alberts in RI or born in RI that passed away after his last log in's don't have 4 daughters. Hopefully he's just taking a relaxing vacation or something.

1 point

I worry about the housing market. Where we are, people are buying houses within days of them being listed. Now most likely that's because interest rates are low, but I worry that there will be a lot of foreclosures and bankruptcies in the nearby future as well. Same with cars.

1 point

It's unfortunate, it really is but how long did people think the moratorium would last? Covid cases are dropping, there are multiple vaccine's out there, the country is slowly going back to how it was, there may be some slight changes but the pause on evictions wasn't going to last forever. Hopefully people are prepared, hopefully people were smart and saved if able, and hopefully there will be continued assistance for those who are really hit hard by what happened.

2 points

Maybe he's just sick of all the crazy on these debate sites. I've been distancing myself from them too. Hoping he's ok though, it's rare for him to be gone so long.

2 points

It has been a while since he's been on. I hope he's ok too. Do you know if he's on that DebateIsland?

1 point

I truly hope not but given how quick people where to storm the capitol and how easily they believe that man's lies, I can't put anything past the fanatic followers of that orange idiot.

1 point

Did you read my entire statement or did you just cherry pick something to try to make what was said fit into your "talking point"?

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