
Nahagliiv's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nahagliiv's arguments, looking across every debate.
Nahagliiv(18) Clarified
1 point

I realize you lack the intelect to actually debate

Coming from the guy that bans instead of debating.

Nahagliiv(18) Clarified
1 point

What's your age?

Clearly older than you since I can handle dissenting opinions.

Nahagliiv(18) Clarified
2 points

Thanks for showing everyone how much of a coward you are. Just like the rest of your yellow bellied liberal brothers!

1 point

Here you are folks, the very people I described. They can not stand any dissenting opinions going against their ideology, so they instead ban those dissenting opinions and insult the dissenters. They lack the intellect to debate any dissenting opinions. Opting

instead to plug their ears and silence any that go against their opinions.

1 point

Seeing that they defend the life of something not even conscious and yet they kill a fully conscious human without issue.

Nahagliiv(18) Clarified
1 point

Multi-account detected and banned.

Evidence or are you just banning people that you cannot refute?

3 points

Yep only surpassed by people who want to preserve life of something unborn only to kill them 30 years later.

5 points

Seeing that they defend the life of something not even conscious and yet they kill a fully conscious human without issue.

Nahagliiv(18) Clarified
1 point

there you go! now was it that hard to answer?

1 point

With abortion banned, maybe the parents will be more careful and not create the children in the first place.

Actually with abortion banned women and fetuses will be getting killed. is that what you want? more people that contribute to society to die from easily preventable deaths? Just so you can bring more people into poverty and adoption agencies?

1 point

so you would want s child to be bought into the horrible conditions of poverty? that seems more cruel then aborting when it can't even feel pain or aware of it's surroundings.

1 point

and why should the parents be forced to suffer possible poverty because of a child that could of been aborted?

1 point

Is this reason enough to justify denying children their rights to the equal protections of our laws?

If your so called "children" get rights then women lose right.

so that matters unless you view women as only child carrying machines.

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